The Best Star Trek: Discovery, Season 3, Episode 11 Quotes

- {whooshing]
- {monster growling]
- {suspenseful music playing]
- {Burnham gasps]

- {Owo] She's scanning us.
- We have the ability to cloak since the retrofit?
- Yes, but we can't jump while cloaked.
- If anything happens--
- One crisis at a time. Do it.
- What do you wanna do now, captain?
- {dramatic music playing]

- {Adira] Hugh will die down there.
- They all will.
- I have an idea, but I need your badge.
- {Stamets] Ready to jump on your mark.
- {Su'Kal] No! No!
- -{monster hissing]
- -No!
- {singing in Kelpien]

- I've lost 10 percent of starboard-side thrusters.
- My ship is smaller and can morph.
- She can take the heat. Trust me.
- Go. And be safe, Mr. Booker.
- Mr. Bryce.
- -Transport him now.
- -{whirring]

- She's right. We should be careful.
- Emotionally, he's likely to be fragile.
- We should go slowly, treat this as first contact.
- Yes. Of course.
- You two should go find him.
- I'll stay and make sure whatever's in there stays in there.
- Yeah.

- {dramatic music playing]
- We triangulated those black boxes.
- Ni'Var's data led us to the nebula.
- Now we find a dilithium planet inside?
- I think we may have just found the source of the Burn.
- {theme music playing]

- {Burnham gasps]
- {groans]

- To reset all parameters.
- No, no, no.
- No, stop it.
- Why would you do that?
- I do not like this program.
- {dramatic music playing]

Cmdr. Saru: [to Burnham, regarding Georgio] Wherever she is, I'm sure she's giving them hell.

- I'm surprised it hasn't broken down further.
- {Culber] imagine what it's done to the life sign.
- {Saru] We have to find it somehow.
- {Burnham] Maybe that holo led us over here for a reason.
- {Saru] We should proceed carefully.
- The rest of this training program may not be so innocuous.

- If no, then initiate defense protocols.
- Yes, we are the anticipated input.
- We have come to rescue the child.
- {crowd applauding]
- Now, please, where is he?
- {dramatic music playing]

- As will you.
- {thunder rumbling]
- Oh, no.
- Discovery? If you're listening, Paul?
- Hurry back. We need you.
- {dramatic music playing]

- You're Trill.
- -{gasps]
- -What the hell is going on?
- Where's Saru? Saru?
- {Saru] My heel is touching the ground.
- You're human.
- What is happening?

- I wonder.
- Is your captain out there?
- {dramatic music playing]
- -He's clear.
- -Black alert.
- No. [grunts]
- {Tilly] Stamets, why aren't we jumping away?

- {screeching]
- Wait. Wait!
- {Burnham gasps]

- We will take good care of your home.
- I promise.
- -Thank you, admiral.
- -{Vance] Now, go.
- Rescue the life sign.
- And find out what we need to do to get that dilithium.
- And, captain... do be careful down there.

- My heart seems to be racing.
- -Yeah, that makes two of us.
- -Looks like an ancient stepwell.
- A lot of pre-warp civilizations used them for irrigation.
- The holo's damaged there, too.
- We have to be careful.
- {thunder crashing and rumbling]

- they've been alone for decades.
- And maybe I can help them, too.
- Promise me that you'll be safe.
- We'll keep comms open.
- You can listen in the whole time.
- I gotta go.

- I'm Michael.
- What are you?
- Are you a part of the program?

- Soon as they're ready, we'll jump back
- -to get you and the life sign.
- -Shields 35 percent...
- -Thirty.
- -Captain.
- It is time.
- {dramatic music playing]
- Number One, you have the conn.

- {rumbling]
- {shouting indistinctly]
- Paul?

- May I examine the book?
- Oh, yes.
- Would you like a lullaby?
- Yeah.
- {singing in Kelpien]
- {tender music playing]

- Oh, no.
- Not gonna happen.
- You will not take this ship or anyone on it.
- Not now, not ever.
- No.
- {Su'Kal humming]