The Best Justine Quotes

Justine: I was just thinking - what if instead we try and sell you to the public, Jack? Well then, surprisingly, I'd arrive right back where I started from - at nothing.
Tim: "Nothing." It's not such a bad tagline, Jack.
Jack: Would my newly pledged A.D. please expand a little on her thoughts of the tagline?
Justine: Nothing is too much for you, Jack. I hate you and your firm so deeply I couldn't find the words to describe it. You are a despicable power-hungry little man, Jack.
Jack: Is that a resignation? Because they aren't too many jobs out there, I tell you.

Jack: Too bad about Tim.
Justine: What about Tim?
Jack: That he got fired. he didn't last many hours in the business, but then again, it's a rather unpredictable one. You're a king one day and beggar the next.
[to Tim]
Jack: So, you go right back to wherever you came from, right, buddy?

Leo: Dad says there's nothing to do then. Nowhere to hide.
Justine: If your dad said that, then he's forgotten about something. He's forgotten about the magic cave.

Justine: I'm trudging through this grey wooly yawn. It's curling into my legs, it's really heavy to drag alone.

Michael: You're not even looking!
Justine: I can see it's not lookin' good.

Justine: I smile and smile and smile...

[last lines]
Justine: [to Leo and Claire as Melancholia approaches] Hold my hand. Close your eyes.

Tim: The way I see it, you're now short of a boss and a husband, could I, in all humility, offer my services? You have the ideas. I have the head for business. We could be the perfect couple. We've had good sex.
Justine: I don't think that's a very good idea.
Tim: No. No.

Justine: But I tried, Claire.
Claire: You did. I know you did.

Justine: I'm his mistress. I'm the only one who can ride him.

Michael: This could have been a lot different.
Justine: Yes. But, Michael... what did you expect?

[first lines]
Michael: Sir. Eh...
[looking backward]
Michael: Yeah, you're good. You can back up a little more, if you want. I think you need the... I think you need that extra...
Justine: [laughing] I don't think he can hear you.
Michael: Sir. Sir, can you hear me up there?
[fiddling with controls]
Michael: Do you copy, sailor? He's in a different county, I think that's...
Justine: [laughing]

Claire: Be happy, please. If I dare, you can do it.
Justine: I'm happy you're happy.

Justine: I'm frightened, Mom. I have trouble walking properly.
Gaby: You can still wobble, I see. So just wobble the hell out of here. Stop dreaming, Justine.
Justine: I'm scared.
Gaby: We all are, sweetie. Just forget it. Get the hell out of here.

Justine: You want us to gather on your terrace, to sing a song, have a glass of wine, the three of us?
Claire: Yes. That would make me happy.
Justine: Do you know what I think of your plan?
Claire: No. I was hoping that you might like it.
Justine: I think it's a piece of shit.
Claire: Justine. please. I just want it to be nice.
Justine: Nice? Why don't we meet on the fuckin' toilet?
Claire: Then, let's not.
Justine: You're damn right let's not!
Claire: Sometimes I hate you so much, Justine.

[crying into her meatloaf]
Justine: It tastes like ashes!

John: You'd better be goddamn happy.
Justine: Yes, I should be. I really should be.
John: Do you have any idea how much this party cost me? A ballpark figure?
Justine: No. I don't. Should I?
John: Yes, I think you should. A great deal of money. A huge amount of money. In fact for most people, an arm and a leg.
Justine: I hope you feel it's well spent.
John: Well, that depends whether or not we have a deal.
Justine: A deal?
John: Yes, a deal. That you be happy.
Justine: Yes, of course. Of course we have a deal.

Justine: The earth is evil. We don't need to grieve for it.
Claire: What?
Justine: Nobody will miss it.
Claire: But where would Leo grow?
Justine: All I know is, life on earth is evil.
Claire: Then maybe life somewhere else.
Justine: But there isn't.
Claire: How do you know?
Justine: Because I know things.
Claire: Oh yes, you always imagined you did.
Justine: I know we're alone.
Claire: I don't think you know that at all.
Justine: 678. The bean lottery. Nobody guessed the amount of beans in the bottle.
Claire: No, that's right.
Justine: But I know. 678.
Claire: Well, perhaps. But what does that prove?
Justine: That I know things. And when I say we're alone, we're alone. Life is only on earth, and not for long.

Claire: Justine, come and have a bath.
Justine: I've had a bath.
Claire: Really?
Justine: Yes. I'm very clean.