The Best Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 3, Episode 6 Quotes

Rupert: [teenage Giles] Then let's do something. Let's find the demon and-and kick the crap out of it.

Xander: The band. Yeah. They're great. They march.
Willow: Like an army... E-E-Except with music instead of bullets, and usually no one dies.

Rupert: [teenage Giles to teenage Snyder] You filthy little ponce. Are you afraid of a little demon?

Principal: [teenage Snyder] Whoa, Summers! You drive like a spaz!

[all the adults are acting like teenagers]
Buffy: Principal Snyder?
Principal: Call me Snyder. Just a last name, like... Barbarino.

[the Sunnydale adults are acting crazy]
Oz: They're teenagers. It's a sobering mirror to look into, huh?

Principal: You will sell it to raise money for the marching band. They need new uniforms.
Xander: Yeah. Those tall, fuzzy hats ain't cheap, huh?
Oz: But they go with everything.

Joyce: [teenage Joyce] Screw you... I want candy.

Buffy: So Ethan, what are we playing? We're pretty much in a talk-or-bleed situation. Your call.
Rupert: [teenage Giles] Hit him.
Ethan: I-I'd just like to point out that this wasn't my idea.
Buffy: Meaning?
Ethan: Well, I'm subcontracting. It's Trick you want. I'm just helping him collect a tribute... for a demon.
Rupert: [teenage Giles] Well, he's lying. G'on hit him!
Buffy: [to Giles] I don't think he is, and shut up.
Rupert: [teenage Giles] You're *my* Slayer. Go knock his teeth down his thro...
Buffy: Giles!
[to Ethan]
Buffy: What demon?
Ethan: I don't remember.
[Buffy punches Ethan]
Rupert: [teenage Giles] Yes!

Willow: [reading graffiti] "Kiss Rocks"? Why would anyone want to kiss... Oh, wait. I get it.

[last lines]
Rupert: I say, your car seems to have had an adventure, doesn't it?
Joyce: Uh, Buffy assures me that it happened battling evil so I'm letting her pay for it on the installment plan.
Buffy: Uh, hey, the way things were going, be glad that's the worst that happened. At least I got to the two of you before you actually *did* something.
Joyce: Right.
Rupert: Indeed.
Joyce: Y-Yes.

Cordelia: Mom started borrowing my clothes. There should be an age limit on Lycra pants. And Dad, he just locked himself in the bathroom with old copies of Esquire.

[about the SATs]
Oz: You know, I took it last year. I could help you get ready. There's this whole trick to antonyms, but, uh, well, this isn't the place.

Willow: It'll be okay when we get to Giles.
Oz: Of course. I mean, even if he's sixteen, he's still Giles, right? He's probably a pretty together guy.
Willow: Yeah, well...
Oz: What?
Buffy: Giles at sixteen. Less "together guy" more "bad magic, hates the world, ticking time bomb guy."

Buffy: [upon finding Ethan hiding in a box] Look, a box full of farm-fresh chicken.

Xander: I don't get this. The candy's supposed to make you feel all immature and stuff but I've had a ton, and I don't feel any diff... Never mind.

Mr. Trick: You and me, girl... there's hard times ahead.
Buffy: [to herself] They never just leave. Always got to say something.

[first lines]
Rupert: [reading] "And on that tragic day, an era came to its inevitable end." That's all there is. Are you ready?
Buffy: Hit me.
Rupert: Which of the following best expresses the theme of the passage? "A": violence breeds violence, "B": all things must end, "C"...
Buffy: "B." I'm going with "B." We haven't had a "B" in forever.
Rupert: This is the SATs, Buffy, not connect-the-dots. Please pay attention. A low score could seriously harm your chances of getting into college.
Buffy: Gee, thanks. That takes the pressure right off.

[about the SATs]
Cordelia: Actually, I'm looking forward to it. I do well on standardized tests.
[everyone looks at her]
Cordelia: What? I can't have layers?

[teenage Joyce pulls a pair of handcuffs out of her back pocket]
Buffy: Never tell me.