The Best Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 4, Episode 10 Quotes

Xander: Well, how could you say I'm using you?
Anya: You don't care about what I think. You don't ask about my day.
Xander: You really did turn into a real girl, didn't ya?
Anya: See? And you make jokes during my pain. You don't care about me at all.

Forrest: This is the burden we bear, brother. We have a gig that would inevitably cause any girl living to think we are cool upon cool. Yet, we must Clark Kent our way through the dating scene, never to use our unfair advantage. Thank God we're pretty.

Willow: Talk! All talk. Blah blah, Gaia. Blah blah, moon. Menstrual lifeforce power thingy. You know, after a couple sessions, I was hoping we would get into something real but...
Buffy: No actual witches in your witch group.
Willow: No. Bunch of wannablessedbes.
Buffy: You know...
Willow: Nowadays, every girl with a henna tattoo and a spice rack thinks she's a sister to the dark ones.

Spike: I don't see why I have to be tied up.
Xander: It's just while I'm sleeping.
Spike: Like I'd bite you, anyway.
Xander: Oh, you would.
Spike: Not bloody likely.
Xander: I happen to be very biteable, pal. I'm moist and delicious.
Spike: All right, yeah, fine. You're a nummy treat.
Xander: And don't you forget it.

Xander: He's not roaming around. If he stays with me, he's gonna get tied up again.
Anya: What about us, our romantic evening?
Spike: I'm not having these two shag while I'm tied to a chair three feet away.
Xander: That's not exactly one of my fantasies, either.

Spike: We're out of Weetabix
Rupert: We are out of Weetabix because you ate it all... again.
Spike: Get some more.
Rupert: I thought vampires were supposed to eat blood.
Spike: Yeah, well, sometimes I like to crumble up the Weetabix in the blood. Give it a little texture.
Rupert: Since the picture you just painted means that I will never touch food of any kind again, you'll just have to pick it up yourself.
Spike: Sissy.

[no one can speak; all written or mimed]
Rupert: Who are the Gentlemen? They are fairy tale monsters. What do they want?
[Willow points at her chest]
Xander: [cups hands at his chest and mouths] Boobies?
Rupert: Hearts. They come to a town. They steal all the voices so no one can scream. Then...
[Giles shows drawings of Gentlemen ripping out the heart from a person in bed]
Rupert: They need seven. They have at least two.
Xander: How do we kill them?
[Buffy mimes stabbing, but looks more like masturbating; Giles, Willow and Xander look at Buffy with disturbed faces; Buffy mimes again with a stake; they all look relieved]
Rupert: In the tales, no sword can kill them.

[last lines]
Riley: Hi...
Buffy: Hi...
Riley: Well... I guess we have to talk...
Buffy: I guess we do...

Rupert: Um... I need you to take Spike for a few days.
Xander: What?
Spike: What?
Anya: What?
Spike: I'm not stayin' with him.
Rupert: I have a friend who's coming to town, and I'd like us to be alone.
Anya: Oh, you mean an orgasm friend?
Rupert: Yes, that's exactly the most appalling thing you could've said.

Riley: Don't worry. If I kiss you, it'll make the sun go down.

Little: [sing-song] Can't even shout, can't even cry / The gentlemen are coming by / Looking in windows, knocking on doors / They need to take seven and they might take yours / Can't call to mom, Can't say a word / You're gonna die a-screaming but you won't be heard.

Olivia: All the time you used to talk to me about witchcraft and darkness and the like... I just thought you were being pretentious.
Rupert: Oh, I was... I was also right.
Olivia: So everything you told me was true?
Rupert: Well, no. Um, I wasn't actually one of the original members of Pink Floyd, but... about the monster stuff, yes.

[first lines]
Professor: So this is what it is. Talking about communication. Talking about language. Not the same thing. It's about inspiration, not the idea, but the moment before the idea, when it's total. When it blossoms in you mind and connects to everything. It's about the thoughts and experiences that we don't have a word for.

Riley: So, what have you got going on tonight?
Buffy: Oh, patrolling.
Riley: Patrolling?
Buffy: Uh, petroleum.
Riley: Petroleum?
Buffy: Uh-huh.
Riley: Tonight you have crude oil?
Buffy: A-A-And homework.

Xander: If you don't know how I feel about...
Anya: I don't... This isn't a relationship. You don't need me. All you care about is lots of orgasms.
Spike: Okay, remember how we talked about private conversations? How they're less private when they're in front of my friends?
Spike: Oh, we're not your friends. Go on.
Rupert: Please don't.