The Best Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 5, Episode 15 Quotes

Data/"Mullen": [to Picard, after LaForge and Ro have clandestinely incapacitated the possessed Troi and O'Brien] Tell them to stop what they're doing or I'll kill everyone in this room starting with you.

- Security to ten-forward.
- Shh.
- Mama's here. Shh.
- Everyone get down on the floor.
- Shh. On the floor.
- Everyone down. Now.

- Do you know how to deactivate this?
- The computer won't allow us to override an emergency force field command.
- My entity's artificial substructure may be useful.

- I would be counseling the captain at a time like this.
- And what would you tell him to do?
- I would help him find a way to secure our trust.
- What are you looking at?
- You, klingon.
- Attack me.

- We all are.
- I must find out who we're dealing with.
- If la forge and ro can attempt a rescue in short order, let them proceed.
- If they can't,
- I will provide you with another opportunity. Watch for it.
- Yes, sir.

[the spirits of the convicts are caught in a containment field]
Troi/"Shumar": Nooo!
Troi/"Shumar": [threatens Picard with her phaser] Let them go or you will all die!
Captain: Your threats are meaningless now.
O'Brien/"Kelly": We are still in control of these three bodies. We will not let them go.
Captain: Have you prepared to sacrifice the lives of these others? They'll all die when the cargo bay hatch is blown.
Data/"Mullen": You will die too, Picard!
Keiko: I would die to save the life of my child.
Lieutenant: To die defending one's ship is the hope of every Klingon.
Captain: If you each know the officers you inhabit, then you know they're equally ready to give their lives for this ship. Free them now - and I will return you to the moon's surface.
[after a long pause, Troi slowly backs off]
Troi/"Shumar": I advise you, Picard, not to pass our way again.

Troi/"Shumar": Once we almost escaped, on board the Essex. But that ship was incapable of eluding this moon's electromagnetic storms.
Captain: D'you really think that using their identities would gain our sympathy?
Troi/"Shumar": It was a better approach than asking you to allow hundreds of condemned prisoners on board.

- Sir, the turbolift is moving again.
- They're still inside.
- Initiate emergency bulkheads in turboshaft 4.
- Aye, sir.
- They have been stopped at deck 13.
- Mr. Worf.

- Captain, a major storm front is moving in on the away team's coordinates.
- You're aware of the risks,
- Mr. O'brien?
- O'brien: Yes, sir.
- I think I can make it.
- Picard: All right then. Good luck.
- Aye, sir.

- If you don't release the hostages,
- I won't cooperate.
- Oh, you will cooperate, captain.
- You will cooperate or someone will die.
- Who shall it be, huh?
- How about the klingon?
- Get another one.

- The shuttle has crashed on the surface.
- Do you have their position?
- I'm picking up the shuttle's signature.
- But the surface interference is distorting its position.
- Can you locate them?
- I think I can. I followed their entry almost all the way in.
- We can calculate the coordinates from their angle of descent.

- Is this storm front going to interfere with the transport, chief?
- I'd really like to get us out of here before it hits, commander.
- I'm supposed to be feeding the baby lunch.
- Molly gets in a terribly foul mood if I'm late.
- I'm with you.
- Lunch time, miles. Let's do it.

Troi/"Shumar": Picard, you are mine.

Counselor: They're coming... They're coming with the storm...

[Troi, Data and O'Brien have been possessed, allegedly by spirits of the USS Essex crew, and are trying to commandeer the Enterprise]
Troi/"Shumar": You have thirty seconds to change your heading! Or additional members of your crew will require medical attention.

Lieutenant: Spiritual possessions of this sort have been reported throughout Klingon history. It is called jat'yIn - the taking of the living by the dead.
Captain: Human history is full of many similar legends.
Lieutenant: Then you believe they may be telling the truth?
Captain: Not for one moment.
Lieutenant: Sir, they know much about the Essex. If it *is* the spirit of Captain Shumar...
Captain: Then he should be behaving very much better, don't you think?

- Are you afraid?
- I have no fear of death.
- And I have no fear of killing you.
- Troi: Stop it.

- it isn't worth the risk to check on a ghost ship.
- Advise starfleet, that we have solved the mystery of captain shumar and the essex.
- I'm not sure we have.
- Someone's down there.
- Alive.

- Damn.
- Tell them to stop or I kill everyone in this room, starting with you.
- Picard to bridge. Abort immediately.
- As you say, captain.
- Riker to la forge.
- Return to the bridge.

[La Forge and Ro are crawling through a Jefferies tube]
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Section 2... B... A... Section 1!
Ensign: Finally. I never want to see this part of the Enterprise again.
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: I hear you. This is what starship designers call 'easy access'.

- I hope that will give the captain enough time to play his hand.
- Do you know what he's going to do?
- There's only one reason he chose cargo bay 4.
- If it becomes necessary, ensign, you'll blow the cargo bay hatch on my orders.
- Yes, sir.

- Klingon.
- Picard, you are mine.
- Please, let her stay.
- Lower the force field.
- Security teams, standby.
- They're heading through section 5.

- Override them?
- We've moved into a polar orbit, and I'm locked out.
- The helm isn't responding.
- Do you know anything about this,
- Mr. Data?
- Data? Riker: Uhn!
- Security to the bridge.

[Picard has offered himself as a hostage in exchange for the injured in Ten Forward]
Commander William T. Riker: Sir, putting you down there only strengthens their position.
Captain: Number One, so long as they're on board this ship, I'm a hostage no matter where I am. We all are.

- Commander, can you hear me?
- Picard [garbled]: Enterprise to shuttle, please respond.
- Hold on. We're going down.
- Initiating emergency landing procedures.
- Maintain the approach attitude, data.
- I'm taking her in. Brace for impact.

- I never wanna see this part of the enterprise again.
- I hear you, this is what starship designers call "easy access."
- Yeah. Yeah, this is it.
- I thought we might have a problem with conduit number 227, but it looks like we're gonna be able to get by it.

- I would die to save the life of my child.
- To die defending one's ship is the hope of every klingon.
- Picard: If you each know the officers you inhabit, then you know they are equally ready to give their lives for this ship.
- Free them now, and I will return you to the moon's surface.

[a storm is approaching the crew's position]
Chief: I'd really like to get us out of here before it hits, Commander. I'm supposed to be feeding the baby lunch. Molly gets in a terribly foul mood if I'm late.

Commander William T. Riker: Lunch time, Miles!

- I know who you are.
- And I know what this is.
- She's frightened.
- Why don't you just let us go?
- Make it stop.
- Picard: Ten-forward, we 're outside the door.
- Lower the force field.

- Green grass, tall trees.
- Please, don't.
- I hid the bracelet in your pocket.
- You were surprised.
- You said,
- "miles, you make me feel so happy."
- No, get away. Get away from me.
- Troi: Leave her alone.

[last lines]
Chief: If I could have killed that thing inside me, I would have.
Keiko: [holding Molly in her arms] I know. We both know!

- Picard: Space, the final frontier.
- These are the voyages of the starship enterprise.
- Its continuing mission: To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

Lt. Commander Data: Lieutenant, I must apologize for my inadvertent misconduct toward you.
Lieutenant: No apology necessary.
Lt. Commander Data: Your restraint was most remarkable.
Lieutenant: You have no idea.

Data/"Mullen": Are you afraid?
Lieutenant: I have no fear of death.
Data/"Mullen": And I have no fear of killing you!