50 Best Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 5, Episode 5 Quotes
Lieutenant: My computer simulation was not like this. That delivery was very orderly.
Keiko: Well, I'm sorry!
[after being injured in the turbolift, Picard has 'ordered' the children to leave him behind and save themselves]
Marissa: The crew has decided to stick together. We all go, or we all stay.
Capt. Picard: [after considering the options] All right. I'll try. But I want you to know, this is mutiny.
Lieutenant: Dilation has gone to seven centimeters since the onset of labor. That did not take long.
Keiko: That's easy for you to say.
[after the delivery]
Lieutenant: [about Keiko's baby] I believe she looks like Chief O'Brien.
Chief: [a quantum filament has caused severe damage to the Enterprise, leaving Troi in command of the Bridge] If the containment field strength continues to drop at its present rate, we still have at least two hours before it becomes critical.
Ro: But you're ignoring the fact that the power coupling is also damaged. If that coupling overheats the field strength could drop a lot faster. We could have a containment breach in a matter of minutes.
Counselor: What do you suggest?
Ro: We should separate the saucer now and put as much distance as possible between us and the drive section.
Chief: [to Troi] Excuse me, Sir, but that's damn cold-blooded. What about the people down there?
Ro: There's no evidence that anyone is still alive in the drive section.
Chief: No evidence they're dead either. If you were trapped down there would you like us to cut you loose and just leave?
Ro: [sighs] No, of course not. But I also wouldn't expect the Bridge crew to risk the safety of the ship and hundreds of lives in a futile effort to rescue me.
Counselor: [after a long pause she turns to O'Brien] You said there was no way to stabilise the containment field from the Bridge. Could it be done from Engineering?
Chief: Yes, but my readings indicate there's no power down there. They don't even have monitors to tell them there's a problem.
Counselor: Could we divert energy from the Bridge to those monitors?
Chief: Yes Sir.
Ro: [knowing where they're going with this] I will say it again there is no reason to believe that anyone is still alive in Engineering. We're wasting time even talking about this - we have to separate the ship now.
Counselor: [looking more confident then she really felt] I believe there are still people alive down there and I'm going to give them every chance. Assuming they're alive they'll be hoping there's someone up here who can help them... so we'll help them.
[to O'Brien]
Counselor: Chief, divert the necessary power to Engineering.
Chief: Aye Sir.
[leaves the Observation Lounge]
Ro: [Ro stands up] I remind you, Counsellor... that power coupling could overheat at any moment. By not separating the ship now you could be responsible for all our deaths.
Counselor: Thank you, Ensign. Proceed.
[after Ro leaves Troi sinks back into her chair, really feeling the burdens of command]
- Looks like we ran into a quantum filament.
- Damage report?
- We've lost primary life support.
- Switching to secondary systems.
- Impulse and warp engines are offline.
- There's another filament moving toward us, sir.
- All decks brace for impact.
Marissa: [to Picard] In appreciation for the way you helped us get out of the turboshaft, and the way you helped us not be scared, we want to present to you this commemorative plaque.
- to long beams inside big grooves?
- But one of them looks broken.
- It's half out of the groove.
- All right.
- Come down.
- All right.
- Now that should release the panel underneath.
Marissa: Yes, it did.
- Picard: Now, you can pull it away.
- Marissa: Okay. Picard: Good.
- Now, that bundle of wires, that's optical cabling.
- See how much of that you can pull out.
[Ro has established power to the bridge's engineering station]
Chief: How did you do that?
Ro: I diverted power from the phaser array and I dumped it into the engineering control system.
Chief: You what?
Ro: Engineering station's online, Counselor.
Chief: But tha... that's a completely improper procedure!
- Eighteen percent,
- 20,
- 25.
- I guess they got our message.
- I was wrong, counselor.
- You could have easily been right.
- The baby is emerging head first.
- Good. One more contraction.
- Okay.
- Worf: That's good.
- I have the baby.
- I will smack the child to induce breathing.
Lt. Commander Data: A remarkable experience, Commander.
[after exposing himself to a high power surge]
Commander William T. Riker: [trying to create a link between Data's head and the computer] You need a bigger head.
- No evidence they're dead, either.
- If you were trapped down there, would you like us to cut you loose and just leave?
- No, of course not.
- But I also wouldn't expect the bridge crew to risk the safety of the ship and hundreds of lives in a futile effort to rescue me.
- And you?
- An analysis of the life span of the swarming moths on gonal iv.
- They only live for 20 hours, then they all die.
- How interesting.
- And you?
- Picard: We're falling.
Capt. Picard: Well, then, um... what did you do for your science projects?
Patterson: I planted radishes in this special dirt, and they came up all weird.
Capt. Picard: I see. That's very... very commendable.
- That weakened the containment field surrounding the anti-matter pods.
- The field strength is at 40 percent, and it is still falling.
- If it falls to 15 percent, the field will collapse.
- And we'll have a containment breach.
- Which means?
- Which means the ship will explode.
Ro: [the ship is in danger of exploding unless the Bridge crew separate from the stardrive section] You can't let wishful thinking guide your decision, Counsellor. It's time to leave.
Counselor: [firmly] We will separate the ship when I decide that it's time and not before. Is that clear, Ensign?
Ro: [Ro doesn't like it but relents] Yes, perfectly.
[Troi sits in the Captain's chair with a new resolve]
Lt. Commander Data: [Commander Riker is trying to get Data's disembodied head to connect to the Enterprise's severely depleted shields; but ends up making Data's right eye close in a permanent wink] That is not the correct port, sir.
- And next time we might not be able to stop it.
- You can't let wishful thinking guide your decision, counselor.
- It's time to leave.
- We will separate the ship when
- I decide that it's time and not before.
- Is that clear, ensign?
- Perfectly.
Capt. Jean: Your name is 'Marissa,' right?
[Marissa nods]
Capt. Jean: Well, Marissa, I need a first officer to help me. You're the eldest, and so, that makes you my Number One.
Marissa: 'Number One?'
Capt. Jean: That's what I always call my first officer.
- Then we'll never get out.
Marissa: Quiet. Both of you.
- That's an order.
- Picard: We're going up. Ready?
- Ready, sir.
- The lift's falling. Hang on.
[Worf is assisting Keiko in the delivery of her baby]
Lieutenant: I must urge you gently but firmly to push harder.
[Picard has appointed Marissa his 'Number One' and Jay Gordon his 'Science Officer' to inspire courage in them]
Patterson: Can I be an officer, too?
Capt. Picard: Well, let me see, um... Your science projects involved radishes, did it not?
Patterson: Yes, sir.
Capt. Picard: Then I shall appoint you my executive officer in charge of radishes.
- The external power is cutoff.
- We're going to die.
- What was that?
- Picard: I don't know.
- I remind you, counselor.
- That power coupling could overheat at any moment.
- By not separating the ship now, you could be responsible for all our deaths.
- Thank you, ensign.
- Proceed.
- Can we see the battle bridge and torpedo bay?
- No, I'm afraid not.
- But we will be visiting the hydroponics and the astrophysics laboratories.
- I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.
- Well, if you'll come with me.
[last lines]
Capt. Picard: You have the bridge, Number One.
Marissa: Aye, sir.
- then about 10 seconds of extreme disorientation, then we pass out.
- Okay.
- Once the air is evacuated, one of us is going to need to get to that panel to re-pressurize the bay.
- We're ready.
- Are you okay?
- Troi to engineering.
- Counselor troi to any crew member, please acknowledge.
- Medical team to the bridge.
- Computer's down.
- It looks like we still have impulse power, but not much else.
- Lieutenant Monroe.
Keiko: [during a crisis] I'm having contractions!
Lieutenant: I believe that is not uncommon in the late months of pregnancy.
Keiko: No, I mean contractions. I'm going into labor.
Lieutenant: You cannot. This is not a good time, Keiko.
Keiko: It's not open for debate. Like it or not, this baby is coming.
- Is something wrong, sir?
- Well, data, would you be all right?
- My memory core and neural nets are self-contained. I would be fine, sir.
- Like you said, our options are limited.
- Bypass computer control and place all systems on manual override.
- Very well.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- May I suggest that our next priority be to stabilize life support and to try and re-establish inter-ship communications.
- Yes. Mr. Mandel, I'd like you to assist ensign ro.
- Yes, sir.
- Are you all right?
- Did the shielding work?
- Apparently so, sir.
- My neural nets are still fully operational.
- You may begin by opening the ventral-access panel located two centimeters below my right ear.
- Picard: Space, the final frontier.
- These are the voyages of the starship enterprise.
- Its continuing mission: To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.
Lt. Commander Data: My positronic brain has several layers of shielding to protect me from power surges. It would be possible for you to remove my cranial unit and take it with you.
Commander William T. Riker: Let me get this straight. You want me to take off your head?
Lt. Commander Data: Yes, sir. Is something wrong, sir?
Commander William T. Riker: You just can't stay away from the big chair, can you?
Counselor: I don't think I'm cut out to be Captain. First Officer, maybe. I understand there aren't many qualifications.
- We most certainly are not.
- Now listen to me.
- No one here is going to die.
- The bridge will be sending a rescue party as soon as possible.
- So I want you all to stop crying.
- Everything is going to be all right.
- Yeah. Yeah, that ought to do it.
- There, that should do it.
- There will be a sharp pain as I set the bone. Prepare yourself.
- Good. Good, you bore that well.
- Worf: Keiko?
- I'm all right.
- I think.
- Perhaps, you should lie down.
- Thirteen-sixty-five baker.
- That should put us right behind shuttlebay two.
- That is correct, sir.
- We have approximately 52 meters remaining in this crawl-way before we can safely exit into a main corridor.
- Coolant leak.
Lieutenant: [Worf is delivering Keiko's baby, and is urging her on with all the intensity and passion as if he was leading a typing class] Push. Push, Keiko. Push.
Keiko: [fed up] I AM PUSHING!
Keiko: Worf, have you ever done this before? Delivered a baby?
Lieutenant: Yes. No. I took the Starfleet emergency medical course. In a computerized simulation, I assisted in delivery of a human baby.
Keiko: Sometimes it doesn't go by the book, Worf.
- Crusher: It's putting out a lot of radiation.
- We can't stay here much longer.
- Yeah, but we've got a bigger problem than that.
- The poladum in those containers is used in emergency thruster packs.
- It's normally pretty stable stuff, but when you expose poladum to radiation, it has a way of exploding.
Capt. Picard: [Picard and three children are stuck between decks in a malfunctioning turbolift] Number One, those big clamps are part of the emergency system. They're designed to hold the turbolift in place if something goes wrong. But it would seem that they're damaged.
Marissa: Is that why we keep shaking?
Capt. Picard: Yes, now when they give way, we shall fall. You must take you're crew out of here before that happens. Now, there's a ladder that runs the length of the turboshaft. You can climb up it until you come to an open doorway. Now, you're the leader, and that's an order.
Marissa: [the lift shakes] Well... what about you?
Capt. Picard: My ankle is broken. I will just slow you down, and you need to move quickly.
Marissa: [to Jay Gordon and Patterson] We have to climb the shaft.
Patterson: I want to stay with you, Captain.
Capt. Picard: Patterson! You're an officer. You have to obey orders.
Patterson: I don't want to be an officer anymore. I want to stay here with you.
Jay: If the Captain stays here, we won't make it. We'll all die.
Capt. Picard: We don't have time to argue. You must go now.
Marissa: The crew has decided to stick together. We all go or we all stay.
Capt. Picard: Alright, I'll try. But I want you to know, this is mutiny.
- Mandel: Chief o'brien, the turbolifts aren't working.
- We're trapped up here.
- Are you children all right?
Lieutenant: Congratulations. You are fully dilated to ten centimeters. You may now give birth.
Keiko: [groans] That's what I've been doing.
[Picard is about to give a tour of the ship to Marissa, Jay Gordon and Patterson]
Chief: I'm not sure who to feel sorry for - the Captain or the kids.
[Keiko is in labor]
Lieutenant: Congratulations, you have dilated ten centimeters. You may now give birth.
Keiko: [groans] That's what I've been doing!
Lieutenant: Now, the last step would be to bear down. The child will come soon.
[Nothing happens]
Lieutenant: [confused] Why hasn't it begun?
Keiko: I don't know? It's not up to me, it happens when it happens.
Lieutenant: The simulation was nothing like this. That delivery was well orderly.
Keiko: [snaps] Well, I'm sorry!
[Keiko suddenly begins groaning and grunting loudly and agonizingly]
Lieutenant: Did you feel an uncontrollable urge to push?
Keiko: [Keiko nods with clenched teeth]
Lieutenant: Good. You are bearing down.
[Ro has suggested sacrificing the drive section of the ship in order to save the saucer section]
Counselor: I believe there are still people alive down there. And I'm going to give them every chance. Assuming they're alive, they'll be hoping there's someone up here who can help them. So we'll help them.