The Best Peter Quotes
Pietro: Do you know karate?
Erik: I don't know karate. But I know crazy.
Pietro: [note to Eric] Mind the glass.
[smashes the glass surrounding Eric's cell]
Logan: We need your help, Peter.
Pietro: With what?
Logan: Breaking into a highly secured facility and get someone out.
Pietro: Prison break? That's illegal, you know?
Logan: [Looks around and sees the items Peter has obviously stolen] Only if you get caught.
Pietro: They told me you control metal.
Erik: "They"?
Pietro: You know, my mom once knew a guy who could do that.
[Erik looks a little worried]
Erik: We have fifteen seconds before the door open, and then guards will come through that door.
Pietro: Should be fun. I'm holding you so you won't get whiplash.
Erik: What?
Pietro: Whip... lash.