The Best Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 4, Episode 24 Quotes

- My technicians have examined all of the ship's transporters, sir.
- I can assure you, this is the only unit that has been tampered with.

- plasma deviation steady at .72.
- Man: Aye, sir.
- Well, if you guys keep running at this efficiency,
- I might as well go back to risa for another week.
- Just run through a level four series and then call it a night, huh?
- I'd help you, but there's something
- I've got to take care of.

- to governor vagh to personally witness your ongoing investigation.
- Do you think he will come?
- I will do everything in my power to see that he does.
- Qapla', picard.
- Qapla', ambassador.

Cmdr. William Riker: From inside the Enterprise? You're sure?
Lt. Commander Data: The first and third E-band blips were clearly generated on board the ship. The second came from the planet's surface.
Cmdr. William Riker: Generated by what?
Lt. Commander Data: Unknown, sir.
Cmdr. William Riker: Mr. Data, we have a known spy on board. And now we have unexplained signals on board. I think it's reasonable to assume that they're related somehow, wouldn't you?
Lt. Commander Data: One could speculate that the E-band is being used for some form of covert communication.
Cmdr. William Riker: We need more than speculation, Mr. Data. We need to know who, what, where, when and why. Or we may be going to war.
Lt. Commander Data: Yes, sir.

- Governor, I assure you...
- Do not insult us both by denying it.
- Maintain your position until further notice.
- Do not attempt to leave orbit.
- Klingon attack cruiser uncloaking, sir.
- Picard: On-screen.
- Two birds of prey approaching.

- Your captain and I will bring him to the cargo bay.
- I want you to kill him there, in front of many witnesses.
- Use a hand phaser.
- When he is dead, you will claim that you acted on behalf of starfleet, in support of kriosian independence.
- I understand.

[a Romulan assistant removes Geordi's VISOR]
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Hey!
Taibak: Your VISOR will be returned to you. But first, I want to show you something.
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Sh... show me something? That'll be a nice trick, seeing as how I can't see anything without the VISOR.
Taibak: That is not quite true...

- O'brien.
- O'brien [over com]: Go ahead, commander. What can I do for you?
- Nothing.
- Chief, I'm...
- I'm sorry to disturb you.
- I'm sorry.

Ambassador: [on the E-band emissions] Who sent these signals? A cloaked Romulan ship?
Lt. Commander Data: No, sir. That is not possible. The signals had to be transmitted within close proximity to the VISOR.
Captain: Are you suggesting that there was a Romulan accomplice in close proximity to Mr. La Forge when he was receiving the signals?
Lt. Commander Data: Yes, sir, I am.
Governor: This Romulan accomplice - who is he?
Lt. Commander Data: I have narrowed the list of possibilities to two people - the only two people who were with Commander La Forge all three times a transmission was recorded: Captain Picard, and Ambassador Kell. One of them may be concealing an E-band transmitter. If they would agree to be searched...
Ambassador: I am a Klingon! An emissary of the High Council. I will not submit to being searched by you or anyone else on this ship.
Governor: I am forced to agree, Captain. We will take the Ambassador with us, and search him ourselves.
Ambassador: [slightly panicking] Captain, I believe it to be in all our best interests if I remain aboard. I formally request asylum.
Captain: I will certainly grant you asylum - when you have been absolved of this crime.

- Scan all chips which contain mission logs.
- Note any discrepancies.
- Computer: No discrepancies noted.
- Perform a level five diagnostic on the shuttle's navigational and power systems.
- Computer: The components specified are all within normal tolerances.

- We will take the ambassador with us, and search him ourselves.
- Captain,
- I believe it to be in all our best interest if I remain aboard.
- I formally request asylum.
- I will certainly Grant you asylum when you have been absolved of this crime.

- Red torian, please.
- Thank you.

Taibak: Welcome, Mr. La Forge. We've waited a long time to meet you.
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: I can tell you've gone to a lot of trouble.
Taibak: Indeed we have.

- worf's discommendation makes that very awkward.
- If I could work with one of the other security officers...
- Picard: Lieutenant worf is my chief of security, and my tactical officer.
- This matter clearly falls within his jurisdiction.
- As you wish.

- They've got a chocolate there, counselor, that you would love.
- And that's all?
- Yeah.
- Well, there was this...
- Yes?
- Her name is jonek.
- Oh.
- But, uh, you wouldn't want to hear about that.
- Better get ready for duty.
- Nice talking to you, counselor.

- I will program him to perform a series of specific tests.
- Both before he leaves us and after he returns to the enterprise.
- We'll be able to verify his effectiveness.
- Notice that his heart rate has slowed somewhat.
- He is becoming accustomed to the horrors he is witnessing.
- We change horrors.

- You swear well, picard.
- You must have klingon blood in your veins.
- Governor, I will report to you as soon as the analysis of that weapon is complete.
- Captain, commander.
- Enterprise, three to transport.

[Geordi tells Deanna about his experiences on Risa]
Counselor: And that's all?
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Yeah. Well, there was this...
Counselor: [anticipating] Yes?
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Her name is Jonek.
Counselor: Ah!
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: But, er... you wouldn't wanna hear about that. Better get ready for duty. Nice talking to you, Counselor.
[leaves quickly, leaving Deanna somewhat disenchanted]

- Good. Very good.
- Do not enjoy yourself too much on risa.

Governor: You swear well, Picard. You must have Klingon blood in your veins.

- No, the first thing I did...
- Wait a minute, that...
- But that's...
- It'll take time, geordi.
- A long time.
- But we will reconstruct your memory... together.

- Commander, you've done very well.
- I would thank you on behalf of the empire.
- I still have my doubts, picard.
- I will want my own technicians to confirm your findings.
- Of course. My staff will give you their full cooperation.
- You may go.

[first lines]
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Personal log, Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge, stardate 44885.5 - I'm en route to the planet Risa to attend an artificial intelligence seminar. Captain Picard has ordered me to arrive a few days early to have some fun and relax. I intend to follow his orders to the very best of my ability.

- Many were not looking forward to that.
- My motives were personal.
- Not political.
- Motives?
- Who cares for motives?
- Humans, perhaps.
- What matters is, you acted on that day as a true klingon.

- Then do as I asked.
- Resume program.
- Chief?
- Because now, I have to...
- Good, Mr. La forge, very good.
- Why don't you enjoy a drink with your friends?
- Mind if I join you guys?
- Sure.

[Geordi is being subjected to emotionally disturbing images via his visual cortex]
Taibak: Notice that his heart rate has slowed somewhat. He is becoming accustomed to the horrors he is witnessing. So... we change horrors.

- Maximum power to the shields.
- Kill the music.
- Enterprise, this is shuttle seven,
- I've encountered a romulan warbird.
- Coordinates are three...
- Computer: Warning, shield failure.
- Damn.
- Risa control.
- Anybody.

Lt. Commander Data: It is fortunate we were able to coordinate your return on the Teldarian cruiser.
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Yeah. When I heard the Enterprise had been ordered to the Krios system, I thought I might be forced to endure another couple of weeks on Risa.
Lt. Commander Data: I am sorry to hear you did not enjoy yourself.
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: I was joking.
Lt. Commander Data: Joking? Ah! "Forced to endure" Risa. Your actual intent was to emphasize that you *did* enjoy yourself. Yes. I see how that could be considered quite amusing.
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: [laughs] I missed you, Data!

- Ooh! I'm sorry. My...
- O'brien: It's all right.
- The glass, it just slipped.
- It's nothing, just a little cold.
- Yeah, but you're all soaked here, I...
- It's nothing serious.
- Let me get something to wipe it up.
- I'll just go and change.
- You're sure?
- Don't think twice about it, commander.

- to a delta-compressed wavelength spectrum similar to human neural frequencies.
- As in a human brainwave pattern?
- Computer: Affirmative.
- What kind of receiver would be capable of processing these signals?
- Computer: A system designed to modify the electromagnetic spectrum and carry those messages directly to the human brain.

- Compare these variations with established romulan replication patterns.
- Computer: The patterns are identical.
- And maybe we should run a level one diagnostic on those phase transition coils.
- Right, commander.

- Picard: Space, the final frontier.
- These are the voyages of the starship enterprise.
- Its continuing mission: To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

Taibak: Welcome, Mr. La forge.
- We've waited a long time to meet you.
- I can tell you've gone to a lot of trouble.
- Indeed we have.
- You are going to be of great help to us.
- Huh. I wouldn't count on it.

- This is the only klingon colony on the border of federation space.
- You cannot deny that starfleet would be happy to see krios gain its independence.
- It would reduce your vulnerability to an attack.
- Governor, you speak as if we are enemies, and not allies.
- And you speak the lies of a tah-keck.

[last lines]
Counselor: It'll take time, Geordi. A long time. But we will reconstruct your memory. Together.
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: I'm just not sure. About anything.
Counselor: Believe it or not, that's a good sign. A beginning. Now, let's go back to the shuttlecraft. There was a Romulan ship, and the first thing you did was...?

Ambassador: There are some members of the High Council who would thank you, Worf.
Lieutenant: Thank me?
Ambassador: For killing Duras. No doubt that had he lived one day he would ascend to head the Council. Many were not looking forward to that.
Lieutenant: My motives were personal, not political.
Ambassador: Motives? Who cares for motives? Humans, perhaps. What matters is you acted on that day as a true Klingon.

- Sir?
- That is an order.
- Picard: We're looking for DNA samples by tracing the biochemical signatures, we'll be able to determine who has been in this bay recently.
- But how will it be possible to prove which one...
- La forge!

Lt. Commander Data: I have surmised that Commander La Forge was conditioned by Romulans, a process referred to historically, and somewhat inaccurately, as "brainwashing."
Governor: But to what end? Why would the Romulans want to kill me?
Captain: The Romulans have always wanted to destroy the alliance between the Federation and the Klingons. If Mr. La Forge had killed you, Governor, I think you would agree they might have succeeded.

- Computer, scan the shuttle's structural integrity.
- Co m p ute r: Sub-microscopic deformations are present in the nose section and aft thrusters.
- Probable cause of these variations?
- Computer: The shuttle has been subjected to stress consistent with a tractor beam.