The Best The Good Place, Season 1, Episode 9 Quotes

Janet: People keep asking me questions that I don't know the answers to.

Eleanor: Ugh, I hate jazz. Every jazz song is like 40 minutes long. It's like, we get it. You can blow on a trumpet. Wrap it up, Elton John...

- I'm going to tell you the same thing
- I told Mark Zuckerberg right before he ousted Eduardo saverin.
- You are smart. You are capable and the time has come to hit "unfriend."
- I also told Mark to lose the "the."
- You know, just "Facebook."
- That was me.

- He laughs you're on borrowed time, fake Eleanor.
- Enjoy it while it lasts.
- Let's roll, dummies.
Dana: Let's get one drink for the road.
Alexis: Did you guys hear any of that?
- Door closes oh, my...
Tahani: Bravo, Michael! Really!

- snuck out through the doggie door and, you know what?
- This story actually gets worse from there so I'm gonna turn in.
- Good night.
- Good night. good night.
- Oh... there are stairs now.
- Force of habit.

Casey: Hey, a bunch of us are going to see Spider-Man 2 tonight, you wanna come?
Eleanor: They made a second Spider-Man? What is there left to say? Sure, whatever, I'm in.
Casey: Cool, well, I'll get tickets for the eight of us, and you can just pay me back in cash.
Eleanor: So you can get all the points on your credit card, and the rest us get screwed? No way.
Casey: No, it's just so we all get tickets before they sell out. Do you want to buy them?
Eleanor: So you can never pay me back and I'll be out like eighty bucks? Nice try!