The Best Sofia Quotes

[first lines]
Sofia: [Nick and Sofia sit together at a vacant friends home, looking over the dead corpses on the floor] They were close friends. I saw them a few days ago. They had food, water. They were okay. Things change so quickly now.

[Sofia tells Daniel Salazar that she needs his weapon]
Daniel: [Daniel in Spanish] Why?
Sofia: [Sofia in Spanish] There's no need for them here.
Daniel: [in Spanish] There is always a need for weapons.
Sofia: [in Spanish] You are welcome to keep it, then.
Daniel: [in Spanish] Thank you very much.
Sofia: [in Spanish] But outside. House rules.

[Sofia hands Nick a gallon of water before the two go their separate ways]
Sofia: This will be the least of your worries. It won't be an easy trip.

[Sofia warns Nick not to go north]
Nick: Is there a place to go for people like Celia?
Sofia: There was talk of heading north to the city. There are more there who embrace the dead. But there has been talk of a hundred places. It's not safe to go alone, Nick. The north road is full of La Manas. They are the worst of men and this is the lawless world they've been waiting for.