The Best Vicki Michelle Quotes

[the airmen have come downstairs, minus their mustaches, dressed as serving girls]
Flying: Carstairs, you're standing like a tart again.
[Carstairs drops his arm to his side]
Edith: [looking the airmen up and down] No one will suspect them. They look just like the staff.
René: Edith, the Germans *take* the staff upstairs from time to time. If they took these two upstairs, do you not think that their suspicions will be aroused?
Yvette: We are much more attractive. They will take us.
René: And suppose there is a rush?
Flying: What are they saying, Fairfax?
Flying: I've no idea - it's all in French.

[Rene is shaving in the bathroom when there is a knock on the door]
Yvette: Rene, what are you doing?
René: Cutting my throat, my love.

Yvette: What is happening?
Maria: We were both aroused by the banging.
Edith: I too was aroused by the banging.
Roger: I was aroused when I saw the girls with the candles.