30 Best Mark Rylance Quotes

Leonard: When a mistake's been made, I've always found it best to simply be up-front about it.
Francis: English, I didn't cut the boss' pants too short, I shot his son in the face.

[President Orlean is attacked by an alien bird creature]
Congressman Tenant: What is that thing?
Peter: I believe that's called a Bronteroc.

Leonard: Come with me.
Mable: No.
Leonard: No, come with me. You can show me things you've already seen.
Mable: You will not spend you best years taking care of my remaining few.
Leonard: I was taking care of myself just fine, you know. Oh, yes.
Mable: Knowing you, I'm quite confident you'd have seen to the burials of each each and everyone of those murders. But then .. you'd no longer be pretending to be one. Would you?

Anorak: [He enters Central Park] Nice racing, padawan. You're the first to finish.
Parzival: [neels down stammering and looks at Anorak] M-Mr. Halliday. I... Anorak. It's such an honor.
Anorak: The honor's all mine.
[he holds the Copper Key and gives it to Parzival as he looks down]
Anorak: Get yourself a clue.

Anorak: Let the hunt for Halliday's Easter Egg, begin.

- I best go see if master Richie needs me.
- Ah.
- Speak of the devils.
- What's that now?
Leonard: Just an expression, sirs.
- Excuse me. I meant no offense.
- See you tomorrow.

Irate: [On the pier in England, Collins steps off Dawson's boat, watching soldiers walk by. One looks at Collins angrily] Where the bloody hell were you?
Mr. Dawson: [to Collins] He knows exactly where you were.

[last lines]
Peter: [about the colorful animals] What ever you do, don't pet them...

Sully: You dumb cunt

Peter: You know that BASH has over 40 million data points on you, on every decision you have made since 1994, Doctor? I... I know when you have colon polyps months before your doctor does. You got four or five at the moment actually. You know, they're not of concern, but I'd have a checkup as soon as you can. But more importantly than that, much more importantly than that, I know what you are. I know who you are. My algorithms have determined eight fundamental consumer profile types. You are a lifestyle idealist. You think you're motivated by beliefs, high ethical beliefs. But you just run towards pleasure and away from pain. Like a... Like a field mouse.

- I'm guessing it's been quite an evening for you folks.
Leonard: Hazard of the trade, madame.
- Which one of you has my tape?
- Money first.
La: Please.

[first lines]
Leonard: [narrating] To the naked eye, a suit appears to consist of two parts, a jacket and trousers. But those two seemingly solid parts are composed of four different fabrics. Cotton, silk, mohair, and wool. And those fabrics are cut into 38 separate pieces. The process of sizing, forming, conjoining those pieces, requires no fewer than 228 steps.
[puts his kettle on to boil]

Halliday: Maybe we should stop talking about it and start showing it. If you all want to reach under your seats, you'll find there's nothing there.

Leonard: I'm not a tailor; I'm a cutter.

Mr. Dawson: [about planes approaching from behind] Spitfires, George. Greatest plane ever built.
Grenadier: You didn't even look.
Mr. Dawson: Rolls-Royce Merlin engines. Sweetest sound you could hear out here.

Leonard: Finishings, for me, can be the hardest part.
- Not because there is any great skill involved in these final steps...
- Putting on a few buttons, closr'ng up a few edges, but because if you've done your job, all the true craftsmansh/p has already occurred the finishings are mere ine v/tabilities.

Mr. Dawson: [On the Shivering Soldier] He's shell-shocked, George. He's not himself. He might never be himself again.

Halliday: She wanted to go dancing, so we watched a movie.

Richie: Why'd you come here then?
Leonard: The war.
Richie: What, Kruats bomb your place?
Leonard: Worse. They're called blue jeans.

Francis: Oh, are you a doctor now too?
Leonard: I was in the war.
Francis: At your age?
Leonard: The other war.

Sully: I dried off with you, afterwards! I never done that, before. It means something!

Leonard: [narrating] It's at the finishings that you must come to terms with the idea that perfection is a necessary goal, precisely because it is unattainable. If you don't aim for perfection, you cannot make anything great. And yet true perfection is impossible.

Halliday: I created the OASIS because I never felt at home in the real world. I just didn't know how to connect with people there. I was afraid for all my life, right up until the day I knew my life was ending. And that was when I realized that... as terrifying and painful as reality can be, it's also... the only place that... you can get a decent meal. Because, reality... is real.

[last lines]
Leonard: Its not perfect. You have to make your peace with that.
[leaving his shop]
Leonard: How? Well, you sit at your board, you lay out your tools, and you start again.

Anorak: In the form of my avatar, Anorak the all knowing. I created three keys. Three hidden challenges test worthy traits, revealing three hidden keys to three magic gates. And those with the skill to survive these strengths will reach the end, where the prize awaits.

- Take your measure...
- And when you understand who he is...
- Mr. Boyle.
Leonard: ...Then you're ready to begin.
- Knock, knock.
Leonard: Hmm.
- How's business, English?
Leonard: Evening, sirs.

Leonard: Pull him this way.
- Ow! Fuck!
- One more.
[Groans] Fuck!
- Fuck!
- Get my tweezers.

Shivering: Where are we going?
Mr. Dawson: Dunkirk.
Shivering: No, we're going to England!
Mr. Dawson: We have to go to Dunkirk first.
Shivering: I'm not going back!

Leonard: If we only allowed angels to be customers, soon we'd have no customers at all.

Leonard: I want so bad to be good.