The Best That '70s Show, Season 7, Episode 18 Quotes

- but that's gonna change
- 'cause she's my girl and I wanna know her.
- That would be awesome.
- I got it.
- Grab her stuff. I'll go put her in the car.
- Yeah. Here.
- Thanks.

- Mrs. Forman,
- I'm a beautiful girl with a shrill, demanding voice.
- I'm pretty hard to ignore.
- Okay, but we can't compete with a bunch of cars.
- Wheels are like bosoms to men, and a car has four.

- How could you, Red Forman?
- Steven stayed with Jackie, but you went off and gave my funnel cake to those whores.
- I was just trying to have a little fun.
- Oh, yeah?
- Well, you can take your fun and shove it up your...

- Go hold her.
- You're right.
- Leo?
- Oh, my God. They're gone.
- Everybody.
- Everybody, just stay calm.
- The breast milk is safe.

- Hello, Wisconsin!
- We have to dispose of the dirty diaper.
- Shark.
- Shark.
- What do you want me to do with it?
- Just chuck it.
- What about the shark?
- Chuck it. Chuck it all.