The Best Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 7, Episode 5 Quotes

Counselor: [examining Riker, who has been "killed" by Picard] He's all right. He's only stunned.
Lt. Commander Data: I must admit, I am experiencing a similar sensation.

Captain: Will, you always seem to be after my job.

[Picard is startled by Riker, who is entering the room, and almost shoots him]
Commander William T. Riker: Good to see you too.

- -
- Why?
- Galen has allies on this ship.
- That could cause trouble if I decide to kill him.
- I want you to find out from him who they are.
- Okay.
- One more thing, riker.
- When the time comes,
- I want you to kill galen.

- Make it so.
- Finally.
- Set a course for the hyralan sector and engage at warp 9.
- Officer: Aye, sir.
- Data: Lieutenant.
- May I see you in the ready room?
- Of course.

[Galen alias Picard has instigated a mutiny]
Baran: [to his crew] He's plotted this all along. Opposed me at every turn. Endangered all of us by refusing to follow his orders.
Captain: To follow *your* orders - the orders of a small man trying to fill a role too big for him!

- Opposed me at every turn.
- Endangered all of us by refusing to follow his orders.
- Follow your orders.
- The orders of a small man trying to fill a role too big for him.
- I say it's time for a change.
- Who's with me?

- Yes, sir.
- However, if koral wishes to contest our actions, he can file a protest with the judge advocate general's office.
- Bring the shuttle aboard.
- Then you and Dr. Crusher may begin the inspection.
- Aye, sir.

- Now, do your duties and I'll see to it that we complete our mission and get our payment.
- Remove that.
- Maintain our present course and speed for now.
- I'm gonna find out when and where we're supposed to deliver our cargo.
- Aye, captain.

- And in the meantime,
- I'm really glad that we have this opportunity to get to know you.
- May I ask what business you're in?
- Lieutenant worf has programmed our replicators to make a very good approximation of klingon bloodwine.
- I believe you will find it to your liking.

[last lines]
Captain: Number One, will you set a course for Starbase 227, I'll join you on the bridge shortly.
Commander William T. Riker: Wait a minute - you've been declared dead. You can't give orders around here.
Lt. Commander Data: [to Riker] If we are to adhere to the exact letter of Starfleet regulations, then technically, sir, you have been declared a renegade. In fact, I believe you are facing twelve counts of court martial offenses. You cannot give orders either, sir.
Captain: That's quite right. And as I am supposed to be dead, I'll go and get some sleep, and Mr. Data, I suggest that you escort Commander Riker to the brig.
Lt. Commander Data: Aye, sir.
[while Picard enters his quarters, an amused Riker starts to go about his own business, when Data holds him back...]
Lt. Commander Data: This way, sir.
[... and, unperturbed, leads him away in the opposite direction]
Commander William T. Riker: Data, he was joking... You know that, right? Data?

- Think, tallera.
- Two thousand years ago, your people were being consumed by war.
- But when peace came to vulcan, the resonator became useless.
- That's why it was dismantled.

- I am sorry if I have ended our friendship.
- Sir, it is I who has jeopardized our friendship, not you.
- If you will overlook this incident,
- I would like to continue to consider you my friend.
- I would like that as well.
- Thank you, sir.

Captain: Oh, what a tangled web we weave.

- Not quite.
- As long as I have this,
- I'm still captain of this ship.
- You can't kill all of us.
- You need us to run this ship more than we need you to command it.
- I don't have to kill you all.
- Just you, galen.

- There was a group of aliens sitting at this table.
- He was asking them questions.
- One of them took out a weapon and fired.
- He was vaporized.
- This is about justice.
- The captain died in a bar fight for nothing.

Captain: [as Galen] What's wrong, Commander? You're having second thoughts about betraying your comrades? Because that's what you've done - betrayed them. Betrayed them in order to save yourself. You used to be just a second-rate officer. Now you're a traitor and a coward. How does that feel?
[Riker whirls around and punches Picard in the face]
Commander William T. Riker: I don't know, how did *that* feel?

- you might remember that I still have the ability to kill you at the first sign of trouble.
- I haven't forgotten.
- I have an additional task for you.
- One that will prove your loyalty.
- This raid is an opportunity to get rid of galen.
- Once you've found that artifact, kill him.

- I'm Dr. Crusher and this is lieutenant worf.
- We're here to conduct a health and safety inspection of your ship.
- Health and safety inspection?
- That's right.
- Uh, you know, uh, radiation leaks, um, biochemical contamination, um, other health hazards.
- Excuse me.

Tallera: I'm trying to decide if you're incredibly stupid or incredibly smart.

- Narik and I will go with you to the surface to guarantee that we receive our payment.
- After that, you can go anywhere you want.
- Agreed. Bring him as well.
- We'll use him as a hostage if starfleet arrives.
- If not, we'll kill him on the surface.

Tallera: Extremists often have a logic all their own.

- You used to be just a second-rate officer.
- Now you're a traitor and a coward.
- How does that feel?
- I don't know, how did that feel?
Baran: Enough.
- Galen, go down to the cargo hold, check out those artifacts.
- Move.

- And it is the vulcan symbol for peace standing between the symbols for war and death.
- It's a warning that the power of the resonator can be overcome by peace.
- You are about to see how wrong you are.
- Empty your minds of violent thoughts.

- You were right, tallera.
- The resonator cannot be stopped by phasers and shields.
- But it can be defeated by peace.

- Is it all there?
- No, this is less than half of what we were promised.
- Where's the rest of it?
- That is all I could manage.
- I suggest you take it and leave.
- I did not come this far to be cheated.
- I want it all, now.
- Very well.
- You will get what you deserve.

- Picard: Yes, I can recognize the inscription pattern from the first artifact.
- Commander riker, by taking this action, you risk charges of assault, theft, piracy and treason.
- Really?
- Then I guess adding one more charge wouldn't hurt.

- Picard: Space, the final frontier.
- These are the voyages of the starship enterprise.
- Its continuing mission: To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

- Warp 6. Initiate.
- They're preparing to activate their warp drive, commander.
- Sir, we cannot track them with our sensors if they go to warp.
- I can still disable them...
- I am aware of the tactical situation, lieutenant.
- Let them go.

Captain: [as Galen] It's over, Baran.
Baran: [takes out his control device] Not quite. As long as I have this, I'm still Captain of this ship.
Captain: You can't kill all of us. You need us to run the ship more than we need you to command it.
Baran: I don't have to kill you all. Just you, Galen.