The Best Man From Another Place Quotes

Man: Where we're from, the birds sing a pretty song... and there's always music in the air.

- My god.
Man: Under the sycamore tree

The: [talking backwards; subtitled] She's filled with secrets. Where we're from, the birds sing a pretty song and there's always music in the air.

The: [talking backwards; subtitled] Wow, Bob, Wow. Fire walk with me.

[Cooper sits with the dwarf in the Red Room of the Black Lodge]
The: [talking backwards; subtitled] When you see me again, it woun't be me.
[steps on an insect on the floor]
The: [talking backwards] This is the waiting room. Would you like some coffee? Some of your friends are here.
[Laura Palmer appears and sits beside the dwarf]
Laura: [talking backwards; subtitled] Hello, Agent Cooper.
[Laura winks and snaps her fingers backwards]
Laura: [talking backwards] I'll see you again in 25 years. Meanwhile...

The: [talking backwards; subtitled] I've got good news. That gum you like is going to come back in style.

The: [talking backwards; subtitled] She's my cousin... but doesn't she look almost exactly like Laura Palmer?

Man: When you see me again, it won't be me.