The Best Potato Quotes

Potato: [singing] Oh, Danny Boy... The pipes, the pipes are call...
[Potato's stomach gets sliced off]
Potato: Ack! JESUS FUCK!
[Potato continues to get his skin sliced off]
Potato: Oh! God, me skin! She's peelin' me fuckin' skin!
Carl: What the FUCK?
[Potato is about to be put in a pot full of boiling water]
Potato: Jesus, you fuckin' whore! Me eyes! THEY BURN!
[gurgles and dies]

[Camille Toh takes the Potato]
Potato: Oh, yes! Yes! I'm the first to enter eternity!
Carl: Potato, way to go, buddy! That's my guy!
Potato: [being washed] Being bathed by the hands of a God!