The Best The Big Bang Theory, Season 3, Episode 16 Quotes

Sheldon: I object! You're completely ignoring the law!
Judge J. Kirby: No, I'm following the law; I'm ignoring you.

Howard: [Raj keeps rattling off names, and Howard has had enough] WILL YOU JUST LET IT GO ALREADY?

Sheldon: Good morning, your honor. Doctor Sheldon Cooper appearing in pro se. That means I am representing myself.
Judge J. Kirby: I know what it means. I went to law school.
Sheldon: And yet you wound up in traffic court.

Sheldon: I would point out that I am at the top of my profession, while you preside over the kiddie table of yours.

[first lines]
Leonard: [Raj enters the comic book store, then presses a button and the Imperial March from Star Wars starts blaring out of speakers in the middle of his shirt and he struts in like he's Darth Vader] Will you please turn your shirt off?
Raj: What? I'm giving myself dramatic entrance music. People will know I'm awesome and to be feared.
Howard: Right. There's nothing more awesome and frightening than a man who's got music blasting from between his nipples.

Sheldon: This is Stan Lee's front door. We were on Stan Lee's curb, then we were on Stan Lee's walk and now we're at Stan Lee's front door.
Penny: Yup.
[Penny rings the doorbell]
Sheldon: Oh, Lord. You just rang Stan Lee's doorbell. It's Stan Lee's house. We're about to go in and have milk and cookies with Stan Lee.
Penny: Okay. Sweetie, I don't know if we're gonna have cookies or he's just gonna say hi or really what's gonna happen so just let me talk and we'll...
[the door opens]
Stan: Yeah?
Penny: Are you Stan Lee?
Stan: Oh damn.
Penny: Hi. I'm Penny. This is my friend Sheldon.
Sheldon: We're not friends at the moment. Depends on how this goes.
Penny: Right, right. Anyway Sheldon here is a huge fan of yours and he was supposed to meet you the other day at the comic book store but he kind of ended up in jail.
Stan: I see. And you thought you'd just come over to my house uninvited?
Sheldon: You said we *were* invited.
Penny: Oh, no no, I said I'm inviting *you* to come with *me* to Stan Lee's house.
Stan: You know, you fanboys are unbelievable! Do you think you can just ring my doorbell any time you want? I mean, why don't you just come on in and watch the Lakers game with me?
Sheldon: Well, I'm not much of a sports fan, but thank you.
[walks in. Stan Lee stares at Penny]
Penny: Sir, he doesn't really understand sarcasm.
Stan: Well I'll give him something he'll understand. Joanie! Call the police!
Penny: Nice to meet you.
[Penny runs away]

Sheldon: [to large man in jail cell] That's my spot.

[last lines]
Leonard: Hey, where you been?
Sheldon: I'll tell you where I've been. You boys may have had gelato with Stan Lee and gotten autographed comics, but I saw the inside of his house and got an autographed application for a restraining order.
Howard: [sarcastically] Sweet.
Sheldon: Plus, I get to hang out with him again... at the hearing. This is going to look great, hanging next to my restraining order from Leonard Nimoy.

- And gotten autographed comics, but I saw the inside of his house...
- And got an autographed application for a restraining order.
- Sweet.
- Plus, I get to hang out with him again, at the hearing.
- This is going to look great...
- Hanging next to my restraining order from Leonard nimoy.

- I can't decide whether I want Stan Lee to autograph...
- My journey into mystery 83, first appearance of Thor...
- Or my fantastic four number 5, first appearance of Dr. Doom.

Sheldon: I've decided I'm going to have Mr. Lee sign my copy of this month's Batman.
Leonard: That's crazy; Stan Lee had nothing to do with Batman.
Sheldon: Yes. Which is why no-one else will ask him to sign one, and I will be the possessor of a unique albeit confusing artifact which will set me apart from the hoi polloi of comic book fandom.
Raj: That's a great idea; I'm going to get him to sign a Batman as well.
Sheldon: What is it about the the word 'unique' you don't understand?

- For what?
Penny: What do you think?
- For doing the same crap he always does, except to a judge.
- He has to stay there until he apologizes.
- So tell him to apologize.
- Oh, gee, thanks, Leonard.
- That didn't occur to me.
- If he doesn't apologize by 5:00, he's gonna spend the night in jail.
- Oh, no, that's terrible.
- The line's moving. Gotta go. Bye.

Howard: [after hearing Raj incessantly rattle off character names with same two initials; as he does so] Okay, that's it. I'm cutting in front of you. I'm not going to talk to Stan Lee after you cheesed him off.

Sheldon: I was found guilty and fined $533.
Penny: I'm gonna write you a check for that as long as you promise to put it in your drawer and never cash it like the others.

Penny: [calling Leonard on the phone] Sheldon's in jail.
Leonard: Sheldon's in jail?
Raj: [to Howard] You called it.
Leonard: For what?
Penny: What do you think? For doing the same crap he always does, except to a judge.

Howard: [to Sheldon] Stan Lee or you in court. Uh, if this was Sophie's Choice, it would have been a much shorter movie.

Leonard: I can't decide whether I want Stan Lee to autograph my "Journey into Mystery" 83, first appearance of Thor, or my "Fantastic Four" number 5, first appearance of Dr. Doom.
[Raj presses a button and his remote-controlled shirt plays the 'Jeopardy!' "Think!" music]
Leonard: Alex, I'm gonna go with "What is... you're a dumbass?"

Howard: Sheldon, why do you have all these unopened paychecks in your desk?
Sheldon: Because most of the things I'm planning to buy haven't been invented yet.
Howard: There, there must be thousands of dollars here! Why don't you put it in the bank?
Sheldon: I don't trust banks. I believe when the robots rise up, ATMs will lead the charge.

Sheldon: Excuse me? Excuse me, jailer?
Guard: What?
Sheldon: I need to use the restroom.
Guard: [Motions to cell toilet] Knock yourself out.
Sheldon: That's the toilet?
Guard: Well, it ain't a wishing well.
Sheldon: Please tell the judge I'm ready to apologize.

- Stan Lee does not have a contagious skin disease.
- Well, look who thinks he's Stuart's uncle now.
- Can't believe it.
- We're gonna meet Stan Lee.
- I'm so excited and I just can't hide it
- I'm about to lose control and I think I like it
- I'm sad to say
- I taught him those moves.

Sheldon: [knock knock knock] Penny?
[knock knock knock]
Sheldon: Penny?
[Penny immediately opens the door]
Penny: [knock knock knock] Penny?
Sheldon: That's just wrong.

Penny: Got any fun plans?
Stuart: Oh yeah, big night tonight. Gonna share a can of tuna with the cat.

Howard: Ouch! Ew, paper cut. Nothing worse than a paper cut.
Raj: Obviously you don't remember your circumcision.

Leonard: It's not that big a deal. You just go down to the court on Thursday and you pay the fine.
Sheldon: I'm not gonna pay a fine! That would imply I'm guilty!
Howard: You *are* guilty.
[Raj presses a button and his remote-controlled shirt plays the 'Law & Order' "thunk thunk" sound; Raj, Howard and Leonard snicker with laughter]
Howard: That one I liked.