The Best Molly McConnell Quotes

Molly: Oh, Kitty. He belongs to you?
Kitty: Matt's a man with no strings on him. Let's just say he's more mine than anyone else's.

Kitty: [after hearing Molly sings 'Silver Threads among the Gold', a slow ballad] You have a real nice voice.
Molly: Thank you.
Kitty: But my customers don't lean to that kind of music.
Molly: What do you mean?
Kitty: Well, they're a real rough bunch and they come in here to drink and look at the pretty girls and laugh and...
Molly: Well, maybe I can try something else.
Townsman: [piano player] How about this one, ma'am.
Molly: [reading title with shock] 'I tore my cotton breeches on the Mason-Dixon line'... ohhh!
Kitty: We're staying with 'Silver Threads among the Gold'.