The Best Waitress Quotes

[Back at the diner, Rocky has just finished his plate of Steak and Eggs. Clark returns]
Rocky: [to Ron, the owner] Hey, Ron?
Diner: Yeah?
Rocky: Gimme another plate of this garbage.
Waitress: Garbage? That's my number-one special, Rocky.
Rocky: All right, Annie! Gimme some more coffee too, will ya? And give it wings!
Clark: Gee, that's funny. I've never seen garbage eat garbage before.
[Rocky then notices Clark, unaware that Clark's Krypton powers are fully restored. The patrons fall silent]
Clark: Excuse me, sir, you're sitting in my favorite seat.
Rocky: [dares Clark] Then come and get it, four-eyes.
[Clark slowly makes his way towards the end of the counter]
Diner: Now, cool it, Rocky! Take it easy, will ya? I just had this joint fixed. It cost me a fortune.
[Dishes and silverware clatter as Rocky shoves Ron away and then stands up. Rocky slugs Clark, breaking his hand in the process]
Rocky: [groans in pain] Oh, God!
Clark: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE] Consider this a present from Lois.
[he backhands Rocky in the jaw, just hard enough to spin the bully around the greasy spoon... and to move the seat up to its highest point. As Clark stops the seat dead, Rocky nearly falls off - then grunts loudly and spits out a tooth. Clark then lifts Rocky by the scruff of his neck and sits him on the plate of Steak and Eggs, splattering it over the counter]
Clark: [to Ron and Annie] This order's to go.
[Clark shoves a screaming Rocky across the counter, destroying property items. Rocky eventually lands on and wrecks a pinball machine, knocked unconscious]
Clark: [to Ron] I'm... terribly sorry about all the damage, sir.
[hands Ron a fistful of cash for repairs]
Clark: Oh, I've been... working out, you know.
Diner: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE: Ron hands back the money] Do you think we're gonna let *you* pay up when *he* never did? This one's on the house... Hey, Rocky! I see you anywhere near this joint again, I'll call the cops! Ya hear?
[Rocky forces himself to his feet and bolts from the diner]