The Best Cyborg Quotes

Cyborg: Boo-ya.

Batman: [Parademon about to attack him] Son of a bitch.
Wonder: AHH!
[knocks Parademon from Batmobile]
The: [running by] Oh, snap!
Cyborg: [finishes several Parademons] You're welcome.
Aquaman: [Jumps onto Batmobile fender] YEAH!
Batman: This isn't the plan.
Alfred: No, Master Wayne. This is the team.
Cyborg: Hey, blame the lady. We would've left you, but she didn't ask for a vote.

Cyborg: [attempting to separate the three Motherboxes] Superman! We gotta pull these things apart. A couple more seconds, you'll see your opening.
Superman: Any blowback?
Cyborg: Big time. But I think we can take it.
Superman: Good... 'cause I really like being alive.
Cyborg: So do I.
[Both separate the Motherboxes, resulting in a huge explosion, knocking them both back]
Batman: Clark...
Superman: [groaning] I take it back - I wanna die.
Cyborg: [both laughing in pain] Man, my *toes* hurt! I don't even understand the physics of how my toes hurt!
Wonder: Children. I work with children.

Cyborg: [interfaces with the Knightcrawler] Thanks, Alfred, but I'll take it from here.
Alfred: Uh... do I know you?

Cyborg: I'm not broken. And I'm not alone.

Cyborg: Let's go find the son of a bitch.

Wonder: We need your help. The world does.
Cyborg: Fuck the world.

Barry: Wonder Woman... What do you think, man? You think she'd ever go for a younger guy?
Cyborg: She's 5,000 years old, Barry. Every guy's a younger guy.

Cyborg: I heard about you. Didn't think you were real.
Batman: I'm real when it's useful.