The Best Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Season 6, Episode 2 Quotes

Hitchcock: It was the '80s.
Scully: Police weren't perfect then like they are today.

Hitchcock: You are fake news. Sad!
[storms off]
Jake: Yep, that's definitely the language of the innocent.

Hitchcock: If this van's a-rocking, my ex-wife's a-locking. Me. Out of the house.
Jake: Catchy.

Jake: [looking at a picture of the young Hitchcock and Scully] I can't believe I'm going to say this, but...
Charles: Meow!
Jake: No, that is not what I was gonna say, but, honestly? Yeah - meow. No offense, guys, but what the hell happened to you?
Scully: Are you body-shaming us?
Jake: No, I'm personality-shaming you. You were so alert and cool and job-doing.

- Thank you kindly, little lady.
- Gio costa, you're under arrest.
- Want that drink now, Hitchcock?
- Don't mind if I do, Scully.
- Don't mind if I do.

- Two keys.
- Pure as a catholic schoolgirl.
- Did you bring the cash?
- Oh, we brought something much better than cash.
- What's that? Our guns!
- NYPD! You're under arrest!