100 Best The Matrix Reloaded Quotes

Link: Trinity, we're talking less then 5 minutes here.
Trinity: In five minutes, I'll tear that whole goddamn building down.

Morpheus: This is a war and we are soldiers. Death can come for us at any time, in any place.
[Scene switch to the Vigilant under attack]
Morpheus: . Now consider the alternative. What if I am right? What if the prophecy is true? What if tomorrow the war could be over? Isn't that worth fighting for? Isn't that worth dying for?

- I can't take this.
- I guess this makes us even.

Agent: I killed you, Mr. Anderson. I watched you die... with a certain satisfaction, I might add. Then something happened. something that I knew was impossible, but it happened anyway. You destroyed me, Mr. Anderson. After that, I understood the rules, I knew what I was supposed to do, but I didn't. I couldn't. I was compelled to stay, compelled to disobey. And now, here I stand because of you, Mr. Anderson. Because of you, I'm no longer an Agent of this system. Because of you, I've changed. I'm unplugged. A new man, so to speak. Like you, apparently, free.
Neo: Congratulations.
Agent: Thank you.

- Trinity...
- ...I know you can hear me.
- I'm not letting go.
- I can't.
- I love you too damn much.

- All right.
- What is it, Niobe?
- I can't help it, Morpheus. I can't help thinking, what if you're wrong?
- What if all this, the prophecy, everything, is bullshit?
- Then tomorrow we may all be dead.
- But how would that be different from any other day?

Link's Niece: Operator.
- Get us out of here.
- Won't be easy.
- I know. We're inside the core network.
- The only exit I got near you is the Winslow overpass.
- Off the freeway.
- Yes, sir.
- Fine, we'll make it.
- I should-Oh, shit! Look out behind you!
- Incoming fire.
- Down!

- What happened?
Link's Niece: I can't figure it out.
- Agents just came out of nowhere.
- Then the code got all weird.
- Encryption I've never seen.
- Is Neo okay?
- Okay? Shit, you should've seen him.
- Where is he now?
- He's doing his Superman thing.

- Still using all the muscles except the one that matters.
- I want exactly what you want.
- I want everything.
- Would that include a bullet from this gun?
- Go ahead, shoot.
- The best thing about being me, there's so many me's.

The: It seems that every time we meet, I have nothing but bad news. I'm sorry about that, I surely am. But for what it's worth, you've made a believer out of me. Good luck, kiddo.

- This is Control requesting immediate stand-down of arms at Gate Three.
- We have the Nebuchadnezzar on approach. Let's open her up.
- You are cleared through
- Gate Three to Bay Seven.
- Roger that, Control.
- Door's open, bed's made.
- Welcome home.
- No place like it.

Trinity: Touch me and that hand will never touch anything again.

Link's Niece: Operator.
Neo: Link, where am I?
- You won't believe this, but you're way up in the mountains.
- Really?
- It'll take me a while to get an exit.
- Shit!
- What?
- The twins are after Morpheus and Trinity.
- They don't have a way out.
- Where are they?
- Middle of the city, 500 miles due south.

- See you tomorrow.
- Oh, my God!
- I'm in.

Morpheus: [Morpheus addresses the people of Zion] Zion, hear me! It is true, what many of you have heard. The machines have gathered an army and as I speak, that army is drawing nearer to our home.
[the Zion crowd becomes louder]
Morpheus: Believe me when I say we have a difficult time ahead of us. But if we are to be prepared for it, we must first shed our fear of it. I stand here, before you now, truthfully unafraid. Why? Because I believe something you do not? No, I stand here without fear because I remember. I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me. I remember that for 100 years we have fought these machines. I remember that for 100 years they have sent their armies to destroy us, and after a century of war I remember that which matters most... We are still here! Today, let us send a message to that army. TOnight, let us shake this cave. Tonight, let us tremble these halls of earth, steel, and stone, let us be heard from red core to black sky. Tonight, let us make them remember, THIS IS ZION AND WE ARE NOT AFRAID!

[after first meeting with The Merovingian]
Neo: Well, that didn't go so well.
Morpheus: Are you Certain the Oracle didn't say anything else?
Neo: Yes.
Trinity: Maybe we did something wrong.
Neo: Or didn't do something.
Morpheus: No, what happened, happened and couldn't have happened any other way.
Neo: How do you know?
Morpheus: We are still alive.

- You.
- Yes, me.
- Me, me, me.
- Me too.

- Here they come.
- Let's go, Morpheus.
- We won't make it.
- We have to try.
- Come on!
- Something's different.
- What?
- I can feel them.

- We owe you for that.
- Just like new.
- Drop your weapon.
Morpheus: Stay with him.
- What about Neo?
- He can handle himself.
- Get in back.

- Well, it looks like every floor is wired with explosives.
- Bad for us.
- Here we go.
- Yes. We are here to speak with the Merovingian.
- Well, of course.
- He has been expecting you.
- Follow me.

- It is done.
- Find the others.
- I got Niobe there.
- They're out of the station.
- What about Soren?
- There.
- They're still inside, but....
- They're not moving.

- What?
- Thank you, Captain Niobe.
- Commander Lock, you have your orders.
- This Council is hereby adjourned.
- Niobe, what are you doing?
- What I can.
- Why?
- Because some things never change, Jason...
- ...and some things do.

- ...creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations.
- You can't control me!
- I'm gonna smash you to bits!
- I'm gonna fucking kill you!
- You can't make me do anything.
- You old, white prick!
- Choice.
- The problem is choice.

- Yes.
- That's it.
- I envy you. But such a thing is not meant to last.
- Come with me.

The: As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly ninety-nine percent of the test subjects accepted the program provided they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of it at a near-unconscious level. While this solution worked, it was fundamentally flawed, creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly, that, if left unchecked, might threaten the system itself. Ergo, those who refused the program, while a minority, would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.
Neo: This is about Zion.

- Okay, you have some skill.
- Kill him.

- What if I am right?
- What if the prophecy is true?
- What if tomorrow the war could be over?
- Isn't that worth fighting for?
- Isn't that worth dying for?
- Time?
- Three minutes.
- Almost there.

Agent: You.
Agent: Yes, me.
[turns Thompson into another Smith]
Agent: Me... me... me...
Agent: Me too.

- Operator.
- Link, it's Niobe.
- We've been sent to bring you in.
- I need to talk to Morpheus.
- Believe me, Niobe, he needs you.
- Where is he?
- Just follow the sirens.
- Repeat, they're approaching the--
- We have them now.
- The exile is the primary target.

The: [to Neo] We are all here to do what we are all here to do...

The: There is a building. Inside this building there is a level where no elevator can go, and no stair can reach. This level is filled with doors. These doors lead to many places. Hidden places. But one door is special. One door leads to the source.

Persephone: Where are you going?
Merovingian: Please, ma cherie. I have told you. We are all victims of causality. I drank too much wine, I must take a piss. Cause and effect.

Agent: But, as you well know, appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to the reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're not free. There is no escaping reason; no denying purpose. Because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist.
[Several Agent Smith Clones walk in]
Agent: It is purpose that created us.
Agent: Purpose that connects us.
Agent: Purpose that pulls us.
Agent: That guides us.
Agent: That drives us.
Agent: It is purpose that defines us.
Agent: Purpose that binds us.
Agent: We are here because of you, Mr Anderson. We're here to take from you what you tried to take from us.
[Attempts to copy himself into Neo]
Agent: Purpose.

- What's that, sir?
- To trust me.
- Yes, sir. I will, sir.
- I mean, I do, sir.
- I hope so.
- Repatch the main AC to the hard drives and stand by to broadcast.
- Yes, sir.

[about Merovingian]
Neo: What does he want?
The: What do all men with power want? More power.

- Christ! What the hell happened in here?
- Hold it right there, little lady.
- If you can't beat us....
- Join us.
- Morpheus!

- What are we gonna do?
- We're gonna do what
- Commander Lock ordered.
- We'll evacuate broadcast level and return to Zion.
- And does the commander have a plan for stopping 250,000 sentinels?
- A strategy is still being formulated.
- I'm sure it is.

- I remember you used to dance.
- I remember you were pretty good.
- There are some things in this world,
- Captain Niobe...
- ...that will never change.
Lock's Lieutenant: Niobe!
- Some things do change.

- Gotcha.
- She's good.
- You are no longer necessary.
- We do only what we're meant to do.
- Then you are meant for one more thing: deletion.
- Go kick his ass.

- CONTROL: The Nebuchadnezzar is down.
- Bay Seven.
- Understood.

- It is purpose that defines.
- Purpose that binds us.
- We are here because of you,
- Mr. Anderson.
- We're here to take from you what you tried to take from us: Purpose.
- What's happening to him?
- Don't know.
- Yes, that's it. It'll be over soon.

Agent: [to Neo] Still using all the muscles except the one that matters?

- Trinity....
- Don't be afraid.
- I can't lose you.
- You're not gonna lose me.
- You feel this?
- I'm never letting go.

- We're talking less than five minutes.
- In five minutes,
- I'll tear that building down.
- How much further?
- Here, just here.
- I'm sorry, this is a dead end.
- It's gotta be the ugliest hack
- I have ever done.
- That's as close as I can get you.
- You better grow wings.

- Good night, Zion.
- Sweet dreams.
- You all right?
- MAN: I'll make it.
- Did you see that agent?
- I've never seen anything like that.
- It doesn't matter.
- All that matters is this.
- You first.

- Come on.
- Come on.
- Please.
- Kill them.
- They're in.
- I don't believe it.

Morpheus: I have dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone from me.

- She means nothing.
- Find the exile.
- We have them.
- MAN: One-Adam-12, please respond.
- Get down.

Councillor: Down here, sometimes I think about all those people still plugged into the Matrix and when I look at these machines I... I can't help thinking that in a way... we are plugged into them.
Neo: But we control these machines; they don't control us.
Councillor: Of course not. How could they? The idea is pure nonsense. But... it does make one wonder... just... what is control?
Neo: If we wanted, we could shut these machines down.
Councillor: [Of] course. That's it. You hit it. That's control, isn't it? If we wanted we could smash them to bits. Although, if we did, we'd have to consider what would happen to our lights, our heat, our air...
Neo: So we need machines and they need us, is that your point, Councilor?
Councillor: No. No point. Old men like me don't bother with making points. There's no point.
Neo: Is that why there are no young men on the council?
Councillor: Good point.

- ...but the more I think about it, the more I think it's meant to be.
- You know, it's fate.
- You're the reason I'm here, Neo.
- I told you, you found me.
- I didn't find you.
- I know, but you got me out.
- You saved me.
- You saved yourself.

Neo: But if you already know, how can I make a choice?
The: Because you didn't come here to make the choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand *why* you made it. I thought you'd have figured that out by now.

[after watching Neo stop hundreds of bullets in the air]
Merovingian: Okay, you have some skill.

- I'm sorry.
Neo: Trinity.

Merovingian: You see there is only one constant. One universal. It is the only real truth. Causality. Action, reaction. Cause and effect.

- Hiya, fellas.
- AGENT 1: It's him.
- The anomaly.
- Do we proceed?
- Yes.
- He is still--
- Only human.
- Hm. Upgrades.

Neo: Why don't you tell me what's on your mind, Councillor?
Councillor: There is so much in this world that I do not understand. See that machine? It has something to do with recycling our water supply. I have absolutely no idea how it works. But I do understand the reason for it to work. I have absolutely no idea how you are able to do some of the things you do, but I believe there's a reason for that as well. I only hope we understand that reason before it's too late.

- The Keymaker is mine, and I see no reason why I should give him up.
- No reason at all.
- Where are you going?
- Please, ma chérie, I have told you.
- We are all victims of causality.
- I drank too much wine,
- I must take a piss.
- Cause and effect. Au revoir.
- Touch me and that hand will never touch anything again.

Merovingian: Goddammit woman, you will be the end of me.

Twin: We are getting aggravated.
Twin: Yes, we are.

Trinity: You always told me to stay off the freeway.
Morpheus: Yes, that's true.
Trinity: You said it was suicide.
Morpheus: Then let us hope that I was wrong.

The: Do you see her die?
Neo: No.
The: You have the sight now, Neo. You are looking at the world without time.
Neo: Then why can't I see what happens to her?
The: We can never see past the choices we don't understand.
Neo: Are you saying I have to choose whether Trinity lives or dies?
The: No, you've already made the choice. Now you have to understand it.
Neo: No. I can't do that. I won't.
The: Well, you have to.
Neo: Why?
The: Because you're the One.

- Excuse me.
- I missed you.
- I can tell.
- I was thinking, everyone is here.
- Follow me.

The: Hello, Neo.
Neo: Who are you?
The: I am the Architect. I created the Matrix. I've been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also the most irrelevant.

- What are they doing?
- They're just out of EMP range.
- It's a bomb.
- We have to get out of here. Now.

- I do not believe it to be a matter of hope, councillor.
- It is simply a matter of time.
- My stop.
- See you soon.
- Hopefully not too soon.
- Let's go, kid.
- These two got things to do.

- No one knows.
- Someone does.
- Who?
- Once the machines were done with us, they started digging again.
- We made a quick pass to look for survivors.
- You found one?
- Only one.

Merovingian: Choice is an illusion created between those with power and those without.

- I need a download to hot-wire a motorcycle.
- No problem.
- One crash course on motorcycle--
- Wait.
- Cancel that.
- You are handy.
- Jump on.

- Of course.
- I believe I need every ship we have if we're going to survive this attack.
- I understand that, commander.
- Then why did you allow the Nebuchadnezzar to leave?
- Because I believe our survival depends on more than how many ships we have.
- Be careful.

- All right.
- But you have to make me believe
- I am her.
- All right.
- Terrible. Forget it.
- Wait.
- Okay.

- Hope. It is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously...
- ...the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness.
- If I were you, I would hope that we don't meet again.
- We won't.
- We got a serious situation, sir.
Morpheus: Oh, no.

The: The first matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect. It was a work of art. Flawless. Sublime. A triumph only equaled by its monumental failure.

Morpheus: All of our lives, we have fought this war. Tonight I believe we can end it. Tonight is not an accident. There are no accidents. We have not come here by chance. I do not believe in chance. When I see three objectives, three captains, three ships. I do not see coincidence, I see providence. I see purpose. I believe it our fate to be here. It is our destiny. I believe this night holds for each and every one of us, the very meaning of our lives.

- What about you?
- I just haven't been able to sleep much.
- It's a good sign.
- Of what?
- That you are in fact still human.
- Have you ever been to the engineering level?
- I love to walk there at night.
- It's quite amazing.
- Would you like to see it?
- Sure.

- Neo, if you're out there,
- I could use some help.
- What is that?

The: Humph. Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.

Neo: Why are you here?
The: Same reason. I love candy.

Commander: Dammit, Morpheus. Not everyone believes what you believe.
Morpheus: My beliefs do not require them to.

[Johnson blocks Neo's punch]
Neo: Hmm, upgrades.

Neo: Why am I here?
The: Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here.
Neo: You haven't answered my question.
The: Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others.

Seraph: You seek the Oracle.
Neo: Who are you?
Seraph: I am Seraph. I can take you to her. But first, I must apologize.
Neo: For what?
Seraph: For this.
[fighting ensues]
Seraph: [fighting has stopped] Good.
Seraph: The Oracle has many enemies, I had to be sure.
Neo: Of what?
Seraph: That you were The One.
Neo: You could've just asked.
Seraph: No. You do not truly know someone until you fight them.

- My goodness, look at you.
- You turned out all right, didn't you?
- How do you feel?
- I--
- I know you're not sleeping.
- We'll get to that.
- Why don't you come and have a sit this time.
- Maybe I'll stand.
- Well, suit yourself.

Neo: I suppose the most obvious question is, how can I trust you?
The: Bingo. It is a pickle. No doubt about it. The bad news is there's no way if you can really know whether I'm here to help you or not, so it's really up to you. You just have to make up you on damned mind to either accept what I'm going to tell you, or reject it.

- Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- I am if you're thinking this elevator is too slow.
- How long do we charge the Neb?
- Twenty-four, maybe 30 hours.
- Some people go their entire lives without hearing news that good.

- It's always brought me luck.
- Maybe it'll bring me you.
- I'm coming back.
- I promise. No matter what it takes,
- I'm coming home.
- Just keep it with you. Please.
- For me.
- Okay.

- Neo, I had to.
- I know.
- The bullet is still inside.

Merovingian: I love French wine, like I love the French language. I have sampled every language, French is my favorite. Fantastic language. Especially to curse with. Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère. It's like wiping your arse with silk. I love it.

- You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed.
- Its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated.
- Bullshit.
- Denial is the most predictable of all human responses.
- But rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it...
- ...and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

- Hello.
- You seek the Oracle.
- Who are you?
- I am Seraph. I can take you to her, but first I must apologize.
- Apologize for what?
- For this.

- Where are you going?
- Another way. Always another way.
- Close it, quick!
- Could we move along?
- Run!

- Trinity...
- ...don't you quit on me now.

- He gave you this.
- He said you set him free.
- Is everything all right, sir?
- The meeting is over.
- Retreat to your exits.
- Agents are coming.
- Agents?
- Go.

Bane: Oh God.
Agent: Smith will suffice.

Neo: If I were you, I would hope we don't meet again.
The: We won't.

- Goddamn it, woman, you will be the end of me.
- Mark my words, boy, and mark them well.
- I have survived your predecessors, and I will survive you.

- MAN: Shots fired.
- Move!

- Oh, God.
- "Smith" will suffice.
- Thank you.
- My pleasure.

- Trinity.
- Get him out of here.
- Come on!
- Crush him.

- My husband saved them because they're notoriously difficult to terminate.
- How many people keep silver bullets in their gun?
- You can either run and tell my husband what I have done...
- ...or you can stay there and die.
- He's in the ladies' room!
- Hurry.

- I have dreamed a dream...
- ...but now that dream has gone from me.