50 Best Max Minghella Quotes

June: Holly. That's what I wanna name her. After my Mom; I mean, if that's okay.
Nick: Holly. That sounds right.

Fred: Nick. Get downstairs. Pull together a search team.
Nick: You stay inside, sir.
Fred: My child is missing!
Nick: It's too dangerous out there. We'll stay here.

Nick: Have you seen Eden around?
Rita: I don't have enough to do, I have to keep tabs on your wife now?

- When she is hanging on the wall, justice will be done.
- Something's wrong.
- -You should go. Now.
- -I'm not leaving you.
- And bring her to me.
Nick: Where are the Handmaids?
- I'm trying to keep you alive.

Serena: Did Offred ask you to talk to me?
Nick: No, ma'am.
Serena: Well, I don't know what to tell you.
Nick: She doesn't have anyone to look out for her.
Serena: It appears that she does.
[a long look passes between them]
Serena: The handmaid is not your concern.

[When Lyle's team are declared the winners of the Google internship program, Graham then blames his team]
Graham: [furious] Well, I hope you're all happy! What were you thinking? Maybe if I had a team of individuals who contributed once in a while, this never would've happened.
[to Zach]
Graham: And what about you? What do you have to say for yourself, eh? Huh?
Zach: I think it's time to fake an injury.
Graham: [confused] What are you talking about, you fat...
[Zach, who has had enough of his bullying, gives Graham a blow to the chest, immobilizing him. Graham groans]
Zach: [yells] Man down!

- Those eggs you got today were nice and fresh.
Rita: I wish they'd hurry up.
- Some of us got things to do, you know?
Nick: Hurry up and wait.

Graham: William, William, what have you done?

- Because I can't lose you.
- Do you hear me?
Nick: Commander pryce.
- I can't stay in that house anymore. Reassign me.
- You have my word.
- Commander Fred: May I present to you, the new Rachel and Leah center.
- It's not time yet.
- Tell her to go back.

Eden: Please forgive me, for I know not what I do. I have sinned against you and God, and I beg for mercy.
Nick: Don't worry about it.

Graham: Zach, eyes off the pizza, mate. God made you lactose-intolerant for a reason, yeah? So fat. So fat.

Nick: I wish I should've... I should've just driven away with you.

Nick: You have your whole life ahead of you.
Eden: The Lord said...
Nick: Eden, please.
Eden: When thou passeth through the waters, I shall be with thee...
Nick: Stop.
Eden: - and through the river, He shall not overflow thee.
Nick: Stop.
Eden: When thou walkest through the fire... thou shall not be burnt.
Nick: Ah, stop.
Eden: Neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

- What, you have to fuck somebody you don't want to?
- Poor thing.
Nick: That's not fair.
- Fair?
- I can't.
- Yes, you can. Because I can't lose you. Do you hear me?
- I love you.

- Hey.
- Look, I'm sorry.
- I tried everything to get you out.
- Offred: We've been sent good weather.
Nick: June.
- June!

Nick: Look, I'm sorry this is happening to you.
- You can't change anything about this.
- It's gonna end the same no matter what you do, so there's no point trying to be tough or brave.
- Everybody breaks.
- Everybody.

Luke: Listen, you, um... you look out for her. And you tell her that Moira made it out, and that she's living with me now. And you tell her that I love her. And you tell her that I'm not gonna, not gonna stop - no matter what happens, I'm not gonna stop, you tell her that.
Nick: I'll tell her.
Luke: All right, thank you. Thank you, um...
Nick: Nick. My name's Nick.

Fred: Doesn't she look stunning tonight?
Nick: [looks, remains silent]
Fred: Heh. He's so chill, he's speechless. You're too much for him to handle.

Nick: I can't.
- I can't.
- Try.
Aunt: Ten bags!
- Keep going!

June: Thank you. You gotta stop sealing Rita's real coffee, though; she's gonna kill you. No joke.
Nick: You didn't wake me up.
June: Well, 'cause if I wake you, then you leave, so how is that a win for me?

Eden: Don't you care? Why don't you care?
Nick: It's okay. You're not in trouble.
Eden: You don't look at me. You don't touch me unless you have to. You've never kissed me - I've never been kissed until tonight. I'm your wife! You just caught me cheating on you - you should care!

Eden: All I wanted was to make a real family. Isn't that what Gilead wants of all God's servants?
Nick: We can do that, we can make a family, we can make baby, whatever we need to do to fix this, I'll do it.
Eden: No. I love Isaac. And he loves me, and we wanna be together. I don't wanna have your baby - I'm really sorry.
Nick: You don't have to be sorry for that.
Eden: I need you to forgive me.
Nick: Forgive you, I... I'm the one... who should be asking you to forgive me. For all the times that... I should have been kinder. I'm so sorry.
Eden: [kisses him] Let's forgive each other, then.

Offred: Is this enough for you, this bullshit life? Is this what you want? You want to polish his car and... once in a while, try to get a handmaid pregnant? Is that enough for you?
Nick: We're being stupid. You know we're being stupid. It's too dangerous.
Offred: No, it isn't.
Nick: You could end up on the wall.
Offred: But at least... at least someone will remember me. In this place. At least someone will care when I'm gone. That's something. That is something.

- You can smoke in here.
Nick: Oh, it's okay.
- Smoke inside.
- Uh, it's your house.
- You can do what you want.

Fred: You handled the situation at that house with... discretion.
Nick: Thank you for taking care of it, sir.
Fred: We always look out for each other. Don't we?
Nick: Yes, sir.

Divya: Everybody on campus was using it. "Facebook me" was the common expression after two weeks. And Mark was the biggest thing on a campus that included 19 Nobel laureates, 15 Pulitzer prize winners, 2 future Olympians and a movie star.
Sy: Who's the movie star?
Divya: Does it matter?

Nick: Where are the Handmaids?
- I'm trying to keep you alive.

Nick: Hey. Wait, wait, wait.
Offred: What?
Nick: My name is Nick Blaine. I'm from Michigan.
Offred: Well, under His eye, Guardian Blaine.

Graham: Hello, William. I've been watching you.
Billy: You should choose your words a little more carefully in a bath house.
Graham: In the words of Nelly: 'It's getting hot in here.' And it's getting hot there, too.

Offred: Do you know Ofglen's gone? Hm? You said she was dangerous. Wha'd you mean?
Nick: You need to remember a few things. Can't change anything about this - it's gonna end the same no matter what you do - so there's no point trying to be tough or brave. Brave isn't part of any of this. Everybody breaks. Everybody.

- We took down the tenements, put up a park.
- The whole grid's solar now.
- It's amazing.
Nick: Coming to the checkpoint, sir.
- Pull up your hood,
- Mrs. Waterford.
- It's okay, you're with me.

Nick: They've got you sleeping here?
June: Mm hm. She made me an offer I couldn't refuse.

Nick: Hey.
[Chuckles] You okay?

Nick: We should just... run away somewhere. Start over. A real family.
June: Where would we go?
Nick: Out west. Coast.
June: It's still Gilead.
Nick: Hawaii, then.
June: Maui. She's gonna love the beach.
Nick: Heh. She'll play in the sun.
June: She's gonna try to eat the sand.
Nick: She is?
June: Yeah. All kids do it.
Nick: She won't; she's too smart, like her mom.

June: I haven't seen her today.
Nick: She was gone when I woke up this morning.
June: Maybe she went to the mall. I heard there was a sale at Old Navy.

Nick: Tell them you might be pregnant.
Eden: They tested me - I'm not.
Nick: Well, they already have Isaac for desertion; say that, uh, he took you with him by force, say he wouldn't let you come home.
Eden: It's not true.
Nick: The truth doesn't matter right now, Eden!
Eden: It matters to God. He knows what's in my heart.
Nick: He doesn't decide what happens here today, okay? Just... tell them what they need to hear - say you sinned, you're sorry.
Eden: I can't.
Nick: Yes you can.

Nick: Our baby's so beautiful.
June: [nods]
Nick: I wish I could hold her.
June: Me too.

June: What about Mrs. Blaine? What is her bedtime, anyway?
Nick: You know I didn't have a choice.
June: I know. But Nicky...
Nick: What?
June: We can't keep sneaking around anymore. We have to be smart.
Nick: Yeah. You know, I think about us - the three of us... all we could be. I think about it all the time.
June: Well, don't.
Nick: Okay, I'll stop.
June: [shakes head gently] I think about it too.

Divya: You invented something in high school too, right?
Mark: An app for an MP3 player that recognizes your taste in music.
Divya: Anybody try to buy it?
Mark: Microsoft.
Divya: Wow. How much?
Mark: Didn't sell it, uploaded it for free.
Divya: For free?
Mark: Yeah.
Divya: [Looking a little puzzled] Why?
[Mark shrugs]

Cameron: What, do you want to hire an IP lawyer and sue him?
Divya: No, I want to hire the Sopranos to beat the shit out of him with a hammer!
Tyler: We don't even have to do that.
Cameron: That's right.
Tyler: We can do that ourselves. I'm 6'5", 220, and there's two of me.

Eden: It's the handmaid. You like her. Why do you like her?
Nick: You're not making any sense.
Eden: Please tell me!
Nick: You know I'd never get involved with a handmaid. It'd be suicide.
Eden: So you just don't love me?
Nick: Look, I'm sorry.

Nick: Sir, I need your help. Reassign me. A new post - I'll go to the front, wherever.
Andrew: Nick, slow down!
Nick: I can't stay in that house anymore.
Andrew: You've just been issued a woman; is there a problem?
Nick: It's not her. There's a lot I haven't told you about him. Reassign me. Promise you'll protect the handmaid.
Andrew: You have my word.

June: She is my daughter! I wanna see my daughter!
Nick: We'll find a way.
June: Not if you're on the wall. So you have to sleep with Eden. Uh huh. She's gonna report you, she will make trouble.
Nick: She's fifteen years old.
June: Oh, you have to fuck somebody you don't want to? Poor thing.
Nick: It's not fair.
June: Fair?
Nick: I can't.
June: Yes you can, because I can't lose you - do you hear me?
Nick: I love you.
June: [Long pause] She's your wife.

[snorts] Well deserved.
- Was there a trial?
Nick: Yes, sir.
[inhales deeply] How did I do?
- I'm here to thank you for your service to Gilead.
- That good, huh?

Fred: You're on your way now, son. Gilead values the family. And rewards those... who live by those values.
Nick: By God's grace I'll have a child of my own someday, sir.

- Commander Fred: [In distorted voice] There was an explosion.
- Colonel dennison, he's the security...
- Everything is being taken care of. You just rest.
- You rest and you get better.
Nick: Mrs. Waterford?
- Fred. Fred, Nick is here.

- Guardian: He was, as of an hour ago, sir.
- Blessed day.
Nick: Blessed day.
- Why don't you check on him again, and do another search of the grounds.
- Will do, sir. Thank you.

- It's better not to form attachments.
- Commander Fred: Better for whom?
- Everybody.
- What's your name, son?
Nick: Nick Blaine, sir.
- Pleasure to meet you.

- I'm sorry. We're not.
- Give me the keys.
- Give me the keys. What?
- Give 'em to me!
Nick: Fine.
- Vvah, June.

[Softly] Right, just hold the back of her head.
- She's still a little wobbly.
- Here you go.
- That's right. Just like that. There you go.
- You've got it. Perfect.
Nick: [Whispers] Hey, sweetie.