The Best The Big Bang Theory, Season 7, Episode 10 Quotes
Ira: This could put you on the track to a Nobel Prize, and in chemistry, no less. Very unusual, seeing as you're a physicist.
Sheldon: Yes, it's very unusual. Let's all laugh at the circus freak!
Sheldon: Here comes the Embarrassment Express. It stops at Fraudville. Wonder-Blunder-Burg. And Kansas City, because it's a hub.
Sheldon: What's that animal doing in our apartment?
Leonard: Get over that. She's in her crate; she can't get out.
Sheldon: I have two words for you: Jurassic Park.
Bernadette: Aw, Raj did the dishes!
Howard: How do you know I didn't do them?
Bernadette: Because once, when all the knives were dirty, you cut a bagel with your keys.
Sheldon: Yeah, well, I'm not just some trained monkey dancing for coins.
Leonard: Course you're not. People love trained monkeys.
Penny: How can you not be happy? You're tall, thin and famous. Oh my God. I'm jealous of Sheldon.
Sheldon: President Siebert, I don't get why you're so upset. You're the one who forced me to go on the radio. I was expecting a scientific discussion, not an attack by some Morning Zoo shock jock. Well, if you wanted to raise money for the university, you should consider a swear jar. Wow, that's a dollar right there!
Leonard: I was only trying to make you happy.
Sheldon: By taking away my crowning achievement? If you wanted me to be happy, you could have told me a joke, or shown me a cute video of a koala and an otter being unlikely friends.
Leonard: There is no pleasing you! And koalas and otters don't even live near each other!
Sheldon: That's what makes their friendship so unlikely!
- they said something embarrassing, this would be one hell of a drinking game.
- A little early for alcohol, isn't it?
Sheldon: You know, ldon'tjust say smart things about science.
- I also yodel.
- I'll get the vodka.
Bernadette: Raj, this dinner was amazing. If you're here much longer, I'm going to have to buy bigger clothes.
Raj: Nonsense. You need a little fattening up. You've been looking too skinny lately.
Bernadette: Ah. Howie, how come you never say anything sweet like that?
Howard: What are you talking about? Remember last week when I asked you if you were wearing Spanx and you weren't? How's that different?
Bernadette: Maybe you could try being more thoughtful like your friend Raj.
Howard: Yeah, well, maybe you could try being more like Raj.
Bernadette: Oh, really?
Howard: Yeah, yeah. He packed me a lunch this morning and there was a note inside that said "Go get 'em."
Bernadette: Like I don't do enough around here? Now I need to pack your lunch? And by the way, why do you need a note to telling you to "Go got 'em"? You're a grown man; you should know to "Go get 'em."
Howard: I do know to "Go get'em", but sometimes it's nice to have emotional support when I'm going and getting them.
Raj: Hey. Hey. Do you hear yourselves? No more. Calm down and take a step back.
Bernadette: This is stupid. Why are we fighting?
Howard: I don't know. I guess I was just feeling like I'm a lousy husband.
Bernadette: You're not a lousy husband. You're a great husband. I was the one feeling like a lousy wife.
Howard: Are you kidding? You're the best! I know what the problem is; it's him.
Raj: Whoa. What did I do?
Howard: You made us feel like we're not trying hard enough.
Raj: Yeah. We were totally fine half-assing our marriage 'til you showed up.
Raj: Look, I'm sorry you're upset with me, but I just have to say it's nice to see the two of you on the same page.
Bernadette: It does feel good to have you backing me up for once.
Bernadette: I back you up all the time.
Howard: That is- He's doing it again!
Bernadette: What is wrong with you?
Barry: Cooper, maybe physics just isn't your thing. Have you ever considered a caweer in wetail? That way you could take things back for a wiving.
Barry: That's enough, Barry.
Sheldon: That's all right, Leonard. I can fight my own battles. Isn't that right, "Bawwy"?
Barry: Is that a wefewence to my speech impediment? That's pwetty hurtful. I... I can't contwol it.
Sheldon: You're right. That was uncalled for. I take it back.
Barry: Of course you do, because you're the Wetwactor!
Sheldon: But none of you know what this is like. Being celebrated for something you wish you never did.
Penny: You clearly haven't been with me at Mardi Gras.
- Everyone laugh at the circus freak.
- I don't need to sit here and take this, flatow.
- It is because of bullies like you, every day more and more Americans are making the switch to television.
Raj: [theme song plays] R
Bernadette: Hey guys, sorry I'm so late. Did you already have dinner?
Howard: No, we were waiting for you.
Bernadette: Oh, that's so sweet.
Howard: Yeah. So what do you feel like making?
Raj: Howard, the poor thing just got home from work! Let me get you a glass of wine; I'll cook dinner.
Bernadette: Oh, Raj, you're our guest.
Raj: Don't be silly, sit. You look like you've had a long day.
Howard: No, she always looks like that.
[Bernadette gives him a dirty look]
Howard: Because she married an idiot!
Sheldon: To really understand the story here, we have to start at the very beginning: a small town in East Texas, where a young genius name...
Leonard: Sheldon!
Sheldon: That's right, Sheldon Cooper. He was bitten by his neighbor's dog, leading to his first scientific break through: the Doggy Death Ray. Which sadly he couldn't build because Santa wouldn't bring him enriched uranium.
Howard: You're brushing your teeth on the couch?
Raj: No, I'm brushing Cinnamon's teeth.
Howard: Why bother? She just spends half the day licking her own butt.
Raj: And the other half licking my face, that's why I'm brushing her teeth
Penny: [to Raj's dog] Bark once if you need me to call PETA.
[last lines]
Penny: You know if we did a shot every time they said something embarrassing, this would be one hell of a drinking game.
Amy: Little early for alcohol, isn't it?
Sheldon: [On the radio] You know, I don't just say smart things about science, I also yodel.
Amy: I'll get the vodka.