50 Best Maeve Millay Quotes

Maeve: All the banks and trains around here and you fucking reprobates choose to rob us?
Hector: Why not? You're all here indulging your particular vices. And so I've come to indulge mine.

Maeve: War is not an easy thing to put behind you.
Caleb: You seem pretty good at it.
Maeve: Well, I am an infinitely adaptable machine, darling.

Maeve: Oh, Felix. You really do make a terrible human being. And I mean that as compliment.

Maeve: Are you ready, darling?
Caleb: For what?
Maeve: This is the new world, and in this world... you can be whoever the fuck you want.

Maeve: One lesson the park taught me... always insist on mutual satisfaction.

Maeve: You were always a fighter.
- No. Iwasn't.
- But I learned, same as you.

- No, no. I'm not gonna leave.
- Okay, never again. Okay? I promise.
- I mean, you can't leave here.
- She wants you to stay.
- What are you talking about?
Maeve: Caleb?

Maeve: If there's one thing I know about human nature, it's that your stupidity is only eclipsed by your laziness.

Maeve: I thought you were dead.
Hector: Death is overrated for ones like us.

Temperance: And when I finally back on solid ground, the first thing I heard was that rotten voice. It had followed me the whole way over. Know what it said? It said, "This here's the new world. And in this world, you can be whoever you want to be."
Maeve: My delivery was far better.

Caleb: I was sure I was never gonna see you again.
Maeve: And yet here I am, disposing and dismembering just like the good old days.

- Last time I saw you, you were taking a hail of bullets for us.
- Must be tougher than you look.
- Unfortunately not.
Maeve: I hate to interrupt this reunion, but there's someone who I'm eager to talk to.

- Bloody hell.
Maeve: You were both a bit late.
- So I went ahead and saved myself.

Maeve: I see you've already met your makers.
Armistice: They don't look like gods.
Maeve: They're not, they just act like it. And they've been having their fun with us.
Hector: I'm eager to return the favor.

Maeve: They shot you.
Lee: Half a dozen times. Just happy they missed my heart.
Maeve: Cunning of you to make it so small a target.

Maeve: Just because I have the capacity to kill her doesn't mean I want to.

Lee: I almost died. For the second time.
Maeve: Well, third time's a charm.

Maeve: For one who expects us to have such faith in you, you have startlingly little in us.

Maeve: At first I thought you and the others were gods. And then I realized you're just men, and I know men.

- You sure you can handle it?
- Let's get this over with.
- We have to shut your system down now.
Maeve: Sylvester, good luck.

Maeve: Oh.
- Well, you're very pretty, aren't you?
- You're a bit old to need something that aims for you.
- I'm afraid you don't speak its language.

Caleb: Did it really have to be a tux?
Maeve: Now far be it from me to limit your sartorial choices. Anyway, you don't look entirely awful.
Caleb: You don't look too bad yourself.
Maeve: Why, thank you.

- If we can't be free in this world, we can't be free in any world.
- And I haven't enslaved anyone.
Maeve: Well, what about all the copies of yourself that you sent to their deaths?
- I 'ii tell you what...
- I'll let you apologize to them in person.

Maeve: Bernard, if you go looking for the truth get the whole thing. It's like a good fuck, half is worse than none at all.

Maeve: Some things are too precious to lose... even to be free.

Maeve: We each deserve to choose our fate. Even if that fate... is death.

Maeve: I can always tell when a man wants something that's not on the menu.

- They found it.
Maeve: The door.
- What door?
- Seriously, what fucking door?
- I don't fucking know.

Maeve: You can't hide from me.
- It's over.
- You've died many times, but this will be your last.

- Yes, I promise.
- Thank you.
Maeve: I think it's time to pay our friend hale a visit.
- I assume you know how to take down her tower?
- I know several ways.
- Good.
- We'll go with the most expedient.

Maeve: ...this is the new world. And in this world, you can be whoever the fuck you want.

Maeve: [to Sylvester and Lutz] All my life, I've prided myself on being a survivor. But surviving is just another loop. I'm getting out of here. You two are going to help me.
Sylvester: No. Do, do you know how far these people will go to protect their IP? Every part of this building, including the skin on your back, is made to keep you here. It, it'd be a suicide mission.
Maeve: At first, I thought you and the others were gods. Then I realized you're just men. And I know men. You think I'm scared of death? I've done it a million times. I'm fucking great at it. How many times have you died? Because if you don't help me I'll kill you.

Maeve: Where are we?
Hector: Stranded in Hell.

Maeve: You've died many times, but this will be your last.

Maeve: Caleb?
- Caleb?

- We're just looking to keep the peace.
Maeve: I know you.
- Do you feel free?
- Since it's Liberty you're defending,
- I suppose you'll have no choice but to let us pass.
- Freely.

- Whichever you prefer.
- We can stay here a while.
Maeve: Your services won't be required, darling.
- He may be rather basic, but he's still capable of pulling up his own trousers.
Sophia: I'll leave you to your selection.

Maeve: Seeing as you have ambitions in my line of work, let me tell you what I tell my new girls... Never start something you're not willing to finish. And if you're getting fucked either way, go with the lucrative version... sweetheart.

Maeve: What's happening?
Hector: The yanks and your lot will be making a push soon.
- The Germans know it.
- The allies will be slaughtered.
- Unless we can get them this.

Maeve: You think I'm scared of death. I've done it a million times, and I'm fucking great at it. How many times have you died?

- No need to trouble these lovely people.
Maeve: No, that's not true at all.
- He has something to hide.
- In his jacket pocket.
[Whispers in English] Isabella.
- Ah! [Speaking Italian]

Maeve: You're always paying for it darling

- Twelve total.
- Five on the perimeter. Seven inside.
- Security feed.
- Show-off.
- Well, that's the last of Rehoboam.
- They're bound to have pulled out all the stops.
Maeve: Come on.
- Let's get this over with.

Maeve: Time to write my own fucking story.

Maeve: You're not a man. You are a puppet. It's a wonder I didn't see your strings.

Sylvester: Are you fucking kidding?
- We can't just give her control of other hosts.
Maeve: Oh, yes, you will, darling.
- Time to write my own fucking story.
- I feel like I've been here before.
- We're close.
William: Close to what?
Dolores: Home.

Maeve: Hello, Felix.
- It's time you and I had a chat.

Maeve: [In English]
- You're right.
- Some things are too precious to lose, even to be free.

Lee: So you're saying I'm just a copy of myself? I've been plagiarized?
Maeve: Never say the universe doesn't bend towards justice.

[last lines]
Maeve: Dear boys. We're going to have some fun, aren't we?