The Best That '70s Show, Season 1, Episode 11 Quotes

- And, um, I'll always be your friend.
- Thanks, Donna.
- That was sympathy Hyde, not an opening for you to put your hand on my knee.
- Sorry.
- Move your hand.

- Because I meant to say: Buy something or get out.
- Fine.
- I'll go some place else then.
- Come on. Let's go.
- Mmm...
- I'm not goin' anywhere.
- I just bought a hot dog.
- I'm outta here.

Frank: Hey! You! Buy something, or get out! I have a big wedding coming in.
Steven: Frank, you don't have a big wedding coming in.
Frank: Oh. Did I say I have a big wedding? What I meant to say was: Buy something, or get out!

Buddy: So, she's like your, uh... girlfriend?
Eric: I don't know. It's... I don't know.
Buddy: You know, it's... It's okay to be confused, Eric.
Eric: Yeah? You know, sometimes I feel like... I don't know. Like we're in a movie, right? And, um, I'm nervous around her. And I feel like I'm playing this part, right? But it's not me.
Buddy: Mm-hm.
[Buddy suddenly kisses Eric and freaks him out]
Eric: Whoa! Whoa! What?
Buddy: What?
Eric: You... you are... you're... you're gay!
Buddy: Me? No, I'm not gay.
Eric: You're not? But you... you just kissed me!
Buddy: Okay, I'm gay.

Donna: Where's Buddy?
Eric: Oh, Buddy. Um, well, Buddy got... busy, so...
Jackie: Yeah, I mean, I'm sure he has lots to do. He *is* popular.
Fez: Yeah. And so obviously gay!
[Eric squirms]

Michael: I don't see why you can't serve us our food, Frank. We *are* paying customers, you know.
Frank: Hey, I didn't lose a leg in Vietnam so I can serve some hot dogs to teenagers.
Michael: You have both of your legs, Frank.
Frank: Like I said, I did *not* lose a leg in Vietnam!

Steven: [after Kelso and Jackie leave] So, Forman, now that the scary kids are gone... Is Buddy gay?
Eric: Well, I don't think it's really my place to...
Steven: He's gay.
Eric: Okay, guys. Hypothetical situation. Crazy scenario. Wouldn't happen in, like, a million years. Let's just... let's say... okay, that Buddy made a move on me.
Donna: Eric, he's not going to make a move on you if he knows you're straight.
Steven: I don't know. I mean, Forman *is* pretty irresistible.
Eric: I don't think he'll make a move on me again.
Steven: *Again*?
Eric: Or for the first time, you know. I gotta go.

- Can I just...?
- Yeah.
- I'm just so glad you're my lab partner.
- I can take you for a ride if you want.
- No way.
- Let's go!

- I mean, forman's not gonna just ditch us.
- The cruiser's battery is probably dead or somethin'.
- You know what?
- It's startin' to get late.
- Maybe we should just start walking.
- No, no. I'm not walking.
- If god wanted us to walk, he wouldn't have given us forman.