The Best The Big Bang Theory, Season 4, Episode 14 Quotes
Raj: I want to be something with sex appeal, like a Labradoodle.
Leonard: I found another tweet from a student at Sheldon's lecture: "Dr. Cooper has taken a relatively boring subject and managed to make it completely insufferable. Plus, he looks like a giant insect."
Howard: Listen to this one: "Does Einstein's theory explain why time flies when you're having fun, but when you're listening to Dr. Cooper, it falls out of the sky dead?"
Howard: Bernadette has needs.
Raj: What kind of needs?
Howard: Sexual needs.
Bernadette: Most of them regular, some of them kind of messed up.
[Sheldon is acting out a scene from a play he wrote]
Sheldon: [as a child] Mommy, why are you crying?
Sheldon: [as his mother] Because I'm gonna miss you, Shellybean, even though you creep the bejesus out of me.
Penny: Hey Leonard, is your Wi-Fi down? I can't get on.
Leonard: Oh, Sheldon changed the password. It's now "Pennyisafreeloader". No spaces.
- From the context, we think it means "kill me now."
- Well, I suppose everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
- I think I'll turn in.
- I didn't want to teach those poopy heads, anyway.
- FYI, I think that's what Darth Vader said just before he started building the Death Star.
Amy: [after multiple failed attempts to cheer up Sheldon] Well, that was the last arrow in my quiver of whimsy.
Sheldon: I didn't wanna teach those poopy heads anyway!
Howard: FYI, I think that's what Darth Vader said just before he started building the Death Star.
Sheldon: Do you realize that teaching is the first thing I've failed at since my ill-fated attempt to complete a chin-up in March of 1989?
Sheldon: Yeah, I'm not familiar with the acronym "KMN".
Leonard: Oh, from the context, we think it means "Kill me now".
- Mommy, I love you.
- Don't let Spock take me to the future!
- Okay, Raj,
- I know you've been avoiding me and Howard, and I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on inside that little head of yours.
Penny: Cat On A Hot Tin Roof is an American classic.
Sheldon: So is the McRib sandwich. I don't care for that, either.
Raj: Somebody took pictures and uploaded them to their Flickr account.
Leonard: Wow. How do you get an entire lecture hall to flip you off at the same time?
Howard: Apparently, if you're Sheldon, all you need to do is turn your back.
Sheldon: Good evening. I'm your guest lecturer, Dr. Sheldon Cooper.
[no reaction]
Sheldon: I was expecting applause, but I suppose stunned silence is equally appropriate. I agreed to speak to you this evening because I was told that you're the best and the brightest of this university's doctoral candidates. Of course, that's like saying you're the most important electron in a hydrogen atom.
[no reaction]
Sheldon: Because, you see, there's only one electron in a hydrogen atom.
[no reaction]
Sheldon: Best and brightest, my sweet patootie.
Penny: Mrs. Cooper? Hey, it's Penny. Yeah, I think I broke your son.
[hands Sheldon the phone]
Penny: Talk to your mother.
Sheldon: [sobbing] Mommy, I love you! Don't let Spock take me to the future!