The Best Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 7, Episode 9 Quotes
Buffy: [about Spike] He's been feasting on humans for weeks. He's having some pretty bad withdrawals. I think we need to get him some blood.
Willow: Do you want me to kill Anya?
Andrew: Don't kill me!
Willow: I'm not gonna kill you.
Andrew: Don't torture me and send me to an eternal pain dimension.
Willow: I'm not gonna.
Andrew: Warren killed Tara. I didn't do it. And he was aiming for Buffy, anyway.
Willow: Not making it better.
Andrew: And you got your revenge! You killed my best friend. We're even.
Willow: Even? You think I get satisfaction from what I did?
Andrew: Maybe not, but let me keep my skin, okay? I'm not bad. I'm not bad anymore. I'm good. I do good things now.
Willow: Then, why do you need lots and lots of blood?
Andrew: I am bad. I'm bad. I'm evil. But I'm protected by powerful forces. Forces you can't even begin to imagine, little girl. If you harm me you shall know the wrath of he that is darkness and terror. Your blood will boil, and you will know true suffering. Stand down, she-witch. Your defeat is at hand...
Willow: Shut your mouth! I *am* a she-witch. A very *powerful* she-witch. Or witch, as is more accurate. I am not to be trifled with...
Andrew: But I...
Willow: I'm talking! Don't interrupt me. Insignificant man! I am Willow. I am Death. If you dare defy me, I will call down my fury, exact fresh vengeance, and make your worst fears come true... Okay?
Buffy: [about Spike] He-He mentioned something about a song in the cellar. Uh, and he-he changed there, too. I mean, instantly became another person.
Xander: Trigger.
Anya: The horse?
Xander: No. In his head. It's a trigger. It's a brainwashing term. It-It's how the military makes sleeper agents. They- They brainwash operatives and condition them with a specific trigger, like a song, that makes 'em drastically change at a moment's notice.
Willow: Is this left over from your days in the Army?
Xander: No, this is left over from every army movie I've ever seen.
Buffy: This trigger. How do we holster, safety, or, I don't know guns. How do we make it stop?
Xander: Well, usually the operative completes his task and either blows his head off or steals a submarine.
Principal: Robin Wood: Now, guys, look. We can settle this one of two ways. You can repaint the walls, or I can suspend you and report this little incident on your permanent record.
Hoffman: Fine. Do that.
Principal: OK, I was bluffing. I hadn't really thought that one through. Listen, this whole permanent record thing is such a myth, anyway. Colleges never ask for anything past your SAT scores, and it's not like employers are gonna be calling up to check to see how many days you missed back in high school. So, listen, I, I could suspend you, but that would mean calling your parents, alerting your teachers, filling out paperwork, and, quite possibly, having to talk to the School Board. All of which sounds positively exhausting to me. No. No, I think it would be much easier if I just called the police. Let them deal with it... Oh, and in case you're wondering, this is the part where I'm not bluffing.
Grimes: We'll repaint it.
Andrew: Babe II: Pig in the City was really underrated.
Warren: [as The First] Don't think about Babe.
Andrew: Right.
Warren: [as The First] You're Conan. You're The Destroyer. It's you against nature. You're the hunter. You're primal. You live off the land. You're Andrew. Everyone knows you. You play by your own rules. It's kill or be killed.
Andrew: [yells] That'll do, pig!
Buffy: I believe in you, Spike.
[Xander in the process of tying Andrew to a chair]
Xander: Now, we can do this the hard way...
Andrew: Ow!
Xander: ...if you want. But believe me when I tell ya, this will go much easier if you just tell us what you know.
Andrew: Ow!
Warren: [as The First] Hey! You know the rules. I can't take corporeal form. Here, feel... Mm-hmm.
[Andrew passes his hand through Warren's chest]
Andrew: Cool.
Warren: [as The First] Pretty bitchin', right? I'm like Obi-Wan.
Andrew: Or Patrick Swayze.
Buffy: How's your guy?
Anya: The weasel wants to sing. He just needs a tune.
Xander: He's primed. I'll be pumping him in no time.
[everyone looks at him]
Xander: He'll give us information soon.
Warren: [as The First] That's the worst attempt at pig slaughtering I've ever seen.
Xander: How's your face?
[he gives Andrew a glass of water]
Andrew: Ok.
Xander: [starts untying him] Sorry about that. She shouldn't have hit you.
[hands him the glass of water]
Xander: Thirsty? Go on.
Andrew: [Andrew sniffs the water] That chick's psycho.
[he drinks from it]
Xander: You don't know the half of it. She's a vengeance demon, you know.
[sits in chair]
Xander: She's bad news.
Andrew: This one time I saw her having sex with Spike.
Xander: She's killed more men than smallpox.
Andrew: Does smallpox still kill people?
Xander: She's killed a lot of men. She tortures them. Anyone who incurs her wrath. One time she-
[pats his arm, leans back]
Xander: No, never mind.
Andrew: What?
Xander: It's not important.
Andrew: What'd she do?
Xander: [leans forward] Well, there was this one guy-there was this one guy, he, uh, he hurt her real bad, so she paid him back. She killed him, but she did it real slow. See first she stopped his heart, then she replaced it with darkness, then she made him live his life like that. But he still had to go do his job and see his friends and wake up in the morning and go to bed at night, but he had to do it all empty. Without anything to look forward to. Ever.
Andrew: Sounds bad.
Xander: Well, then she tore out his intestines and rubbed it in his face and took pictures of it.
Andrew: Oh, God.
Xander: But she's downstairs now. Don't worry about her.
Andrew: What if...
Xander: See, the thing is, we've all been a little on edge lately. Some bad things have been happening, and the girls-they're all looking for someone to blame.
Andrew: I didn't do anything...
Anya: [from the hallway] You lying son of a bitch!
[storms into the room and storms toward Andrew]
Anya: You're gonna tell us what we need to know, and you're gonna tell us right now!
[Andrew who is tied to the chair falls over]
Xander: Anya no!
Andrew: Stop it!
[Xander pulls Anya of Andrew]
Anya: Get off me, Harris!
[slaps Xander, she mouths the words "I'm sorry" to him, turns back to Andrew]
Anya: C'mere, you pipsqueak!
[shakes Andrew's shoulders against the floor]
Andrew: Get her off me! I'll tell you! I'll tell you what you need to know!
[first lines]
Dawn: So, the basement was filled with bodies?
Willow: Apparently.
Buffy: It's not your fault. You're not the one doing this.
Spike: I already did it. It's already done... You wanna know what I've done to girls Dawn's age...? This is me Buffy. You've gotta kill me before I get out.
Buffy: We can keep you locked up. We'll keep you here, and we'll figure out...
Spike: Have you ever really asked yourself why you can't do it? Off me? After everything I've done to you, to people around you... It's not love. We both know that.
Buffy: You fought by my side. You've saved lives, you've helped...
Spike: Don't do that. Don't rationalize this into some noble act. 'Cause we both know the truth of it... You like men who hurt you.
Buffy: No.
Spike: You need the pain we cause you. You need the hate. You need it to do your job, to be the Slayer.
Buffy: No! I don't hate like that. Not you, or myself. Not anymore.
Buffy: How did you do it? How'd you get your soul back?
Spike: Saw a man about a girl... I went to seek a legend out. Traveled to the other side of the world, made a deal with a demon.
Buffy: Just like that?
Spike: No, not just like that. There was a price. There were trials. Torture. Pain and suffering... of sorts.
Buffy: Of sorts?
Spike: Well, it's all relative, innit?
Buffy: Meaning?
Spike: Meaning I have come to redefine the words "pain" and "suffering" since I fell in love with you.
Buffy: How can you say that?
Spike: Apparently, I just slaughtered half of Sunnydale, pet. I'm not really worried about being polite any more.
[last lines]
Buffy: [as The First] To be honest, I'm getting a little tired of subtle... I think it's about time we brought some authority to our presence. Now, Spike, you wanna see what a real vampire looks like?
Anya: [to Buffy about Spike] What's the status with your guy?
Buffy: He's not talking yet. We'll get there.
Buffy: [to Xander and Anya about Andrew] How's your guy?
Anya: The weasel wants to sing. He just needs a tune.
Xander: He's primed. I'll be pumping him in no time.
[Short, awkward pause while Buffy and Anya stare at Xander]
Xander: He'll give us information soon.