The Best Star Trek: Discovery, Season 3, Episode 12 Quotes

- Come on.
- -{computer] Warning. Fire!
- -{Kanak] I see her!
- Zareh, I've got her!
- {computer]
- Fire suppression protocol initiated.
- Oh, no.
- -Oxygen purge initiated.
- -{yelling]

- The galaxy is a much better place with you in it.
- Work fast, old friend.
- We may need to jump away if things go awry.
- Computer, play file 73 for invigilator Aurellio.
- {opera music playing over speakers]
- Thank you.

- Invigilator Aurellio wants to take the neural lock off his subject.
- All right.
- Here we go, Paul.
- {dramatic music playing]
- {grunting]
- {dramatic music playing]

- We make it to the bridge, no matter what.
- That means that if somebody falls, we keep going.
- Understood?
- {whirring]
- {whirring continues]
- Steady, steady.

- -{regulator 1] On our way to Sector Four.
- -{regulator 3] Be right there. Just--
- {Burnham] Hey.
- {upbeat music playing]
- {Burnham groans]
- {regulator 3 grunting]

- No.
- This isn't over.
- I think it is.
- Coordinates for Federation Headquarters are already set.
- Get us out of here.
- No, no. We're too late.

- Until the next time.
- Looking forward to it, sweetheart.
- {both chuckle]
- Come on.
- -Hey.
- -Let's go!
- {Book] All right.

- {dramatic music playing]
- -{body thuds]
- -{panting]
- {groans]
- {computer] Transport function unavailable.
- -Come on.
- -Transport function unavailable.
- {man over comms]
- Regulator 524, report to Deck 3.

- More than the entire Chain can use in a hundred lifetimes.
- {Osyraa] Let me guess.
- It's in the Verubin Nebula, and that's where Saru is.
- Yeah, but the nebula is massive and dangerous.
- I know how to get you in and out safely.
- You just let Ryn and the crew go, please.

- You two will get us killed.
- -You worried about them or you?
- -They're juvenile.
- -I'm not dying because they're bored.
- -Shut up!
- -Osyraa wouldn't really like that.
- -And stop!

- Let go of me.
- I can't do that.
- -Let me go!
- -No.
- Paul!
- My whole life is in that nebula!
- {dramatic music playing]

- {groans]
- Think we don't know you're sending messages?
- Osyraa said we're not to be harmed, and you don't want to get on her bad side.
- No talking.

- -Four...
- -Proximity alert.
- -Three...
- -Come on.
- Proximity alert.
- -Two...
- -Proximity alert.
- One. Brace for impact.
- {theme music playing]

- Oh, that was close.
- That is why even couriers steer clear of the courier network.
- ETA to FHQ is 90 seconds.
- Up ahead. Wanderer class ship.
- What's left of it. Not good.
- There's no morphing around that.
- Shields at 20 percent. Damn it.

- -Everyone is still on board.
- -Where?
- He hacked into the system and messed with the sensors.
- Give me five minutes,
- I'll get him to reverse it.
- Airlocks are the only way off this ship.
- Seal them and check them all.
- If you don't have better news in 10 minutes,
- I'll shove you out of one of them.

- We followed you!
- Hugh followed you!
- We gave up everything so you wouldn't have to be here alone!
- How can you do this?
- I'm sorry.
- Michael!

- But should our visitors decide to initiate hostilities, you have permission to respond with force.
- Is that clear?
- Aye, sir.
- Shall we?
- Lead the way.

Osyraa: [eating a replicated apple] Hmm. It doesn't quite taste like the real thing, does it?
Admiral: I've never eaten a real apple.
Osyraa: Well, how sad! Apples are a thing of beauty. You want to talk about oppression, you should start in your own mess hall.
Admiral: It's made of our shit, you know.
[Osyraa pauses, and visibly disgusted, removes a piece from her mouth]
Admiral: That's the base material that we use in our replicators. We deconstruct it to the atomic level and then reform the atoms.
[eats a piece himself]
Admiral: Mmm, it's pretty good for shit.