The Best Analyst Kristen Chazal Quotes

Analyst: Vincent Marino, amateur paparazzi turned blackmail artist.
Assistant: Yeah, the kind of guy who makes a living collecting hush money from divorce attorneys and clients with things to hide.
Special: Makes sense, given what we found. His cell phone, laptop, SD cards are all missing.
Special: GPS trackers and surveillance equipment all over this place. This guy was a professional scumbag.

Assistant: Westchester M.E. said all three victims had their throats cut. Mrs. Gilman got a bonus bullet in the head.
Analyst: Yeah, a 9-milimeter round. It's consistent with a SIG Sauer P320 that Gilman would have been issued as an ICE officer.
Assistant: All right, folks, thank you for giving up your Sunday brunch. Let's push Mr. Gilman's photo and particulars through the pipeline far and wide. All right?
Dana: A family annihiliator. He fits; most of them are middle-aged, white.
Assistant: Yeah, must be all those Jimmy Buffett songs.
Dana: With a 14-hour lead time, he could be anywhere by now. I'm calling the CID for an I-O to put Gilman on the Most Wanted. I want the Fugitive Task Force on this.
Assistant: A lot of good people on that task force. I know which one I want leading the hunt.

Assistant: Hey, any red flags in the senator's past?
Analyst: Not that we found. Public Integrity has no open investigations. And if we start pressing his old associates without explaning why, it could look like the Bureau messing around in politics.
Special: Not a fire I'm anxious to start.

Analyst: Damon Cruz, formerly Damon Soto. He testified against the Jairo Cartel four years ago, then entered WITSEC.
Special: So, who was he scheduled to testify against this time?
Analyst: Two high-level Jairo players extradicted from Mexico. Cruz's testimony was expected to put them away.
Assistant: Oh, yeah, Cruz was a strong witness, so I guess we don't have to go searching for motive.

Analyst: The nanny has no criminal record. No debt, no problems with Immigration. She sends money home to her family in Colombia.
Assistant: Our Bogota office into that?
Analyst: They're paying a visit now, but still. Why ask for a hundred million rather than, say, one million?
Assistant: Maybe someone in her life got mixed up with the cartels. Massive ask is their style.
Analyst: Spending two years taking care of that baby just to set this up?
Assistant: 99 times out a hundred, kids are taken by someone they know. And no one had better access.