The Best Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Season 4, Episode 13 Quotes
- And I met god. Diaz: Tight.
- What does she look like?
- Ethnically ambiguous.
- You took two weeks off when
- Kourtney and Scott disick broke up.
- Are you sure you're ready to be back at work now?
- What are you saying, Terry? You think I can't handle being back yet? [Laughing]
- Watch this.
- Toner issue. Why?
- Anyway, I started taking it apart, but it's been a slow process for some reason.
- Hey, captain, I'm glad you're here to see this.
- I'm just about to drink my tea.
- Terry.
Captain: [Terry has just fixed a copy machine] *It works!* I've never been more proud of you for anything in your life.
Terry: I mean, I've solved a lot of cases for you.
Captain: And yet crime has continued.