The Best The Good Place, Season 2, Episode 7 Quotes
- and I still like you a lot.
- Me too.
- What happens now?
- Don't know.
- Do you want to try...
- Reabsorbing me?
Tahani: [watching Home Alone] Jason's making me watch this horror film about two ex-convicts who try to rob and murder a neglected child.
- I got my own hanger for my jumpsuit.
- Already? I mean, that's so fast.
- Well, when you know you know.
- And we know literally everything.
- We are so in sync, we're finishing each other's...
- Derek!
Janet: We've even started to finish each other's...
Derek: Derek.
Jason: [exchanging wedding vows with Tahani] Tahani, you're so smart. Every day, you teach me something new about art, and history, and why you shouldn't eat everything that smells good, because sometimes it's candles. You're basically, like, a hot genius teacher who sometimes has sex with me, your student. That used to happen a lot at Lynyrd Skynyrd High School, but this time you won't be arrested. Oh, I love you, Tahani.
[mimes shooting guns in the air]
Tahani: Jason, I'd never guess we would be where we are today: me, a prominent British philanthropist with award-winning legs, set to marry you, a swamp-dweller who once asked me if the presidents on Mount Rushmore have butts on the other side. We don't make any sense together, and yet, when I'm with you, I can really let my hair down. Metaphorically speaking, of course, because I'd never have it up in the first place. I'm not a factory worker.
Derek: I don't understand what you even like about Jason. What does he have that I don't have?
Janet: A soul and genitals.
Derek: [groans] Here we go with this whole "no genitals" thing again. You're the one that gave me wind chimes instead of a penis, Janet.
Janet: This isn't about your wind-chime penis.
- but can I teach you a different game?
- In this one, you just whack it as hard as you can in whatever direction you want.
- Jaguars rule!
- The jaguars are very good. Oh!
- Whoa, nice.