The Best Anita Quotes

Oscar: [pointing a sign written in Spanish] What does that say, Anita?
Anita: "Keep out"!
Oscar: Oh, well, perhaps we better had.
Anita: It doesn't matter, Oscar. It's a very old sign.

Oscar: [spotting the TARDIS] Well, isn't that incredible! Ha! Police! And they say they're never there when you need them!
Anita: Oscar, it doesn't say 'Policia'.
Oscar: Interpol, my dear. They have branches everywhere!
Anita: Oscar, you are a fool!
Oscar: [seeing the Doctor step out of the TARDIS and thinking him a policeman] Officer! We have to report a tragedy. Stark disaster has struck this simple countryside.
The: Has it indeed! Uh, what manner of disaster, Mr...?
Oscar: Botcheby. Oscar Botcheby, at your service, sir. And this dark-eyed Naiad is named Anita.
Anita: Oh, come on, Oscar!
[to the Doctor]
Anita: There's been a plane crash.
Oscar: Well, of course it may not be your department. I can see from your arraignment that you obviously belong to the plainclothes branch.
[Doctor stares, confused, at his bright paisley vest]