The Best Julian Mallory Quotes

Julian: Come in, Mr. Mannix. I'm Julian Mallory. This is Ben Lorenz, my attorney. I asked him to join us here.
Joe: Mr. Lorenz.
Julian: I believe you said it was urgent.
Joe: Yes, it is.
Julian: I'm due at the San Diego plant. My plane leaves in exactly 40 minutes, so, please, let's get straight to the point.
Joe: Mr. Mallory, I'd like to ask you some questions about financing your experimental plane.
Ben: What's the Tr2 got to do with Chuck Noland's death?
Joe: I was hoping Mr. Mallory could tell me.
Julian: I'm sorry, I fail to see what you're driving at.
Joe: Well, a few years ago, your company almost went under. Whatever cash you had left, you sank into the experimental plane, is that right?
Julian: That's right. This plane's a dream I've had ever since I was a kid. Right after World War II, I thought I could bring it off. Unfortunately, the state of the industry was not then capable of producing a plane reliable and cheap enough to qualify. Now, we have the answers.
Joe: Uh, the answers, but you didn't have the money. It took more than you had planned.
Julian: Doesn't it always?
Joe: So you took in outside investors, specifically Atlas Enterprises.
Julian: That's correct.
Joe: I know it's correct, I was just wondering if it was wise.
Ben: Julian, do you mind?
Julian: Go ahead.
Ben: Mr. Mannix, I don't know what you're implying, but I handled the transaction with Atlas myself. It was all perfectly legal.
Joe: Atlas Enterprises is owned by Lou Morgan, who also owns the building where Chuck Noland was killed.
Ben: And you think that's significant?
Joe: Mr. Mallory, what do you know about Lou Morgan?
Julian: Well, I know that he's a gambler, if that's what you mean.
Joe: In Morgan's case, that's the polite way of saying syndicate.
Julian: The important thing is he had money, Mr. Mannix. Money was what I needed. He wasn't a philanthropist. He believes that plane will make him a fortune, and so do I.
Joe: I've seen what happens to people who let Lou Morgan get a foot in the door.
Julian: Mr. Mannix, *I* still control my company. Wherever the money comes from, what I do with it is strictly legitimate. And now, if you'll excuse me, as I told you, I have a plane to catch.
Joe: Have a nice flight, Mr. Mallory.