50 Best Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 1, Episode 15 Quotes
Doctor: [of Jameson] I have a gut feeling he's hiding something.
Captain: Now, that is an observation I would expect from Counselor Troi.
- Can you be more specific?
- I'm afraid not.
- I'm reading a problem with the magnetic containment field which contains the antimatter.
- Could you come up here?
- We'll go to engineering since that's where the trouble is.
- Don't disturb the captain or commander riker until we check this out.
- Aye, sir.
Karnas: My revenge will be in seeing you live like this.
[Jameson collapses in agony]
Karnas: Such pain...
- What about the bynars?
- Hand them over to quinteros.
- There will be a hearing.
- We understood that...
- Would happen.
- Tasha: Follow me, please.
- While these things are being checked, permission to leave the bridge, sir.
- Permission granted.
- Then a name. Or a place.
- It could be something personal.
- In this case, in binary language, which is ones and zeroes, in groups of eight or 16 characters.
- Would they have kept it that simple?
- Try it. Picard out.
- The holodeck has given us woodlands and ski slopes, figures that fight, and fictional characters with whom we can interact, but you, you're very different. You adapt.
- You spoke to me in French.
- It was very simple.
- When I heard your name, I merely accessed the foreign-language bank.
- That's very impressive.
- Everything under control, ensign crusher?
- Fine, sir. I was just trying to find something out about the bynars.
- Where's commander riker?
- He's in holodeck 4, sir.
- Shall I call him for you?
- No, I'll go down there myself.
- Keep me apprised.
- Yes, sir.
Admiral: There is no substitute, Lieutenant, for personal reconnoiter.
[Jameson is rejuvenating from an alien drug he has taken, much to the distress of his wife]
Admiral: Annie, I did it for us.
Anne: Oh, I'm sure you believed that. Until you had a chance to head up a mission, and to command again. And then, you just upended the bottle, or whatever it was, and damn everything!
- Everyone remaining is leaving on foot or beaming off.
- Computer, where are the captain and commander riker?
- Computer: All decks empty.
- Curious. The captain is usually the last to leave.
- Let's go. We've only got 41 seconds.
- I think we're the last.
- I hope we are.
- Set coordinates for main bridge.
- Port forward for me, aft for you.
- You're on pad 2.
- I've set a ten-second delay.
- Set phasers on stun.
- Number one, good luck.
- Riker: Over here, captain.
[Jameson is suffering from the agonizing effects of the drug]
Commander William T. Riker: The Admiral?
Captain: Sickbay. 'Not good' is a galactic understatement.
- What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?
- Waiting for you.
- Waiting for me?
- You can't be serious.
- Oh, yes, will.
- I've never been more serious in my life.
- in orbit around tarsas III.
- A routine maintenance check of all systems will be made, and certain upgrades completed, including the ho/odeck, with which we've had problems.
- I anticipate a glowing report.
- The ship has performed magnificently, beyond anyone's expectations.
Captain: [referring to Jameson] You blamed your war on him. And there's no doubt he had a lot to do with it. But you had the weapons and you used them. You could have tried for negotiations for peace on your planet long ago. Instead you chose to fight. How many of those forty years of civil war are on your head, Karnas?
- Captain, it's enormous.
- Every byte of free space in the computer has been filled.
- They must have made a core-dump from their world into our computer.
- I can't get in.
- I wish they'd left a note.
- Maybe they did.
- Minuet.
- Picard: Let me get on the other position.
- The bynars always work in pairs.
- Maybe that is also required.
- Uh-huh. It appears to be successful.
- Now their system's started up.
- A resident diagnostic program is running.
- Their system is absolutely incredible.
- Whoa. Too many.
- I was thinking of something a little more intimate.
- Great job, boys.
- But, computer, blondes and jazz seldom go together.
- Now that is truly exceptional.
- But more sultry.
Admiral: All I needed to get me out of that chair was the thought of walking the decks in command of a starship again.
Captain: Admiral, you only have the conn temporarily.
Admiral: A figure of speech. Of course she's your ship. I'll just keep an eye on her, for a while.
- that combines cybernetics and regeneration.
- It sounds impossible, I know, but I have found an approach that will work.
- I mean, what an opportunity.
- To have a chance to talk with doctor Epstein.
- Sorry, will, I'd love to chat but I have to go.
Captain: May I suggest a secured channel, Admiral?
Admiral: A sensible precaution, Picard. Make it so.
Captain: [to Data] Make it so.
Admiral: Annie, with the golden hair.
Anne: Flatterer. It's grey now.
Admiral: I see only the gold.
- What is a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?
- You're not minuet.
Admiral: I always wound up in the observation lounge staring out at the stars, thinking.
Captain: Perhaps in this case re-thinking.
- Gentlemen, if this is what you call enhancement, you've got a gift for understatement.
- You work up a sweat, you have a few laughs, and you make new friends.
- If winning is not important, then, commander, why keep score?
- I think he's pulling your leg.
- Believe it or not, worf is developing a sense of humor.
- I hope so, for their sake. Good luck.
Captain: The quest for youth, Number One - so futile. Age and wisdom have their graces, too.
Commander William T. Riker: I wonder if one doesn't have to have age and wisdom to appreciate that, sir.
Captain: I hope not, Number One.
- Why did you steal my ship?
- Please try to...
- Help us.
- I suggested the zylo eggs.
- Is that what those are?
- Keep notes.
- This project may turn out to be of interest to scholars in the future.
- La forge: Really?
- Well, of course, think about it.
- A blind man teaching an Android how to paint?
- That's got to be worth a couple of pages in somebody's book.
- Well, it's been some time since I had the com.
- But not to worry, number one, you're in good hands.
- Starbase 74, warp 2.
- Engage.
- Everything's under control.
- Computer: USS enterprise has cleared starbase perimeter.
- in four minutes and 59 seconds.
- The only place we can stop this is on the bridge. Let's go.
- What do you make of this, sir?
- Picard: An enormous amount of data is being received and stored in the main computer.
- Just stored. Why?
- That's another piece of this puzzle.
- then I'm going to my cabin,
- I'm gonna put my feet up,
- I'm gonna turn on my personal relaxation light, and I'm gonna lose myself in the pages of some old novel.
- What about you, number one?
- You've earned a rest.
- I've never been very good at organizing my time off.
- Something will turn up.
- It always does.
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
- No, it's all right. Come on in.
- You picked a wonderful locale.
- This is something
- I might have chosen myself.
- Aren't you going to introduce me?
- Yes.
- Of course. Captain picard, this is minuet.
- Minuet, captain Jean-Luc picard.
Admiral: I'm strong, I'm alert, I'm fit! I'm fitter than you are, Picard. And I'm getting younger!
Commander William T. Riker: What I don't understand, sir, is how Karnas knew that you were still... available.
Admiral: Still alive, you mean.
Karnas: Rest, Jameson. Your long night... and mine... are over.
Admiral: Officially, the story is that, after two other mediators were murdered, I went in and negotiated with Karnas to bring out the hostages safely.
Captain: You're saying that's not the truth?
Admiral: It wasn't my... golden oratory that saved them, Captain. I gave Karnas the weapons he wanted.
Captain: You did *what*?
Admiral: I gave exactly the same weapons to his rivals - my interpretation of the Prime Directive. Let them solve their problems with those arms on an equal basis.
Captain: And that decision plunged them into forty years of civil war.
- You act like you don't believe them.
- I'm not sure that I do.
- Maybe it's nothing.
- Perhaps it's just the way another species behaves.
- Maybe.
- I'm gonna stroll around the ship.
- You've got the bridge.
- Keep your eye on them.
- Yes, sir.
- Picard: Space, the final frontier.
- These are the voyages of the starship enterprise.
- Its continuing mission: To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.
- What's your name?
- Tell me you love jazz.
- My name is minuet.
- And I love all jazz except dixieland.
- Why not dixieland?
- You can't dance to it.
- My girl.
Admiral: [to Karnas] You told me that old Peretor Sain had ordered your father's assassination. You told me that you wanted arms to destroy him. Peace... wasn't on your mind. All you wanted was revenge. And I gave you the weapons to do it.
- I know you're a computer-generated image.
- But your smell, your touch, the way you feel, even the things you say and think seem so real.
- Minuet: Thank you.
- How far can this relationship go?
- I mean, how real are you?
- As real as you need me to be.
- You go that straight, slim.
- Too real is too right.
- Thanks for letting me sit in.
- Ain't nothing to it.
- I'm gonna have to leave for a while to see to my duties.
- Your work's very important to you.
- It is me. It's what I am.
- Can we dance once before youleave?
- Sure, why not?
- You could have been on the bridge and it still might have happened.
- Commander quinteros, you have three ships in here.
- We need one of them now.
- Quinteros: We're rushing repairs on the Melbourne.
- But it's still 18 hours until she'll be ready.
- There's nothing else you can do.
Admiral: I have found that peace, or the appearance of it, is often a prelude to war.
- Where are the bynars?
- I haven't seen them.
- Then they are obviously still aboard.
- Another starfleet vessel must be sent to intercept the enterprise at bynaus.
- They might be taking the ship to their home planet.
- What makes you think so?
- It is the best place for us to start.
- Man [over com]: This is starbase 74.
- The enterprise magnetic field is regenerating.
- Wait a minute. How is that possible?
- Man: Unknown.
- Tasha: That changes nothing.
- The captain and commander riker must be in trouble or they'd be here.
- Now, look, your ship is almost clear.
Karnas: So, Jameson, I see time has not been kind.
Admiral: It seldom is, Karnas.
- This is your diversion, number one, not mine.
- Wait. We haven't danced.
- I don't dance.
- Then some more wine.
- No, thank you.
- Wait. Please. Please, don't go.
- You can't. Not yet.
- Why? What's the matter?
- Why can't he leave?
- Exit.
- Stand by to dock.
- Ready to dock, sir.
- Engage mooring beams and lock off.
- Aye, sir.
- And docking complete.
- Thank you, number one.
- And well done, all.