The Best The Big Bang Theory, Season 4, Episode 20 Quotes
Amy: I described your lovemaking as aloof, but effective.
Sheldon: I wish you hadn't done that! That's going to make me a chick magnet, and I'm so busy as it is.
Amy: Sheldon and I engaged in sexual intercourse. In other news, I'm thinking of starting an herb garden. Mum's the word! Gotta go!
- Have you ever considered trying to do something useful?
- Perhaps, reading to the elderly?
- Excuse me?
- Yeah, but not your books; something they might enjoy.
- I kid, of course. Big fan.
[Leonard walks into the apartment with takeout]
Leonard: Hope you're hungry.
Sheldon: Interesting. A friendly sentiment in this country... cruel taunt in the Sudan. It's a lesson in context.
Raj: Hello, Mummy. Hello, Daddy. How are you?
Mrs. Koothrappali: We're very rich in a very poor country, so all in all, can't complain.
Amy: Do you have any ethical qualms regarding human experimentation?
Sheldon: It's one of the few forms of interaction with people that I don't find repellent.
Priya: By the way, a fellow at work said I could use his Dodger tickets this weekend. Does that sound like fun?
Leonard: Well, yeah! Dodgers are baseball, right?
Priya: You need to explain the game to me.
Leonard: Mmm, it's complicated, but as I remember it the essentials are get chosen last, get hit by the ball, cry, go home.
Penny: Sheldon and Amy had sex.
Raj: Shut your ass!
Penny: Mm-hmm. Amy told me.
Raj: How did that even happen? Did they know that's what they were doing when they were doing it?
Amy: [proposing her gossip experiment] Are you familiar with meme theory?
Sheldon: I'm familiar with everything, but go on.
Sheldon: I'm no stranger to memetic epidemiology. At Johnson Elementary School, the phrase "Shelly Cooper's a smelly pooper" spread like wildfire.
Amy: I should think so. That's gold.
- based on the data I collected watching my parents' marriage implode.
- In that case, the woman dives into religion, while the man dives into a bottle-blonde bartender who tries to buy my love with action figures.
- Oop! Out of arrows.
Amy: I'm glad you talked me into this. We work so hard, sometimes, it's nice to goof off and do something silly.
Priya: [about Raj] I found poems he wrote about her. Very disturbing. "Oh Bernadette, please play my clarinet."
Leonard: Oh. That's hard to believe.
Priya: Yes. And for years everyone in my family was convinced he was the... clarinet enthusiast.
Sheldon: I must say, Amy, pretending to have intercourse with you has given me a great deal of satisfaction.
[Sheldon and Leonard are playing Wii archery]
Sheldon: What an elf I would have made.
Sheldon: Dr. Greene, question?
Brian: Yes?
Sheldon: You've dedicated your life's work to educating the general populace about complex scientific ideas.
Brian: Yes, in part.
Sheldon: Have you ever considered trying to do something useful?
[first lines]
Brian: My new book, 'The Hidden Reality', takes on a grand question: Is *our* universe the only universe? You see, there's a growing belief among scientists like me that ours may only be one among many universes populating a gigantic cosmos. In 'The Hidden Reality' I explore this possibility without presuming any knowledge of mathematics or physics on the part of the reader.
Sheldon: [to Amy] Hysterical.
Amy: [to Sheldon] I'm glad you talked me into this. We work so hard sometimes it's nice to goof off and do something silly.
Sheldon: Agreed. Yo, wait 'til you hear how he dumbs down Werner Heisenberg for the crowd. You may actually believe you're in a comedy club.
Brian: You can think about Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle much like the special order menu that you find in certain Chinese restaurants where you have dishes in column A and other dishes in column B, and if you order the first dish in column A you can't order the corresponding dish in column B; that's sort of like the Uncertainty Principle.
Sheldon: Ba-dum-bump.
[Howard has announced his intention to propose to Bernadette, but Leonard and Sheldon heard that she was planning on breaking up with him]
Leonard: Poor guy. He's gonna be blindsided.
Raj: [grinning like an idiot] I know. It'll be awful!
Sheldon: Why are you smiling?
Leonard: [knowing Raj has a crush on Bernadette] Yeah, Raj, why?
[about Bernadette]
Howard: Her freakishly small hands make anything look big. It's one of the reasons I love her.
Howard: Hey, everybody, I got something I want to ask Bernadette, and I can't think of a better time than when I'm with all my friends.
Leonard: Oh, hold on, Howard. There's lots of better times.
Raj: Leonard, please. The man is talking. Let him get it out, and let the chips fall where they may.
Howard: Thank you. Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski...
Bernadette: Oh, God. What's happening?
Howard: I know things haven't been perfect with us, and we've had our problems, but I just have to tell you, from the moment I...
Bernadette: Howard, let me just stop you right here.
Raj: This is it.
Bernadette: Yes.
Howard: Yes, what?
Bernadette: Yes, I will marry you.
Howard: You will?
Raj: You will?
Bernadette: I will. I will!
Howard: Oh, I love you so much.
Bernadette: Oh, I love you, too.
Leonard: Congratulations!
Priya: Oh, it's so exciting.
[Amy is telling Sheldon about her addiction research]
Amy: I recently trained a capuchin monkey to smoke cigarettes.
Sheldon: Have you learned anything?
Amy: Yes. He looks much cooler than the non-smoking monkeys. Although it's not much of a contest. The other monkeys just sit around and masturbate.
Sheldon: I've been thinking about Dr. Greene's efforts to make science palatable for the masses.
Leonard: Yeah? What about it?
Sheldon: That's all. I've just been thinking about it. Now I'm thinking about fractal equations. Now I'm thinking about the origin of the phrase "train of thought." Now I'm thinking about trains.
Raj: Are you listening to this guy?
Howard: Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry, I was somewhere else.
Leonard: Lucky bastard!
Sheldon: Now I'm thinking about Jell-o.
[last lines]
Amy: [to Penny] Just stopped by to let you know I'm getting orthotics. Also I'm carrying Sheldon's baby. Mum's the word.
[Amy, walking down the stairs, meets Leonard, who is coming up looking at his cell phone]
Leonard: You're *pregnant*?
Amy: Wow. Is there anything on there about orthotics?
Amy: Bernadette just asked about my sexual encounter with you. The meme has reached full penetration.
Sheldon: Pun intended?
Amy: No. Happy accident.
Sheldon: This is remarkable. Took less than 24 hours.
Amy: I should let you know that she asked for details about our dalliance.
Sheldon: Interesting. So it went beyond the mere fact of coitus to a blow-by-blow, as it were.
Amy: Pun intended?
Sheldon: I'm sorry, what pun?