The Best Jorge Salcedo Quotes

David: How come none of your men carry fucking guns? Huh?
Jorge: Because we use our walkies if we have a problem.
David: For what? To say goodbye when you're getting clipped?

Amado: What happens after that?
Jorge: The business will adjust.
Amado: This I know. It will always adjust. This will never end. There will be other partners and more drugs. But what about you? What will happen to you? You can't tell me you're going to retire, as if this was any normal business. You know this is a way of life. It retires you when it's done with you.

Navegante: You're crippled. You don't carry a gun.
Jorge: Most people don't carry guns.
Navegante: Yeah but you're not most people. And that's why it's so weird. Interesting. That you never carry a gun.
Jorge: I see. Why do you think that is?
Navegante: I don't know. Maybe you're scared. Fear... of what you could do with it. That you've been walking around a killer and never knew it.