The Best That '70s Show, Season 3, Episode 25 Quotes
Fez: Hyde, when I see a girl, how long do I have to wait before she wants to french me?
- It's great.
- The ring is great.
- See?
- It's great.
- So we're good?
- Yeah, fine.
- Okay, good.
- It's my God-given right as a mother!
- Uh...
- You could, uh...
- Uh, y-you could close your mouth if you... if you wanted.
- What the hell,
- Michael?
- This is ice cream.
- Stupid ice cream?
- No, it's stupid ice cream of love.
Eric: Why aren't you wearing the ring on your hand?
Donna: I don't know. I didn't think it was a big deal.
Jackie: Oh, that is *not* true! I *told* you...
[to the others]
Jackie: I *told* her it was a big deal!
Steven: Forman, you get mushy with Donna, she's gonna see the secret girl inside the man. Now, trust me. You don't wanna let Erica out.
Michael: Hah! Erica! That's a good burn. You can't do that with Michael. I'm lucky.
Steven: Oh, really, *Michelle*?
Donna: If we're meant to be together, then we'll end up together.
Eric: No! The way we end up together is by saying we'll be together and then... being together!
Donna: Eric, come on. We're together now. Isn't that enough?
Eric: No! I mean... I mean, damn, Donna! If you can see a future for yourself without me and that doesn't, like, break your heart, then we're not doing what I thought we're doing here! And, you know what? Maybe we shouldn't even be together at all!
Michael: Is it fireworks?
[Eric stares at him]
Michael: 'Cause if it's something that blows up, I'll go halvsies.
- when you became the first woman president!
- Oh, Monty, these prizes are bitchin'!
- Yeah, truly bitchin'.
- Now let's take a look at what you did choose behind door number three.
- It's your boyfriend and a promise ring!
- I love you!
Donna: [showing Jackie her promise ring] Look at it! Isn't it pretty?
Jackie: Yeah. I really should introduce you to my friend, Nail Polish.
- You know, you're trying to lock her up, seal the deal.
- And... all I'm saying is...
- Maybe Donna's not that kind of girl.
- Okay, you don't know as much as you think, Hyde.
- So you need to just shut up.
- Now, that man is a loof.
- It runs in the family.
- Oh, it does not.
- Fine.
- Okay, good.
- I don't know.
- She doesn't look that unhappy.
- She kinda looks like you.
- I'm unhappy, Bob.
Eric: [Eric and Kelso meet Leo in a back alley to buy rings for Donna and Jackie] So, Leo, you sell promise rings?
Leo: Promise rings, concert tees, 'other stuff'.
Eric: Really!
Michael: That's nice.
Eric: Yeah. Okay, we'll take two rings and a misdemeanor's worth of the 'other stuff'.
Kitty: [Speaking to Donna] Eric was never good at knowing when "fine" is *not* fine. It kinda runs in the family.
[Red looks at Kitty]
- Wait a minute.
- Are you breaking up with me?
- Well... are you giving back that ring?
- Yes.
- Then...
- Yes.
Michael: A promise ring is not only a gift from the heart, but it also means more sex and less mouthing off.
Michael: Oh, my God! Am I talking in rhyme? I wish I could do that all the time! Oh! I did it again!
- Promise rings, concert T's... other stuff.
- Really?
- That's nice.
- Yeah.
- Okay, we'll take two rings and... a misdemeanor's worth of the other stuff.