The Best The Meddling Monk Quotes

Red: Prepare to exterminate them!
The: Exterminate? What, when I've fulfilled my part of the bargain?

Steven: If you try any more of your funny business, I'll exterminate you myself!
The: [acting injured innocence] Funny business? Me?

[first lines]
Steven: [Steven shouts] Doctor! Doctor! Doctor? Doctor!
[he turns to Sara]
Steven: No Doctor!
Sara: [sees the TARDIS] Perhaps he's inside.
Steven: [They try to open the TARDIS door but it is still locked] Doctor! Doctor!
Sara: [Sara sees something behind them. She calls to Steven] Steven... Look!
[Steven turns and looks. A bandaged hand has opened the lid of the coffin and is moving about. The coffin lid fully opens and a near fully bandaged person rises. He spots Sara and Steven and starts trying to talk, but the bandages muffle the sound]
Steven: He is trying to say something.
[Sara and Steven move over to the mummy and start to unravel the bandages. When all of the bandages have been removed from the face they see that it is the Meddling Monk]
The: Well, thank goodness for that!