The Best Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Season 6, Episode 4 Quotes

Gina: I never have second thoughts. That's the luxury of having great first thoughts.

- something so shocking that it will stay with you for the rest of your lives, much like this interpretive dance piece, entitled "the linexit."
- This dance will be performed in four movements, each one expressing one aspect of my personality.

- Awesome. Was that the first movement?
- What? Are you crazy?
- No. That's the warm-up.
- Each movement is 45 minutes.
- Oh, damn.
- Hit it!

- no matter how well they hide it?
- More. Just a tiny slice of the super rich?
- More. Is it all illuminati?
- Is it just a whole room full of lizards? Bingo.
- Well, then I guess we'll have to transform ourselves.
- Into the uber wealthy.