The Best That '70s Show, Season 2, Episode 26 Quotes

Jackie: I bought it, in the ghetto.
Hyde: Jackie, there is no ghetto, there's like, that one house that needs painted

Jackie: It's true, I love Steven Hyde. And someday he will love me. And he'll cut off those stupid side burns and we'll live happily ever after!
Eric: What?

- j' the same old thing j' j' we did last week j' j' not a thing to do j' j' but talk to you j' j' we're all all right j' j' we're all all right j' hello, Wisconsin!

Jackie: Steven Hyde, you were right. We will never be friends. We'll be *more* than friends. Because now, I love you!
Hyde: Oh, my God! Will you shut up?

- Kitty, this is our chance to grow apart.
- How can you throw that away?
- How?
- Because 6 nights a week,
- I have to stare at your sour puss, and even god got to rest one day a week.

[at Leo's Foto Hut, Jackie is talking to Leo while he looks at photos]
Jackie: Yeah, there's a lot of things about Steven that I used to not like, but now, I really like. Like... Well, I thought his pork chop sideburns were a sign that he was poor and dirty and living in a shack. But then... But then I realized that Elvis had sideburns and he lived in Graceland. Well, that was an eye-opener!
[Hyde enters]
Jackie: There he is! Hi, Steven!
Hyde: [to Leo] What is *she* doing here?
Leo: I think she is hitting on me, man. But I ain't interested. Tell her I ain't interested and make her go away.
Jackie: Hitting on you? I'm not hitting on you, you relic!
Leo: Hey, name-calling is no way to win someone's heart.
Jackie: What are you talking about?
Leo: What are *you* talking about?
Jackie: What are *you* talking about?
Leo: What are *you* talking about?
Jackie: What are *you* talking about?
[Hyde leaves]
Leo: What are you talking about?
Jackie: Great! Now he got away! Steven!
[Jackie goes after Hyde]
Leo: [to himself] What was she talking about?

- Oh, I feel the warm love and embrace of the whitey.
- I forfeit. You win.
- No. No, no!
- Look, no one is embracing you, Fez.
- You're brown, okay?
- So let's kick some racist ass!