Top 30 Quotes From Amanda Brugel

Rita: You will get through this, ma'am. By His hand.
Serena: What's left of it.

Search: Help!
- Five-six to Ella west.
- Send some help!
- Man on radio: Go, go, go, go. Ofjoseph: Get down.
Rita: [Whispers]
- Come on, come on. Go.

June: Mrs. Waterford wants me to leave as soon as the baby comes.
Rita: She's the boss. It must be what she thinks is best.
June: Do you?
Rita: It doesn't matter what I think.
June: When Hannah was baptized, we asked my best friend to take care of her. In case something happened to us.
Rita: I know what a godparent is. And they don't baptize babies here.
June: I know.

Rita: Offred!
Rita: It's the birthmobile.
- Hurry. They won't wait all day.
- I've got it.
- Thank you.
- I'll pray for good news.

Rita: Ma'am, may I suggest something with a bit more flavor?
Rita: To settle the soul?
Serena: That might be nice.
[after Rita sets a bottle of spirits on the counter]
Serena: Make it two. If you like.
Rita: [Looks at her, uncertain] Okay.

Nick: Have you seen Eden around?
Rita: I don't have enough to do, I have to keep tabs on your wife now?

- Ofjoseph1n0.
Rita: The most I've ever seen in one house was three. They had, like, five.
- You'll be staying here, with ofgeorge.
- Praise be. Thank you.
- They have a handmaid?
- Privileges of rank, I guess.
- Blessed night.

Rita: You're Luke.
- It's really good to meet you.
- She did this. June.
- Your June. She did this.
- She did... she did everything.
- It's... [Sobbing]

Kayla: Becky is resourceful and vindictive and you just killed her only living relative

Rita: It's such a waste.
- My mom always made my dad take out the trash.
- I got it.

Rita: Okay.
- Shh. Quiet.
Rita: Okay, let's go. Go!
- Let's go.

- It was a beautiful shower.
Rita: Look at all of this.
- So much love for the baby.
Serena: It's going to be a challenge making sure my child doesn't grow up spoiled.

- Commander Fred: Morning, dear.
- Good morning.
- Warm-up, please, Rita.
Rita: Some coffee, ma'am?
- Yes, thank you.

Rita: Cheers to the queens, and cheers to the prince. And cheers to the prince.
Rita: Yes, yes, and he can have some more.
- And scoop this around.
- The secret is, you go very fast.

- Commander Fred: It's beautiful.
- When you see it every day, you forget.
- The lord has truly blessed us.
Serena: Rita, did you pick up the heirloom russets?
Rita: Yes, ma'am.
- They're already baking.
Serena: Don't overbake them again.

- A really sharp machete.
- It does no good to want the impossible.
- Blessed day.
Rita: Blessed day.
- We've been summoned.
- Offred: What's happening?
- They'd tell me?

Rita: No. No, no, no, no.
- I'll take that.
- I've got your lunch all ready.
- Go ahead, sit.

Rita: Oh, and get more honey.
- Eden borrowed it.
- Idoubt I'll ever see it again.
- She's trying.
- Yeah, she is.
- God give me strength.

Rita: You don't have to do that.
June: You got your hands full.
Rita: She changes Nicole's outfit every ten minutes. Never thought I'd miss Eden so much.

Rita: Oh. I don't want to forget this.
[sets vase of flowers on table]
Offred: [voiceover] Fuck. A rose is a rose... except here. Here it has to mean something.
Offred: It's beautiful.
Rita: Mrs. Waterford cut it special.
Offred: She picked it for me?
Rita: For good luck, I'm sure. We're all so hopeful.
Offred: Hopeful?
Rita: You haven't asked for your napkins this month. And I know you're just a few days late, but... a baby. Wouldn't it be wonderful?

- Those eggs you got today were nice and fresh.
Rita: I wish they'd hurry up.
- Some of us got things to do, you know?
Nick: Hurry up and wait.

- inflicted upon her by her husband.
- She wants me to blame the Commander.
- That seems to be their strategy.
Rita: Mmm.
- Apparently she was very moved by your visit.
- She believes the two of you share a strong bond.

June: I want my baby to know kindness. I need her to have someone kind. In her life.
Rita: By His hand. That boy downstairs is maybe 20 years old. And he can tell me to do anything. He can break my jaw, and no one will say boo. I'll do what I can.
June: Thanks.
Rita: Drink your milk.
June: [to her unborn child] There you go. I got you someone.

- Is it his?
- Is it the Commander's?
Rita: Yes.

Rita: Sitting room. Thank you.
- I will take these.
- Dining room. Okay.

Rita: How's it feel?
June: Oh, it's fine. I think I broke my hand, though.
Rita: Praised be.
Rita: [they hear the baby cry in the next room] Her royal highness is awake.
June: 'Kay.
Rita: [to Nick] Your girlfriend is a badass.

- It arrived last night.
- What is it?
- It didn't have my name on it, ma'am.
- The car is here.
Rita: I'll wrap this up for the flight.
- Thank you, Rita.

- in the two months since I got here.
- I kind of want to tell her that I sincerely believe that ofglen is a pious little shit with a broomstick up her ass.
- Under his eye.
Rita: Under his eye.

Moira: Luke, what are you talking about?
Luke: No!
- No, she was lying on the ground. All right?
- If you remember?
Rita: Listen to me, that's not what they will see.
- The people here are different.

Rita: Soup. As ordered.
June: I'm really sorry she's making you run around like that.
Rita: Milk it while you can.