The Best The Expanse, Season 5, Episode 6 Quotes
- and Fred Johnson could not.
- He's gonna unite a hundred separate factions into one nation.
- And the only choice left for us...
- to join him... or die.
[Holden] How's the reactor?
- Holding steady at 10%.
- All diagnostic in normal range.
- Okay fo reboot da system on lower deck, ke?
- Yeah, do it.
- Aye, aye, Captain.
- Alex, I can't hold on for much longer.
- Grenade is set.
- Alex, I couldn't hold them!
- Are you back?
- Alex?
- You gotta get back.
- Now!
- I'm coming!
- It's okay. It's okay.
- It'll pass.
- Stay hidden.
- And if anything goes bad, run.
- To me.
- The Free Navy welcomes us.
- We are being asked to dock.
- MCRN warships... how could Marco have these?
- That's a good question.
- But so much for shooting our way out.
- We'll be a lot less likely to bump into people we don't want to bump into.
- It's a long way.
- You up for that?
- I'll make it.
- All right.
- I'm just burning through the last of the implant-blocking agents, and it's making my muscles cramp.
- That's all it is.
- You sure?
- No.
- You just couldn't see it because they were killing us slow.
- Talk amongst yourselves.
- Make a decision... and do it quickly.
- We won't be staying here long.
- Monsters... not afraid.
- Monsters... not afraid.
- because of you.
- I'd like you to join my provisional cabinet.
- Please.
- Of course.
- Thank you, madam.
- I'll be with you in a moment,
- Secretary-General.
- That's a shitty design.
- I wasn't thinking about the consequences when I got them.
- Just revenge.
- Let me see.
- All right.
- Now, unless you think
- I got a pistol up my ass, we both can agree I'm unarmed.
- Recycler's worth more than an extra rifle.
- Yeah, but I can go get that cycler myself.
- Don't need you.
- I'm afraid all the time...
- ...of the things that I did, how right it felt when I was doing them, how certain I was.
- Kind of took it on as a prayer.
- How'd it go?
- I have killed... but I'm not a killer, because a killer is a monster and monsters aren't afraid.
Clarissa: Is he alive?
- No.
- Sit down.
- I'll take care of this.
- and he's offering to shoot anyone who comes too close.
- Why?
- One of these
- "end of times" fellas.
- Probably can't believe how lucky he is all this happened.
- Thank you.
- We'll keep an eye out.
- I think she is Golden Bough.
- Tributes.
- They come here in exchange for Inaros on their ships.
- Marco is consolidating support amongst the factions.
- If Marco has Black Sky and Golden Bough with him, half the OPA will rally to his banner.
- how it ended.
Filip: Tell me.
- How did you open all the gates?
Naomi: It wasn't me alone.
- It took every one of us working together.
- We all played a part...
- I don't have any weapons.
- That's why I'm here.
- Strip, then.
- What?
- You say you don't have any weapons.
- Stand where you are and strip down.
- Once I know you're clean, we'll talk.
- I will.
- Is there anything you'd like me to tell your mother?
- There's no need.
- I can tell...
- No.
- Thank you.
Marco: Good to see you, as always, Drummer.
- Amos.
- Fresh blood.
- So they tried to go over the fence.
- You sure this is a good idea?
- We won't go over the fence.
- ...what would it be?
- Oh, don't look at him.
- I asked you.
- Spare her life.
- Please.
- My son... has a kind heart.
- This is Marco Inaros'
- Free Navy.
- His Belters on our Martian ships.
- Let's get some profiles.
Alex: Crap, they pinged us.
- We're not gonna make it, are we?
- I got one more thing to try.
Clarissa: [In the woods outside a disaster-relief station] There's police there. I don't want to go back to prison.
Amos: Well, there's no prison to go back to. They'll probably just shoot you.
Clarissa: I don't want that either.
Amos: Hello?
- Anyone there?
- Welcome to the Pella.
- Give me your weapon.
- Your temper precedes you.
- If I refuse?
- Then turn around and go back to your little ships... as our enemy.
- And you will realize what he's done to you.
- He made me a fighter.
- He loves me.
- He loves himself.
- Oh, you don't know anything about him.
- I know he wouldn't die for you... but he would let you die for him.
- You know, when we find these pricks, the ride's gonna get a little rough.
- You ever been in high-G maneuvers before?
- Mm-hmm.
- On this ship... when we were the first people to go through the Ring and survive.
- Then what are you?
- Just people on the road.
- Where you headed?
- North.
- UN's setting up a relief camp.
- Take a seat if you want.
- I might have a dad somewhere
- I never met.
- Do you want to?
- Nope.
- Then does he actually exist at all?
- You want some?
- Nah.
- You go ahead.
- She lived like she was.
- What does that mean?
- There are ways that you can live a good life... without being a good person.
- I like that.
- No.
- Make sure your vac suit's ready.
- You'll be needing it soon.
- Will do.
- Monica Stuart is authorized for ship systems, guest access privileges only.
- And then it was trivial.
- And now here we are, and it's impossible again.
Amos: Pretty sure that's the sun, but I get your point.
- I need to rest.
- Look.
- That's better than one.
- I don't think he's coming.
- Yeah.
- Good.
- We'll go this way.
- Towards the crazy asshole who's shooting people?
- Yep.
- I'm sorry.
- I know.
- You've said.
- So am I.
- I've never seen the two of you like that before.
- I thought you were going to come to blows.
- Wouldn't be the first time.
- Did we win?
- This round.
- We got weapons, food, transportation.