The Best Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Season 3, Episode 10 Quotes

Jake: Oh, my God. It's real life "Die Hard." I mean, "Oh, no! Crime."

- You know what, I'm not supposed to be bringing this up, but I'm bringing it up!
- I'm sick of hearing you "got things brewing."
- You ask me, the only thing you got brewing is a pot of bs!
- Kids, I love you.
- Sharon, you are perfect.
- Zeke, getajob!

- Shut up! Keep walking!
[Softly] Shoot!
- The store is being robbed!
- Come here.
- All right, just slowly back up. There's a door behind us.
- We just have to get outside and call the nine-nine.
- Man: Just head for the vault.
- We're good.

- you get an extra 15 minutes to finish up.
- Oh. Perfect, so we should just try and sneak in an entrance through the back.
- Boyle, you'll have to stay here. It's too dangerous.
- No way I let you take that risk alone.
- Damn it, you are loyal.
- Shall we?

- if ingested in large quantities.
- So you want to feed the bad guys alotofsoh?
- Force-feed 'em.
- Okay, that's a good option that I will definitely consider.
- Now, let's go out there and gear our asses up.
- Quietly. Quietly.

Charles: Gina! It's our first annual Boyle-Linnetti Christmas. Are you excited about going to town on Daddy's nog?
Gina: [shouts] Christmas is cancelled. Charles ruined it.

- written on it that looked like it was scrawled by a crazy person.
- Bomb! There's a bomb!
- Everyone out! Let's go, let's go! [Shouting]
- This is not a drill!
- Let's go! [Alarm blaring]
- Great gift, babe.

- Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
- Welcome to the frozen...
- Shut your dumb poem mouth!
- I'm so sorry. No, I'm not!
- We have a crisis.
- We have to go. Let's go.
- Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold.

The: I'm in command here. Look around you. I control all of this. You see that guy behind you? That sniper?
Terry: Yeah.
The: He'll shoot whoever I tell him to. Even you.
Sniper: No, I won't.
The: Fine. Then he'll sit on any rooftop I tell him to. Hey, go sit on that rooftop, guy.

Jake: Wait! No, no, no, no, no! Don't lock the door! I just need to buy one thing. I'll be so fast, I won't even pay!
[Doorman continues locking door]
Jake: How did that not work?

Charles: Yippie kayak, other buckets!
Jake: Boyle, you did it! And you completely botched the catchphrase.
Charles: I'm pretty sure it was right.
Jake: No, but you did great.