The Best Ilene Andrews Quotes

Ilene: We believe that they had an ancient rivalry. The myths say that their ancestors fought each other in a great war.

Ilene: No one can keep the reins on Kong.

Ilene: The myths are real. There was a war. And they're the last ones standing.

Ilene: I knew that they had a bond. She had nowhere to go, so I made a promise to protect her, and I think that in some way, Kong did the same.

Admiral: Dr. Andrews. We've avoided all of Godzilla's known territorial waters according to your guidelines.
Ilene: Good.
Admiral: Do I need to be concerned?
Ilene: Yes. They do have a way of sensing threats. And we believe that they had an ancient rivalry. The myths say that their ancestors fought each other in a great war.
Admiral: So if they meet again, who bows to who, is that it?
Ilene: No, I spent 10 years on that island studying him. I know this for sure. Kong bows to no one.

Ilene: [referring to Godzilla after he's beaten Kong out at sea] As soon as we move, he'll be back. How are we supposed to get the rest of the way?
Nathan: How's Kong with heights?

Ilene: [signing] Tell him there may be others like him down there.
Jia: Family?
Ilene: I don't know. I hope so.

Ilene: This won't end until one of them submits.

[first lines]
Ben: Dr. Andrews, did you see that?
Ilene: The habitat's not gonna hold much longer.
Ben: We need to start thinking about off-site solutions.
Ilene: The island is the one thing that's kept him isolated. If he leaves, Godzilla will come for him. There cant be two alpha Titans.

Ilene: [Godzilla is approaching the ships at sea] Did we change course?
Admiral: No. We're nowhere near the areas you flagged.
Nathan: [looking at the radar] It looks like he's coming for us anyway.
Ilene: He's not coming for us.
Maia: [referring to Kong as Godzilla is coming for him] Him? Then dump him. Dump the monkey!
Ilene: How about we throw you off instead, huh?

Ilene: [an apex robot obtains a sample of hollow earth energy] What are you doing?
Maia: Extracting a sample .
Ilene: This is a power beyond our understanding. You can't just drill into it.
Maia: Actually we can. My father gets what he wants. That's Alex property now.
Ilene: What?
Ren: [from above at Apex cybernetics] energy signature incoming. We should be able to recreate it soon.
Ilene: [to Maia] That is the discovery of the millennium. You can't strip it for parts.
Maia: Hold it.
[Apex soldiers hold guns on them]

Nathan: [Godzilla is coming back for Kong after almost drowning him] He's circling back.
Ilene: This won't end until one of them submits.
Nathan: Shut it down.
Ilene: What?
Nathan: All of it. Guns, engines. Shut it down. Right now.
Admiral: If we do that, we're dead.
Nathan: No, we're playing dead.
Ilene: And we're making him think that he's won.

Nathan: [Kong doesn't go into the Hollow Earth entrance] It's not working.
Ilene: Just wait. Wait, wait, wait.
Nathan: What if she tells him there are others down there like him.
Ilene: But you don't know that.
Nathan: We lost our entire fleet getting here. There's no way back for him. And he can't survive here.
Ilene: All right. All right.
[to Jia]
Ilene: Hey.
[In sign language]
Ilene: Tell him... There could be more like him... Inside
Jia: Family?
Ilene: I don't know. I hope so.
Jia: [to Kong bin sign language about the Hollow Earth] Your family might be down there.
[Kong goes through the entrance]