Top 150 Quotes From Dr. Who

[first lines]
Dr. Who: It was Songsten who took this pyramid into the cave.
Travers: That's right.
Jamie: And the Yeti never harmed him?
Travers: No.
Dr. Who: Songsten. He's the link I've been looking for.
Thonmi: But Khrisong is with Songsten now.
Dr. Who: Then he is in danger!

[last lines]
The: Go on. Go on. All right, we'll go through this opening when I give the word. Right! Now!
Medok: No, look, out there.
The: I don't see anything.
Medok: In that patch of moonlight. I told you I'd seen them.
[in front of them is a hideous crab-like creature]

[last lines]
The: It can do many things, Lesterson. But the thing it does most efficiently is exterminate human beings. It destroys them, without mercy, without conscience. It destroys them. Utterly! Completely! It destroys them!
Dalek: I am your servant. I am your servant. I am your servant. I am your servant. I am your servant. I am your servant.

Jamie: Can we not tell him about TARDIS?
[the Doctor stamps on Jamie's foot]
Jenkins: What's that?
Jamie: It's the way we got here.
Jenkins: You gentlemen wouldn't know anything about a police box, would you?
Jamie: That's just what I'm saying. We're...
[the Doctor kicks Jamie's ankle]
Dr. Who: I really think that our mode of conveyance is irrelevant. The important thing is that we've discovered a dead body out there and we want to report it to someone in authority.
Jenkins: I think you'll have plenty of opportunity to see someone in authority.
Dr. Who: Well, thank you.
Jenkins: Will you take a seat please over there?
Dr. Who: Thank you very much.
Jenkins: [Into his phone] Give me the Commandant, please... Hello, Sir, Jenkins here. Immigration, Desk Number Five. I think I've got two of your suspects here...

Jo: I hate to ask, but who was that?
The: [to Jo] Me!
The: [to each other] ME!

[last lines]
Dr. Who: Why, hello Bruce, what are you doing here, eh?

[last lines]
Dr. Who: [one of the Daleks lifts The Doctor up with its arm.] What is it? What do you want? Hmm? What are you up to? Ah! What are you doing?
Jamie: Doctor, where are they taking you?
Dr. Who: Where are you taking me? Jamie! They're taking me for a ride! Jamie, they're playing a game. It's a game! They're taking me for a ride!
Theodore: A rather amusing little game, don't you think Jamie?

Cyberman #1: [to the Doctor] You are known to us.
The: [looking a little scared] And you to me.
Cyberman #1: Silence.

Ben: Of course, the real Doctor was always going on about the Daleks.
Polly: Real Doctor?
The: Real Doctor? Oh, you mean the real Doctor.
Ben: Yeah, now I've seen that claw thing, well, wouldn't want to shake hands with it, let's put it that way.
Polly: Doctor, look, if they're that dangerous, what are you going to do about it?
The: Save my breath. Would Lesterson listen? Uh, uh. Lesterson listen. Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen. Exercises the tongue. Try it! Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen...
Ben: Look, they think you're the Examiner, order them to destroy the Daleks! Well, chuck your weight about.
Polly: [repeating in the background] Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen...
Polly: [in unison] Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen, Lesterson listen...
Lesterson: [interrupts] What do you think you're doing in here?
[the Doctor looks towards the ceiling]

[first lines]
Jamie: Where are we, Doctor?
Dr. Who: We're by the seaside, that's where we are. That's all that matters.
Jamie: Aye, but where?
Victoria: Yes, Doctor, we must know.
Dr. Who: Oh, stop fussing, you two, come on.
[runs for the water]
Dr. Who: Come on, you two. No wait a minute. See if there's any buckets and spades in the TARDIS.
[Takes off his shoes and socks and paddles in the sea]
Jamie: Buckets and spades? Is he going to dig for worms?
Victoria: No, he wants us to play sand castles.
Jamie: Sand castles? What does he think we are? A couple of children?

The: Logic, my dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong with authority.

The: You can't just change what I look like without consulting me!

Ben: Do you know what you're doing?
The: Oh, what a question - of course I don't! There's no rule against trying, is there?

Polly: Doctor, you've got to do something to help him.
The: Before we act, we must think. Now, the Macra that have come to the surface of this planet have not found sufficient gas in the atmosphere, so they've had to get somebody to pump it up from down below.
Polly: But, if it's life and death to them, why do they waste it? Why divert it into the old shaft?
The: [thinking aloud] That's obvious, Polly, obvious. Because there's something trapped down there they wish to keep alive!

[first lines]
Jamie: The TARDIS, Doctor!
The: You will take the "Dalek Factor." You will spread it to the entire history of Earth!
Dr. Who: [half-shocked and half-defiant] No. You can't make me do it! You can't!
The: You will obey!
Black: Move!
The: Doctor. You will obey!

[first lines]
The: Right. Now!
Medok: No. Look out there.
The: I don't see anything.
Medok: In that patch of moonlight. I told you I'd seen them!
[in front of them is a hideous crab-like creature]

Brigadier: Now, there's just two things I want from you, Doctor: an effective way of controlling that stuff and the safe return of Miss Grant.
Sergeant: Well, what about OUR Doctor, sir? Don't you want HIM back?
Brigadier: None of that nonsense, Benton. I've GOT him back. As long as he does the job, he can wear what face he likes.
Dr. Who: Well, I'll do my best, but I can't make any promises.
Brigadier: Well, in that case, you better consult with those all-powerful superiors of yours for THEIR advice.
Dr. Who: Oh, I don't think THAT would do any good. At the moment, they're FAR from being all-powerful. That's why it's been left up to me and me and me.

Hensell: Now look here - I run this Colony. I'm entitled to know why you have come to Vulcan? What is your brief?
The: I am the Examiner.
Hensell: Why are you here?
The: To examine. And I intend to start my examination at once!

Dr. Who: Oh! Oh, my word!
Zoe: What?
Dr. Who: Well, it's sealed! It's completely sealed! I can't possibly undo it!

Jamie: Doctor.
Dr. Who: Jamie! Jamie!
Jamie: A Dalek nearly caught us, but, I... I tossed it over the edge. But,... poor Kemel.
Dr. Who: [half puzzled and then remembering who Kemel was] Kemel?
Jamie: Aye. You see, he was trying.
Victoria: Where is my father? Is... is he dead?
Dr. Who: [gently] Yes. Yes, I'm afraid he is. But, he didn't die in vain. I think we have seen the end of the Daleks forever! Jamie, we must move along to the TARDIS. It's over there.
Jamie: [about Victoria] We can't leave her alone, Doctor.
Dr. Who: We're not going to leave her. She's coming with us! The end. The final end!

[last lines]
Jamie: [about Travers] Do you think he'll ever find his abominable snowman, Doctor?
Dr. Who: Well, that we shall never know, Jamie.
[he notices Jamie is shivering]
Dr. Who: What's the matter with you, are you cold or something?
Jamie: Oh, it's all right for you in your home made Yeti kit.
[referring to the Doctor's large furry coat]
Dr. Who: Yes, I suppose there is a little bit of a nip in the air.
Jamie: A nip! A nip, just look at my knees, they're bright blue.
Dr. Who: A horrible sight.
Jamie: Could you not land us somewhere warmer next time?
Dr. Who: Jamie, you never know, do you?

[to the Ice Warriors]
The: Your leader will be angry if you kill me... I'm a genius!

The: You look very nice in that dress, Victoria.
Victoria: Thank you. Don't you think it's a bit... , uh?
The: A bit short? Oh, I shouldn't worry about that. Look at Jamie's.
Jamie: Ey, I'll have you know that... Oh, aye!
The: Come along. Come along, let's go and see what the others are doing, shall we? Come along.

The: Yes. When I say run, run like a rabbit. Run!

Zoe: How did you pilot the rocket, Doctor?
Dr. Who: I don't think we've met have we?
Dr. Gemma Corwyn: Zoe... Doctor... John Smith, isn't it?
[the Doctor looks about for Dr. John Smith]
Jamie: [pushing the Doctor a little bit to get his attention] John... John...
[the Doctor realises that John Smith is himself]
Dr. Who: [pushing the Doctor a little bit to get his attention] John... John...
[the Doctor realises that John Smith is himself]
Zoe: I'm an astrophysicist. Pure-mathematics major.
Dr. Gemma Corwyn: With honors.
Dr. Who: Oh, I am impressed.
Dr. Gemma Corwyn: We use Zoe as our second opinion.
Zoe: [to the Doctor] You didn't answer my question.
Dr. Who: What question?
Jamie: [to Zoe] You know, I surprised you didn't know the answer. Now, don't tell me there is something you can't work out!
Zoe: [to the Doctor] How did you pilot the rocket ship? You see, I've calculated its original course. It was a surface and supply station for Number Five Station, overdue and presumed lost nine weeks ago. Well the rocket couldn't have drifted eighty seven million miles off course.
Dr. Who: So what's your theory?
Zoe: Well, there is a record of the last contract with the Silver Carrier rocket. It had seven million miles to touchdown, and enough fuel for twenty million. Well, it couldn't have drifted here off course in the time involved. It must have been driven and piloted.
Jamie: Och, you are a right wee space-detective!
Zoe: There's only one solution. That rocket was re-fuelled in space. - Provided for at least with another twelve fuel rods.
Dr. Who: Well, it is an interesting theory...
Zoe: Oh, it isn't a theory. You can't disprove the facts. It's pure logic.
Dr. Who: Logic, my dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong with authority. Supposing there was a faulty automatic pilot?
Zoe: To drive a rocket eighty seven million miles on fuel for twenty million?
Dr. Who: Well, it's a possibility.
Zoe: That rocket was driven here somehow. I know it was.

[first lines]
Jamie: [upon entering the TARDIS for the first time, he looks around him. The central column rises and falls] What's this?
The: You'll find out.
[operates the controls]
Jamie: Ah, I don't think I want to.
Ben: It's a machine, my old haggis; it's taken you away from Scotland forever.
Jamie: Where to?
Ben: Ah, well, that as the Doctor would say, that is in the lap of the gods. We never know.
Jamie: Ah, you'd not be leading me on now, would you? It's a fact; you don't know where we're going?
Polly: Quite true, and what's more we don't even know what year it will be either.
Jamie: Och, now, I don't believe it.
The: "Nae man can tether time nor tide" - Robert Burns.
Jamie: Hey? Who's Robert Burns?
The: Oh, I should have remembered.
Polly: What?
The: Well to Jamie, it's seventeen forty six. Robert Burns wasn't born until seventeen fifty nine.
Ben: It's all complicated, isn't it?
Jamie: What's happening now?
The: We're just beginning to land. Hold tight, everyone.
Jamie: Land?
Polly: Don't be scared, Jamie, it's alright, really.
Ben: I get a sort of queer feeling. See, we never know what we're going to find, do we?
The: Ah that's the fun. Stand by, here we go.
Polly: Please let it be Chelsea nineteen sixty six.
Ben: Hope it's the Daleks, I don't think.
The: Prehistoric monsters...

The: No! Jamie, Zoe, run!

The: So, you are the Doctor.
Dr. Who: We meet at last. I wondered if we ever would.

The: You still think you can bargain with the Cybermen?
Eric: Certainly. This time on our terms.

Ben: You know, it's little things like this that make it difficult to believe that you're the Doctor.
The: Ahh.
Ben: The other one, I mean. The proper one. Oh nuts, you know what I mean.
The: Nuts? Yes, certainly, here we are. Crackers?
Ben: You, my old china, are an out and out phoney!
The: China, yes, I went there once I believe. Met Marco Polo!
Ben: No, not China. China! China and plate, mate, friend.
The: Yes, Marco Polo a friend? I believe he was.
Polly: Don't listen to him, Doctor. I know who you are.

[last lines]
Hobson: What are you doing?
Dr. Who: Just be patient. Just as I thought. A large, neurotropic virus.
Hobson: What, like the space plague?
Dr. Who: No. It's a large, infective agent that only attacks the nerves. That's why the patients have got these lines on their faces and their hands. It follows the course of the nerves under the skin.
Hobson: That's all very well, but how did it get in here?
Dr. Who: Oh, it is the Cybermen. I believe they have deliberately infected the base.
Hobson: My men have searched every square inch of the base. There's no space to hide a cat, let alone a Cyberman! Anyhow, how did they get in?
Dr. Who: [realizing something] One moment.
Hobson: What is it?
Dr. Who: You say you searched all the base?
Hobson: Yes. What of it?
Dr. Who: Every nook and cranny?
Hobson: Yes.
Dr. Who: No chance of anyone hiding anywhere?
Hobson: None whatever.
Dr. Who: Did your men search in here?
Hobson: Well...
Dr. Who: Did they?
Hobson: Well,
Hobson: there are always people in here so they thought that...
Dr. Who: [whispering urgently] Did they search in here?
Hobson: No!
Polly: But there's nowhere in here they could hide.
[the Doctor inspects all the beds in turn until he comes to one particular bed, where he sees the boots of a Cyberman sticking out]
Polly: Oh no! No! No! Oh no!

Dr. Who: Here you are, Sergeant. You'll need this. Now, if it gives the slightest trouble, a little dose of that will settle it.
Sergeant: Yes, but say that doesn't work, Doctor.

Officia: Gas centre standing by. What transfers do you wish made?
Control: Prepare for gas to be diverted into the old shaft. Inspect connection immediately and report back.
Polly: The old shaft. Doctor, that's where Jamie is!
The: So they're going to pour this gas in the old shaft - gas they value above all else. What do you make of that, Polly?
Polly: For goodness sake, Doctor. What are you going on about?
The: Don't you see? Control are not pouring this poisonous gas into the old shaft to kill Jamie. They've quite another reason.

[first lines]
Ben: Doctor, do something!
The: I'm trying to!
[the Doctor adjusts some controls and soon everything returns to normal]
The: Everything back under control again.
Ben: Here, we're landing! Look! Coming at a fair rate!
Jamie: Oh, thank the lord for that. You know, Doctor, I'll never ask you to do that again.
The: I see no reason for that.
Polly: [staring at the scanner] Anyway, Doctor, you... you've done it. It's Mars! It must be. You've landed the TARDIS exactly where you said you would.

Sergeant: Doctor, look!
Dr. Who: Oh, my giddy aunt!

[last lines]
Dr. Who: [looking at the Yeti] You were right about one thing, Victoria. This creature... certainly doesn't seem to be flesh and blood.
Travers: What?
Dr. Who: It's not your Abominable Snowman either, Travers. Look.
[He taps it and it is a hard surface. The creature gives off a strange metallic sound]
Dr. Who: Metal.
Travers: That's incredible!
Thonmi: What is it?
Khrisong: A devils warrior.
Dr. Who: No, I don't think so. It's more like a robot.
Travers: A robot? My dear chap, don't let your imagination run away with you!
Dr. Who: Now, why has it stopped? Wait a minute... Wait a minute!
[discovers an empty round pouch on the creature's stomach]
Victoria: Nothing there.
Dr. Who: [puts his hands in the pouch] No. But there has been!

Eric: Doctor, you seem to be very familiar with this place.
The: Oh, no, not really. Umm, it's all based on symbolic logic. The same as you use in computers. The opening mechanism for this door - an O.R. gate, you call it.
Eric: Yes, yes, I can see that, but how did you know in the first place?
The: Oh, I use my own special technique.
Eric: Oh really, Doctor. And may we know what that is?
The: Keeping my eyes open, and my mouth shut.

[first lines]
Commandant: You're quite sure you've never met these men? They say they know you.
Polly: But they can't know me. This is my first visit to England!
Jamie: But Polly, it's us, me and the Doctor!
Dr. Who: Would you mind telling us your name?
Polly: I am Michelle Leuppi from Zurich.
Dr. Who: You have a passport?
Polly: Yes, of course. Here.
[she hands it over]
Polly: Have I done something wrong?
Commandant: Oh no, I don't suppose there's anything for you to worry about, Miss. May I just ask what you're doing in England?
Polly: I have come here to work. Look, here is my work permit.
Commandant: Oh, yes, that's quite in order. Thank you. Excuse me.
Dr. Who: Where did you learn such excellent English?
Polly: I had an English governess. Would you mind telling me what's happening?
Commandant: Nothing that need concern you, miss, everything's perfectly order. Now if you'd just like to go through there?
Polly: Thank you.
Jamie: Polly, wait!
Commandant: Just a minute young man.
Jamie: But she's a friend of ours - and she saw the murder!
Commandant: You're going to wait here until the Superintendent of police arrives - now understand that?
Dr. Who: Ah, you're going to tell him about the dead body, very sensible.
Commandant: No. I am going to tell him about you.
[into the phone]
Commandant: Put me through to Superintendent Reynolds.
Dr. Who: [whispering] Jamie, I don't think we're very welcome here. When I say run, we run!
Commandant: [into the phone] Hello Super, Commandant. I've got a couple of illegal entrants here. Yes... Immigration Desk Number Five.
Dr. Who: Run!
[before anyone can stop them the Doctor and Jamie shoot past the barrier and run out of the reception area, disappearing into the crowds that throng the main concourse]

Khrisong: Rapalchan, watch from the window, there. Get up. You, the other window.
[to the Doctor]
Khrisong: Any attempt to rescue you will now be highly dangerous, for you.
Dr. Who: Look, nobody is going to rescue me, least of all an Abominable Snowman! And hasn't it occurred to you, that innocent or guilty, whatever's been killing your monks might very well kill me?
Khrisong: If you are innocent, then let us hope that we will have the time to rescue you.

Dr. Who: That stuff must have found the TARDIS a bit indigestible even without the forcefield on, so it swallowed a bit of the surrounding matter as well. Hm, rather like taking a pill with a swig of water.

Jamie: Why did you run away from them in the first place?
The: What? Well, I was bored.
Zoe: What do you mean, you were bored?
The: Well, the Time Lords are an immensely civilised race. We can control our own environment, we can live forever, barring accidents, and we have the secret of space time travel.
Jamie: Well what's so wrong in all that?
The: Well we hardly ever use our great powers. We consent simply to observe and to gather knowledge.
Zoe: And that wasn't enough for you?
The: No, of course not. With a whole galaxy to explore? Millions of planets, eons of time, countless civilisations to meet?
Jamie: Well, why do they object to you doing all that?
The: Well, It is a fact, Jamie, that I do tend to get involved with things.

Pilot: I really don't know why I trust you, Doctor.
The: Oh, perhaps I've got an honest face.

Dr. Who: All this exists because you have willed singularity to create it all for you.
Omega: Exactly.
Dr. Who: I say, you mean all you've got to do is to think of a thing, rub your magic lamp over there and, shally-mi-gally-mi-zopp, there it is? That's jolly cleaver. That's jolly cleaver!
Omega: [to the third Doctor] Are you sure that you and he are of the same intelligence?

Jamie: [the Cyberman Controller is having trouble getting into the revival machine] He's too weak to get in.
The: Quiet, Jamie.
[to the Cyberman Controller]
The: You seem to be in trouble.
Cyberman Controller: The... energy... levels... are... low. We... will... survive. You will help us. You... will... help... us.
The: Yes, yes, certainly. Jamie, Professor.
Jamie: You don't mean to say you're actually going to help them?
Professor: You can't support these creatures!
The: I think it best. Come on. Come along. That's it.
[the Doctor, Jamie and Professor Parry help the Cyberman Controller into the machine]
Cyberman Controller: Do... you... understand... the... machine?
The: Yes. One moment.
Jamie: Have you taken leave of your senses? Now, let's go and help Victoria.
The: In a moment, Jamie.
[to the Cyberman Controller]
The: Now, are you ready?
Cyberman Controller: We... will... survive! We... will... sur...
[the Doctor locks the Cyberman Controller inside the machine]
The: Now then, where would you rather have him? - In or out of there?
Jamie: Oh, I see what you mean.
The: Only we must make sure that he stays in there.

The: Last time they were frozen for five centuries. This time it must be forever.

The: Oh, I can see you've been doing the TARDIS up a bit. Hmm! I don't like it...

[last lines]
Nurse: What do we do now?
Dr. Who: We slip away and see if we can find these young people. Come on.
[the Doctor turns a corner and finds himself facing Captain Blade. He tries to get passed him cheerfully]
Dr. Who: Ah, Captain Blade, we're carrying out your instructions. We're looking for the accommodation centre.
Blade: My instructions don't apply to you. You two won't be needing living space.

[last lines]
The: The experiment is over?
Dr. Who: Yes. I have implanted the human factor in the three Daleks that you gave me.
[to Waterfield and Jamie]
Dr. Who: When I say "run", - run!
The: Speak louder!
Dr. Who: I was merely telling my friend that the day of the Daleks is coming to an end.
The: Explain.
Dr. Who: It's very simple. Somewhere in the Dalek race there are three Daleks with the "Human Factor". Gradually, they will come to question. They will persuade other Daleks to question. You will have a rebellion on your planet!
The: No!
Dr. Who: I say, yes! I've beaten you, and I don't care what you do to me now!
The: Silence. The "Human Factor" showed us what the "Dalek Factor" was.
Dr. Who: [his "triumphant" face falling] What?
Jamie: Well, what does that mean?
The: Without knowing, you have shown the Daleks what their own strength is.
Edward: While you were doing one thing, they were really making you do another.
The: The "Human Factor" is useless.
Dr. Who: You still have those three Daleks to contend with.
The: They will be impregnated with the "Dalek Factor". Your discovery, but your work is not over.
Dr. Who: I won't work for you!
The: You will obey!
Jamie: What is the "Dalek Factor"?
Dr. Who: You want me to guess? It means to obey, to fight, to destroy, to exterminate. I won't do it.
The: Watch!
[a light comes on, revealing the TARDIS]
Jamie: The TARDIS, Doctor!
The: You will take the "Dalek Factor". You will spread it to the entire history of Earth!

Ara: Doctor? Doctor?
The: What is it, Ara?
Ara: It's the girl. They're going to carry out the fish operation on her.
The: Fish operation? Well, well. Ara, do you know where the main fuses are?
Ara: Fuses?
The: Oh never mind. Go back to Polly, and if the chance comes, get her away from there! Will you do that for me?
Ara: Yes.
Professor: Doctor?

The: Oh! I'm on your side, remember? Hey, why didn't you wake me? I should have been on watch half an hour ago.
Victoria: I thought you should rest.
The: Why me?
Victoria: No reason, really.
The: Oh, I think I know. Is it because I'm...
Victoria: Well, if you are four hundred and fifty years old, you need a great deal of sleep.
The: Well, that's very considerate of you, Victoria. But, between you and me, I'm really quite lively actually - all things being considered. Are you happy with us, Victoria?
Victoria: Yes, I am. At least, I would be if my father were here.
The: Yes, I know, I know.
Victoria: I wonder what he would have thought if he could see me now.
The: You miss him very much, don't you?
Victoria: It's only when I close my eyes. I can still see him standing there. Before those horrible Dalek creatures came to the house. He was a very kind man. I shall never forget him. Never.
The: No, of course you won't. But, you know, the memory of him won't always be a sad one.
Victoria: I think it will. You can't understand, being so ancient.
The: Eh?
Victoria: I mean old.
The: Oh.
Victoria: You probably can't remember your family.
The: Oh, yes, I can, when I want to, and that's the point really.

Zoe: Quickly, Doctor! He's taking the device out of its case now. Oh, Jamie he'll be too late! He's putting it in now. It's gone!
Dr. Who: Oh!
Jamie: Doctor, have you caught it? Quick out. Well?
Kando: Oh thank goodness!
Cully: We're saved! We're saved, then!
Dr. Who: No not just yet. I've still got to defuse it before they explode it. Oh! Oh my word!
Zoe: What?
Dr. Who: Well, it's sealed! It's completely sealed! I can't possibly undo it!

[last lines]
Jamie: Doctor!
Victoria: I think.
Dr. Who: Khrisong, I have found the control.
Khrisong: It is too late, Doctor, I can no longer help you.
Dr. Who: But you don't understand! It's here! In the monastery.
Travers: What? That's impossible!
Sapan: But the monastery is empty, we are all here.
Dr. Who: Are we? Are we all here?
Thonmi: The Master!
Sapan: Songsten is with him!
Khrisong: Then he is in great danger! Stay where you are. All of you.
Travers: I remember. Songsten, the Yeti, on the mountain. Yes, yes, it's all coming back to me.
Jamie: Tell us.
Travers: There was this cave...

Dr. Who: There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things, things which act against everything that we believe in. They must be fought.

The: Victoria, I think this is one of those instances where discretion is the better part of the valour. Jamie has an idea.

Dr. Who: Well, singularity is a point in space-time which can exist only inside a black hole. We are IN a black hole, in a world of antimatter very close to singularity, where all the known physical laws cease to exist. Now, Omega has got control of singularity and has learned to use the vast forces locked up inside the black hole.

Zoe: [whooshing] Doctor, if we've landed, where are we?
Dr. Who: That is what I'm trying to find out, Zoë.
Zoe: A rocket?
Jamie: Hey, we're just hanging in space!
Dr. Who: Well, we can't be!
Zoe: Well, let's try and find a star we know.
Dr. Who: [groans with effort] There we are. Oh... What in heaven's name...?
Jamie: Hey, what's he up to?
Zoe: He's trying to climb aboard.
Dr. Who: Just a minute... Just a minute... Oh, this control is... There we are. No, now that's an ion-jet rocket of the twenty first century, but... but... this helmet, if I can... There we are! That's not nearly so sophisticated. It's certainly not later than nineteen sixty.
Jamie: Those letters on his helmet?
Zoe: C-C-C-P.
Dr. Who: Of course!
Jamie: What?
Dr. Who: Just a minute. Yes, I... I think that explains it!
Zoe: Well, Doctor, what is it?
Dr. Who: Well, it's a... it's a flying machine, designed by a gentleman by the name of Leonardo Da Vinci in about umm fifteen hundred.
Jamie: Well, what's it doing up here?
Zoe: Doctor, where are we?
Dr. Who: We're in a museum!
Jamie,108149: A what?
Dr. Who: A space museum! Look! There you are. A balloon... That's a transport plane. Now, those initials, they stand for Russia. That's Gagarin, the first earthman in space. Look. Come on, let's have a look round, shall we?
Jamie: Right.
Dr. Who: Wait for me!

Jamie: We can't tell you anything.
Dr. Who: [as Salamander] Of course not. We know everything. We know about Giles Kent, we know about the girl called Astrid, and we know about your friend, the Doctor.
Victoria: [steps forward] I don't believe you.
Dr. Who: A childish plan to impersonate me. That's the truth, isn't it?
Jamie: [steps forward] Ah, but he didn't agree to it.
Dr. Who: You two were sent to the Central European Zone to start trouble.
Victoria: If you want to know the truth, Giles Kent told us a story and we weren't sure. Before the Doctor could do anything, we had to come here and find out what person you're like.
Jamie: Yeah, we found out right enough.
Dr. Who: You see, Bruce, they're just terrorists. Not very big-fry either. All this nonsense about proof against me.
Victoria: If you're doing so much good for the world, why are you so afraid for your own life?
Jamie: Aye, why do you have so many enemies?
Victoria: Personal guards...
Jamie: Your own food taster...
Victoria: And why destroy the one man people trusted, Alexander Denes?
Jamie: Aye!
Donald: What do you mean, "destroy"?
Victoria: One of your men shot him.
Donald: Trying to escape?
Victoria: He shot him deliberately.
Jamie: [walks up to Bruce] Aye, and that girl, Fariah, well, she was close to Salamander. She'd speak against him. I know she would.
Dr. Who: Fariah is dead.
Victoria: [shocked mad] Dead?
Jamie: You've had her murdered, too, have you?
Victoria: [attacks "Salamander"] Why, you...
Dr. Who: [as himself, cowers out of his chair] Oh, Victoria, don't hit me! You wouldn't hit your old friend the Doctor, would you?

Dr. Who: Good-bye. It's been so nice to meet me.

Jamie: Hey, have you seen Victoria?
Harris: No I haven't.
Jamie: Look, haven't you found her yet?
Dr. Who: No, I was hoping you had.
Jamie: But she was standing right beside us...
Dr. Who: No, no, no, no...
Harris: Doctor, it's Robson. He's trying to get away in one of the company helicopters.
Jamie: What?
Harris: I'm afraid he's got your young girl with him.
Dr. Who: Oh no. Oh no. Can I speak to him from here?
Harris: Yes. Price, switch to RT.
Price: Yes, Sir.
Dr. Who: This one?
Price: Yes.
Dr. Who: [into the screen] Robson. Robson. Robson, listen to me. Can you hear me? Robson. Come back, man. Come back! Robson, don't you realise what they're trying to do to you? They're trying to control you!
Robson: Now, listen to me.
Dr. Who: Robson. Robson.
Robson: Listen! Listen! I have the girl. She is my prisoner. She is my hostage. Do you understand? If you want her to live, come over to us. Come over to us.
Dr. Who: Robson. Robson!
Price: He's switched off, Sir.

The: You see, he is one of me.
Jo: Oh, I see. You're both Time Lords.
The: Well, quite. Well... not quite.
Jo: Oh.
The: Not JUST Time Lords, we're the SAME Time Lord.
The: Now, please, you're only confusing my assistant. Jo, it's all quite simple: I am he and he is me.
Jo: And we're all together, goo-goo-g'joob?

Jamie: [talking loudly] I don't know what you're being so cautious abo...
Dr. Who: Shhh!
Jamie: [quietly] They left the door open for us, didn't they? Hey, it's half-past the nine o'clock.
Dr. Who: Yes, I know.
Jamie: But they made the appointment for ten. Why have we come early?
Dr. Who: The early bird catches the worm, Jamie. Now, do be quiet. There's a good chap. And for heaven's sake, don't knock into anything.
[just as he says this, The Doctor knocks over a statue, not noticing he has done so, and Jamie has to catch it to prevent it from falling over]
Dr. Who: Shh!

[first lines]
Nurse: What do we do now?
Dr. Who: We slip away and see if we can find all these young people. Come on.
[the Doctor turns a corner and finds himself facing Captain Blade. He tries to get passed him cheerfully]
Dr. Who: Ah, Captain Blade, we're following your instructions, trying to find the accommodation centre.
Blade: My instructions don't apply to you. You two won't be needing living space.
Dr. Who: Captain Blade, what is this? I don't understand. We're here to stay, aren't we?
Blade: Oh yes, you're here to stay - but not in your present state.
Dr. Who: I'm very sorry; I simply don't understand what you mean.
Blade: I checked with the Medical Centre. You're both human. We want you intact. That's why I allowed you to come here. I want your brain.

Dr. Who: Back, Everybody, Back! Onto the platform.
[to Price]
Dr. Who: Switch it on, man! Switch it on! Oh! Hold that, Jamie!
[gives a portable speaker to Jamie and goes over to Price]
Dr. Who: Which is the connector switch?
Price: Wh-what?
Dr. Who: The connector switch! Come on! Switch on your speakers and point them on the creature. Point them at the creature! Go on!
Jamie: What's going on?
Megan: It's not working!
Dr. Who: Give it a minute.
Megan: It's not working, I tell you! We're finished!
Harris: No!
Dr. Who: Look! Behind you! Look behind you! The corridor!

Commandant: [after finding plastic cups in the packing case] Plastic cups!
[He turns angrily to the Doctor]
Commandant: Now, I'm going to do some investigating of my own.
Dr. Who: [Brightly] I'm glad I've roused your interest.
Commandant: [Furiously] Oh, but you have. And what I am going to investigate is you and why you're both here in the Airport.
[to Blade]
Commandant: Thank you, Captain Blade.
[to the Doctor and Jamie]
Commandant: Come on, you two, out!
Dr. Who: [sighing] Come on, Jamie. We'd better humor him.

Khrisong: Come with me.
Dr. Who: It's about time you let me help you.
Khrisong: Help? I want to make sure you don't disappear as well.

[last lines]
The: Right. Off we go into the wide blue yonder, as someone was once heard to remark.
Polly: Hooray.
Ben: Yeah, I'm not sorry to be out of that place. Poo, Jamie you don't half stink of fish!
Jamie: Oh, you want to take a wee sniff of yourself, Benjamin. He's not exactly a bonnie bunch of heather.
[Ben laughs]
The: You sound very happy, Jamie.
Jamie: Oh aye, Doctor, I am now. You know I never thought I'd say this, but well it's great.
Polly: What is?
Jamie: All this. I'll never know what makes it go, mind you, but, well at least I feel safe in here. It's only the wee things outside that are, well, alarming.
The: You've got a point there.
Ben: Yeah, you can say that again.
Jamie: It's a fact, though, Doctor? You can't exactly control the TARDIS?
The: Control it? Course I can control it.
Jamie: No-no what I meant was, can you not exactly make it go where you mean it to?
The: If I wanted to. It's just that I've never wanted to.
Ben: Oh, yes, I bet.
Polly: Ooow.
The: Right! Just for that, I'll show you. Now, where shall we go? I know, let's go to Mars.
[the Doctor operates a control. The TARDIS lurches violently]
Polly: Aaah! Doctor, what's happening?
Ben: Can't you do something?
The: Do something? I seem to have done something. It's all your fault, wanting me to tamper with the steering. I'm very sorry, everybody, but I'm afraid the Tardis is out of control!
Polly: Aaaaaaaaaaah!

Dr. Who: Oh, yes. Yes. I don't think I like the look of this. Let's go.
Victoria: Why, what's the matter?
Dr. Who: Come on, run.
Jamie: Yeah, but...
Dr. Who: Don't argue, run. Come on. Come on!
Jamie: If only we had a gun!
Victoria: But why would they want to harm us?
Dr. Who: Why indeed? Oh, what now?
Victoria: Look, Doctor, can't we go back to the TARDIS?
Dr. Who: No, we'd never make it. There's not much cover here.
Victoria: Perhaps we've landed in a world of mad men.
Dr. Who: They're human beings, if that's what you mean. Indulging their favorite past time - trying to destroy each other. Time we went, come on.
Jamie: [seeing Rod aiming a gun at them] Creag an tuire.
[punches Rod unconscious]
Victoria: Oh, well done.
Jamie: [the sound of a helicopter is heard] What's that?

Ben: [Ben walks over to confront the stranger] Now look here!
The: [thrusts a mirror into Ben's hands] Hold that. Tilt it.
[the doctor sees his previous incarnation in a mirror]
Ben: [referring to the mirror] Have you done with this?
The: Put it down. Put it down.
Ben: Now, what's the game?
The: [ignoring Ben, the Doctor pulls out an ornamental dagger from one of his pockets. He examines the object thoughtfully] Ah! The Crusades, from Saladin. The Doctor was a great collector wasn't he!
Polly: But you're the Doctor!
The: Oh, I don't look like him.
Ben: Who are we?
The: Don't you know?
[places the dagger back in his pocket, and then brings out a dull-looking piece of metal. A look of fear appears on his face]
The: Extermination.
[Ben and Polly look at each in mutual puzzlement. The Doctor replaces the metal back in his pocket, and gives a cry of joy when he discovers a magnifying glass. Peering through the magnifying glass, the Doctor studies his hands]
The: Ah... Oh, very good. Nails need growing.

Jamie: [the TARDIS lands] That wasn't too bad. Let's go outside, Doctor.
Ben: Yeah, Come on, Jamie, you and me first. We never know, you know.
Jamie: What?
Ben: We don't know what could be waiting for us out there, do we? Come on, Doctor, open up.
The: Yes, I don't see why not. It looks alright to me.
[the doors open]
The: Wait!
[the others stop in their tracks]
The: ... For me. Ha-ha-ha...

[first lines]
Dr. Who: Jamie, when you captured this creature, you must have dislodged its control unit.
Jamie: Then it must still be lying out there.
Dr. Who: Precisely!
Khrisong: Where are you going?
Dr. Who: To have a look outside the gates. I want that unit. Come on, Jamie.
Khrisong: No! I will not allow it.
Dr. Who: But why not?
Khrisong: I trust no one to leave the monastery. You say this creature is not a real Yeti.
Dr. Who: It's metal. It's been made.
Khrisong: And sent against us. Why? Why does someone wish harm to the monks of Detsen. I will trust no stranger until these questions are answered.
Jamie: Ah, but we're on your side! Have we not convinced you yet?
Khrisong: I am convinced of nothing.
Victoria: The Doctor knows all about this sort of thing. Why not let him help you?
Dr. Who: Well if you don't trust us at least send Thomni, or one of your other warriors.
Khrisong: No! I will not allow the gates to be opened!
Dr. Who: If you want us to help...
Khrisong: I do not need your help! Thomni, guard them!
[walks out]
Dr. Who: Oh dear, a very obstinate man.
Travers: Yes, well that's that I suppose. Nothing we can do about it now.
[Moving towards the door]
Travers: Um, well I... I think I'll just go and get a bit of shut-eye. Good night all.

[first lines]
Polly: [inside the TARDIS, the Doctor is regenerating. Ben and Polly watch in amazement as the frail old man changes into a younger figure. Ben and Polly discuss the "new" Doctor lying on the floor of the TARDIS] His face, his hair. Look at it!
Ben: He's breathing, and the TARDIS seems to be normal.
Polly: Ben, what are we going to do? We can't just leave the Doctor there.
Ben: What, him? The Doctor?
Polly: Well that's who came through the doors - there was no one else outside. Ben, do you remember what he said in the tracking room? Something about "This old body of mine is wearing a bit thin".
Ben: So he gets himself a new one?
Polly: Well, yes.
Ben: Do me a favor!
Polly: Then whatever happened, happened in here.
Ben: But it's impossible!
Polly: Not so long ago we'd have been saying that about a lot of things.
The: [the Doctor awakens and mutters to himself] Slower. Slower. Concentrate on one thing. One thing. It's over. Hmm, hmm, hmm. It's over.
Ben: Doctor?
The: [the Doctor turns and stumbles over the console. Mutters to himself] The muscles are still a bit tight.
Ben: What are we gonna do?
Polly: It is the Doctor. I know it is... - I think.
Ben: It's not only his face that's changed. - He doesn't even act like him. Come on, it's time we sorted this out.

The: I think it's about time we have Mr. Kleig a chance to show off his archaeological skills. I love to see the experts at work, don't you?

[first lines]
Jean: Negative report from Air Sea Rescue, Sir.
Commandant: But with two aircraft ditching, there must be some signs of wreckage.
Dr. Who: [gently] Why do you think the Chameleon plane crashed into the sea?
Commandant: Because it disappeared off our radar screen!
Dr. Who: But it stood still first!
Commandant: Because it must have collided with the RAF plane and dropped like a stone.
Dr. Who: Why do you think that?
Commandant: [the Commandant snatches a note-pad from his desk and draws a big circle, bisected by a horizontal line] You see, when a plane on that radar appears to stand still, it is in point of fact dropping straight down.
Dr. Who: What about straight up?
Commandant: [wearily] Oh my dear Doctor! To get above our radar umbrella like that it would have to climb vertically until it was a hundred miles high. The darned thing would be in outer space.
Dr. Who: Exactly!

Arthur: Doctor! No doubt you are a keen student of human nature, but some things are better left alone.
Dr. Who: No, Mr. Terrall. I am not a student of human nature. I am a professor of a far wider academy, of which human nature is merely a part. All forms of life interest me.

[first lines]
The: [unable to catch the lorry driving off with the TARDIS on its bed, The Doctor and Jamie go into the hangar, where a man in overalls is sitting, listening to a radio] Jamie!
Jamie: The TARDIS! Doctor!
The: Excuse me!
Bob: Ey?
The: I wonder if you could help us?
Bob: My mate likes the wireless turned on at full blast.
[points to his hearing aid]
Bob: I have to keep this turned down.
The: Oh, I see.
Jamie: Who's taken the TARDIS?
The: He means the police telephone box.
Bob: He said "TARDIS" or something.
The: Yes. Well, TARDIS... That's, uh... That's another name for it.
Bob: Oh, foreign is he?
Jamie: Me, foreign? You're the one that's foreign! I'm Scottish!
The: Uh, that's right. TARDIS is a... is a Gaelic word.
[Whispers to Jamie]
The: Jamie, hush!
Jamie: [whispering back] It's getting further away all the time!
The: Yes, I know.

The: Anybody here?

The: Now, Lesterson's fanatic. The Governor's jealous of his own position. What does that suggest to you?
[the Doctor answers himself]
The: Dunno. Hadn't thought about it. That all is not well with this colony. Add to that one Dalek!
Ben: Oh, blimey, you don't half make mountains, don't you? One Dalek?
The: [explaining] Yes! All that is needed to wipe out this entire colony.

Brigadier: [as the Doctor finishes conversing with his previous incarnation] Who in the name of heaven was that?
Dr. Who: I'm afraid you'd never believe me.

The: [delightfully] I don't believe it! Marvelous! After all this time.
Jamie: Oh, what's so marvelous about that?
The: Well don't you see, Jamie, it's the Himalayas! And I do believe we're in exactly the right... now wait a minute.
Jamie: The Hima - what?
The: Shh... Shh...
Victoria: The Himalayas, Jamie. They're mountains.
Jamie: Aye I can see that. Hey is it the Earth, Doctor? I don't fancy another tangle down the Cybermen's tomb.
The: No, no. Shh, Jamie, Shh! Yes of course it's the Earth. Yes... yes I think I'm right... yes...
Jamie: Where are these mountains?
Victoria: Don't you know where the Himalayas are? They're in India. Well at least I think so...
The: Yes, that's it! I knew it! I knew it! It's incredible. Right! No, no, not India. This is Tibet. That's where we are, Tibet. Now, there's no time to be lost. Come along, Jamie, we must find the ghanta.
Jamie: The what?
The: The ghanta, the ghanta. I put it here somewhere. Come along, Jamie, help me.
[pulls out an old trunk and starts hunting for the Ghanta, a Tibetan holy bell. Jamie starts to help and we hear something in the chest breaking]
Jamie: Hey what am I supposed to be looking for?
The: I told you it's...
[finding a small object with bells on it]
The: Good Lord, I haven't seen that for years.
Jamie: Oh, that's the ghanta then?
The: No, no, no, no. It's a... well... whatever it is... it's nice to see it again.
Victoria: Oh.
The: Thank you. Come along, Victoria.
Jamie: [finding some bagpipes in the chest] Hey, Doctor, would you look at these. You never told me you had these.
The: No, Jamie.
Jamie: Hey I could fix those easily.
The: Yes I was afraid of that.
Victoria: Jamie, you're getting as bad as the Doctor.

The: Well, if we count in Earth terms, I suppose I must be about four hundred... - Yes, about four hundred and fifty years old! Yes. Well... Quite...

The: Oh yes of course, you are the Princess Rapunzel!
Princess: Are you a prince?
The: No, no, I'm afraid not... but would you mind if I used your hair to get down there?
Princess: No, of course not; everybody else uses it so I don't see why you shouldn't.

Jamie: [about the sphere] I wish this thing would keep quiet.
Dr. Who: Not much further. Well, we were expecting it.
Jamie: Now, what do we do? Trapped!
Dr. Who: Jamie, it thinks we are. Give me the box.
Jamie: What now?
Dr. Who: Follow me slowly. Jamie, when I say "run", run. Run like the wind! Don't worry about me.
Jamie: Doctor...
Dr. Who: Now, Jamie, please. No heroics, Jamie.
Jamie: But surely, Doctor...
Dr. Who: Now Jamie! Run! Run! I know what I'm doing - I hope! It worked!

Perry: This old police box was for a collector of curios.
Dr. Who: But it belongs to me!
Perry: But why is it so important to you?
Dr. Who: Because... because of what's inside it and because it happens to be my property!
Jamie: Look, where is it?
Perry: At the back.
Dr. Who: Well, is there another way through? This door is locked.
Perry: We might be able to get over the yard gates. You see, this door has an electric lock on it.
Dr. Who: You're going to show me where this yard of yours is.
Perry: I say, if it's a police box, shouldn't we get the police?
Jamie: [the door leading to Waterfield's study opens. JAMIE notices and points it out to the Doctor] Doctor...

Dr. Who: [shouting] Oh, stop him!
[Leo pulls out a blaster and shoots Bill, who screams]
Dr. Who: He's dead. Now listen... listen everyone, the Cybermen are here, in this Wheel. They took over this poor fellow to stop you sending to Earth or signalling for help.

The: [in German accent] Doctor von Wer, at your service.
Redcoat: Doctor who?
The: [muttering under his breath] That's what I said.

The: Jamie, Victoria, Callum, wake up! Wake up!
Victoria: What is it?
The: [a Cybermat is crawling up Jim Callum's chest] Callum, Callum.
Victoria: What are those terrible things?
The: Don't move, Callum. Don't move.
[the Doctor knocks it onto the floor]
The: Now, get back to the controls, all of you. Steady. Don't make any sudden movements. Parry, Parry, wake up, Parry. Wake up. Wake up. Don't panic. Come back with us. Steady. Now, we'll all go in the other room and lock them out.
Victoria: [screaming] Aagh!
Jim: Let's get out of here. The main doors.
[runs over to the main doors where another Cybermat is coming]
Jim: No, look!
Victoria: Oh! Oh, Doctor, we're trapped!
The: Back against the controls, everybody! Here.
[picks up a power cable]
The: Give me a hand, quick!
Professor: The what?
The: Lay this down on the ground. Come on!
Jamie: We can't move it, Doctor!
The: Come on!
Jim: Well, let's blast the filthy things!
[begins shooting at them]
The: You're wasting your time. There are too many of them! Now, do what I say. Come back!
[the Doctor switches the power on and the Cybermats begin to die]
The: There you are, you see?
Professor: What are those creatures?
The: Well, they're... They're a form of metallic life. They home on human brainwaves and attack.
Victoria: Urgh! Are they safe now?
The: Oh, yes, quite safe now.

The: There we are. That's done. Now, we just have to close the main doors, and the circuit is complete.
Jamie: Oh, thank goodness for that.
[seeing the Cyberman Controller is still alive]
Jamie: Doctor! Doctor!
The: Jamie... You go that way. I'll go this way. That gives us more of a chance. When I say "run", - run. Run! Quickly!

Brigadier: For Heaven's sake, be careful Doctor.
Dr. Who: No, No Brigadier leave it alone! It's not dangerous for the moment. It seems to think it's achieved it's mission.
Brigadier: [Realizes The Doctor's appearance has changed] Oh no!
Dr. Who: Oh yes.
Brigadier: Yes, but you're not the... .
Sergeant: Yes it is, Sir, it's the first one.
Dr. Who: How are you, Brigadier?
Brigadier: Pretty well, thanks. Doctor, what the blazes are you doing, why have you changed your appearance? And what's happened to miss Grant?
Dr. Who: [Cuts to show the 3rd Doctor and Jo materializing in the black hole] There you are. It's all quite simple, really.
Brigadier: Yes, well I'm sorry but I don't believe a word of it. Look, just tell me this. Are you or are you not the Doctor that I met during the Yeti business, and then later when the Cybermen invaded?
Dr. Who: Of course I am, you can see that.
Brigadier: Right, but then you would subsequently appear on Earth during that trouble with the Autons, only then you'd changed into a tall, thin fellow.
Dr. Who: Had I really? How fascinating.
Brigadier: Doctor, I warn you.
Dr. Who: It's no use your asking me about all this, Brigadier. As far as I'm concerned, it hasn't happened yet. Don't you see? I'm just a temporal anomaly.
Brigadier: It's quite obvious to me what's happened. You've been mucking around with that infernal machine of yours.
Sergeant: Be careful, Sir.
Brigadier: You've been mucking around with that infernal machine of yours and somehow you've changed back your appearance and shot poor Miss Grant off to "Heaven knows where".
Sergeant: It's not quite as simple as that, Sir, honestly.
Brigadier: Now that'll do Benton.
Brigadier: Now, there's just two things I want from you, Doctor, an effective way of controlling that stuff and the safe return of Miss Grant.
Sergeant: Well, what about OUR Doctor, sir? Don't you want him back?
Brigadier: None of that nonsense, Benton. I've got him back. As long as he does the job, he can wear what face he likes.
Dr. Who: Well, I'll do my best, but I can't make any promises.
Brigadier: Well, in that case, you'd better consult with those all powerful superiors of yours for their advice.
Dr. Who: Oh, I don't think that would do any good. At the moment, they're FAR from being all-powerful. That's why it's been left up to me and me and me.

Dr. Who: [finding the secret door] Jamie, look!
Jamie: Hey...!
[opening an empty cabinet]
Jamie: What's that, Doctor.
Dr. Who: [sniffs] Someone who's not used to the Earth's atmosphere. Very interesting... Ah, TV monitor set. Let's see what we can see.
Jamie: Hey, wh-what's that?
Dr. Who: Well it looks like a hospital. Jamie, we're getting warmer, which is a change from the last time I was here. Come on. Let's see if there's a first aid post in Gatwick Airport.
Jamie: Should we clear up the mess, Doctor?
Dr. Who: No. Let's get along to the first aid post.
[the Doctor collapses]
Dr. Who: My back!
Jamie: What?
Dr. Who: Jamie, my back!

[first lines]
Dr. Who: Oh, Jamie don't touch that control!
Jamie: I already have. What's the matter, Doctor?
Dr. Who: Which one was it?
Jamie: Which one what?
Victoria: Aagh!
Jamie: What exactly happened here, Jamie? What did you do? What sequence did you use?
Jamie: Sequence? How do you mean? Oh, you mean these? I just pressed that button, and pulled this lever...

[first lines]
Dr. Who: Hello Bruce, what are you doing here, eh?

The: [looking around and examining the room, full of gas pumping machinery] This really is remarkable. Most interesting. Yes. I suppose with a little adjustment...

[last lines]
Jamie: [after the departure of Ben and Polly] I'm sad to see them go.
Dr. Who: Yes Jamie, so am I.
[heaves a sigh]
Dr. Who: Well, we've got things to do.
Jamie: What things?
Dr. Who: Well, I didn't tell the others but... we've lost the TARDIS!
Jamie: We can't have done.
Dr. Who: It was outside - it's not there now.
Jamie: You mean somebody's stolen it?
Dr. Who: [solemnly] I don't know, but that's what we're going to find out! Come on!

[last lines]
The: [Ben and Polly follow the Doctor into the capsule and find the cobwebbed Daleks] Polly, Ben... come in and meet the Daleks.
Ben: What?
The: The Daleks.
Polly: You could have opened this before!
The: These two pieces of metal are identical. The Doctor got one of them from the Daleks himself.
Ben: Why do you keep saying the Doctor if you mean you?
The: I knew I should find them here, I knew it.
Ben: Ah, they look harmless, not very lively.
Polly: What do you think? Two hundred years in a swamp and you wouldn't look very lively either. Nothing could live through that could it?
Ben: Live?
The: Nothing human. No.
Polly: Doctor, look!
Ben: What's the matter?
The: [the Doctor has noticed something strange about the floor. He bends down to examine it] There were three Daleks in here! What's happened to the other one?
[Behind the Doctor, a gruesome claw-like appendage crawls from out of the shadows. Paralysed with fear, Ben chokes]
Ben: Doctor!
[Polly gasps, as the Doctor turns to confront the horror]

Dr. Who: This seems to be the way, Jamie!
[to Jenkins]
Dr. Who: Excuse me; we're looking for someone in authority.
Jenkins: Just a moment, Sir. All in good time.
[Hands a lady her passport]
Jenkins: Thank you, Madam.
[to the Doctor]
Jenkins: Now Sir, your passport please.
Dr. Who: I've got no time for that. We want to see someone in authority!
Jenkins: I am in authority. Your passport please.
Dr. Who: You don't understand, we... we have something important to report!
Jenkins: Yes, Sir. When you've found your passport. The next one, please.
Jamie: What's a passport, Doctor?
Dr. Who: Oh, some sort of official mumbo-jumbo.
[to Jenkins]
Dr. Who: Look! We've just discovered a dead body out there! Did you hear me?
Jenkins: [Unperturbed] Well, sir. If I were you I'd inform the police.
Dr. Who: Then please tell me where we can find them.
Jenkins: There's probably a policeman in the main concourse.
Jamie: And where is that?
Jenkins: Through this door and turn to your left.
Dr. Who: Well thank you. Thank you very much. Come on, Jamie.
Jenkins: May I see your passport, Sir?
Dr. Who: [Snaps] Well neither of us have passports! Now does that satisfy you?
Jenkins: I think you must be mistaken, Sir. You couldn't have got on the aircraft without passports.
Dr. Who: What aircraft?
Jenkins: The one you arrived on, Sir.
Jamie: We didn't arrive on an aircraft.
Jenkins: Now look here, Sir, this joke has gone on far enough. You know and I know that you must have arrived here on the last inbound flight which was... Flight number 729 from Madrid.

Dr. Who: Well where's the helicopter then?
Victoria: I can't see anything except this awful foam.
Jamie: Don't worry, Victoria, it won't hurt you.
Dr. Who: [looking up at the sky spots the helicopter] There it is!
Dr. Who,108155: [shouting] Hey! Hey!
Victoria: Oh, can't he see us?
Dr. Who: Probably not.
Jamie: No, he's probably just too scared.
Dr. Who: Oh, Jamie, help me get this hatchway covered. We can't hang around here. The helicopter will never see us.
Jamie: But we'll never get off the rig without it!
Dr. Who: [points to the other landing pad] There's Robson's helicopter in there.
Jamie: But it hasn't got a driver!
Dr. Who: I've been dying to get my hands on one of those things. Come on. Go on.
[they rush over to the other pad]

[first lines]
The: There we are. Well, what do you think?
Victoria: I don't know. I can't believe it. It's so big. Where are we?
The: Oh, it's the TARDIS. It's my home. At least it has been for a considerable number of years.
Victoria: What are all these knobs?
The: What, these?
Jamie: Instruments. These are for controlling our flight.
Victoria: Flight?
Jamie: Well, yes. You see, we travel around in here through time and space.
[Victoria laughs]
The: Oh, no, no, no, no. Don't laugh. It's true. Your father and Maxtible were working on the same problem, but I have perfected a rather special model, which enables me to travel through the universe of time.
Victoria: How can you? I mean, if what you say is true, you must be... er well... how old?

Music: We are all happy to work. We are all happy to work. For the good of the Colony. Happy to work. Happy to work.
The: Ooh!
Polly: What's the matter?
The: Dreadful. Did you hear that rhyme? The man who wrote that ought to be sent to the Danger Gang, not us. Ha, ha, ha.
Ola: All right. That's enough.

Brigadier: Now, see here, Doctor, you have finally gone too far!
Dr. Who: I rather think we all have.

The: I've never seen a silent lawyer before.

Zoe: The X-rays are processed now. Can you turn the light out, Jamie?
[Jamie turns out the lights]
Dr. Who: Here we go. Now, let's see what we've got.
[an image of a Cybermat is projected on the wall]
Zoe: What's that?
Dr. Who: It's a Cybermat!
Jamie: Aye!
Dr. Who: The lights, Jamie, the lights!
[the lights come back on]
Dr. Who: Cybermats!
Jamie: That means the Cybermen must be here, too!
Dr. Who: Yes... And there's only one place they can be. - On that rocket!

[the TARDIS has landed, rather bumpily, in a London Underground railway tunnel]
Dr. Who: For the moment, we have eluded our captor. Look at the scanner, both of you.
Victoria: Well, where are we?
Dr. Who: I really don't know, Victoria. Shall we go out and have a look.
Victoria: Now? Is it safe?
Dr. Who: [mischievously and airily] Oh, I shouldn't think so for a moment! Jamie... I think we're going to need torches.

Harris: Keep away from it! Keep away!
Dr. Who: Shut those doors!
Harris: Quick! This way!

Brigadier: All right, now we're in here, what do we do?
Dr. Who: Well, we have a think. Care for a jelly baby?

[last lines]
Dr. Who: Anyone at home?
[as he walks around, the big gun moves into shooting mode. He weaves under it]
Dr. Who: Open up. Come on, open up, I say! Very well, I shall count to ten. One... two... three... ah!
Varga: Who are you?
Dr. Who: I never answer questions until I'm addressed properly.
Varga: You will answer now.
[the Doctor has a defiant look on his face]
Varga: Very well. You are standing in the airlock of this spacecraft. Unless you answer my questions, within ten seconds, I will take the atmospheric pressure around you down to zero.
Dr. Who: But if you do that my body will explode!
Varga: One... two... three... four...

Dr. Who: Ben can catch his ship and become an admiral, and you, Polly... you can look after Ben.

[first lines]
Cyberman #1: Stand back, stand back from that door.
Hobson: You're right! It is them! Quick! Get out of it!
The: [screaming] No!
[Cyberman #2 shoots Bob]
Cyberman #1: Remain still.
Hobson: You devils! You killed him! An unarmed man!
Cyberman #1: Get up.
[to Cyberman #2]
Cyberman #1: See that they remain there.
Cyberman #2: Yes.
Cyberman #1: Operational System Two now complete. Operational System Two now complete.

The: The power cable generated an electrical field and confused their tiny metal minds. You might almost say they've had a complete "metal" breakdown.
Jamie: [groans] Oooh!
The: I'm so sorry, Jamie.

[last lines]
Miss: Only a minor explosion.
[the Doctor sighs]
Miss: We're safe!
[there are more sighs]
Dr. Who: Oh. Goodness me! Oh!
Penley: Set all circuits to automatic, Miss Garrett. And tie in with the World Ioniser instrumentation. Clent, will you, err, check these readings with me? And you've a report to prepare haven't you.
Clent: Yes, yes, yes I have. Penley. You are the most insufferably irritating and infuriating person I've ever been privileged to work with.
Penley: [smiling] Thank you.
Clent: Can't write a report though, can you? Something I've got to do for you. Well don't worry, it's one thing that I've been trained to do.
Penley: Without the computer?
Clent: [laughs] No, Penley. I've always written my own speeches, and my own reports.
Penley: Are you going to include...
[he turns]
Penley: Well, where's the Doctor?

The: [Klieg is holding The Doctor, Jamie, and Toberman at gunpoint] Yes. As you say, such a combination between intelligence and... *power* would make you formidable indeed. Why, you would be... Commander of the *Universe* with your brilliance! It... It makes the imagination reel with the possibilities!
Eric: Why, Doctor, if I had only known you shared my imagination, you might even have worked for me.
The: Perhaps it's not too late.
Jamie: Doctor!
The: No, Jamie. Don't you see? Don't you see what this is going to mean to all the people who come to serve... Klieg - the All-Powerful? Why, no country, no person, would dare to have a single thought that was not your own! - Eric Klieg's own conception of the... *Of the way of life!*
Eric: Brilliant! Yes. Yes, you're right! Master of the world!
The: Well, now I know you're mad; I just wanted to make sure.

Giles: What news of Denes? We must keep him posted as to what is happening.
Astrid: It's all right, we've contacted and we've arranged to meet.
Giles: Be careful, he's pretty well known.
Astrid: Oh, don't worry. We've arr... I suggested that we meet under a disused jetty by the river.
Dr. Who: Disused Yeti?
Giles: No, no, no. Jetty, jetty!
[to Astrid]
Giles: Ah, anything else to tell us?
Astrid: No. If the plan goes through I'll try and contact you again.
Giles: Right. Goodbye, good luck.
Dr. Who: Good luck, Astrid. Jamie and Victoria will look after you.
Giles: Astrid, are you there? We're... She's gone. And I'm not surprised after that last remark.
Dr. Who: Well, I'm sorry.

Giles: Come on. Now do you believe the sort of people we're up against?
Dr. Who: Unpleasant, yes, destructive; but not necessarily evil.
Giles: Why won't you believe me?
Dr. Who: It is too important. I must be sure. Oh dear... such pretty crockery this is. Sad really, isn't it? People spend all their time making nice things, and other people come along and break them.
Giles: That's what I'm trying to tell you about Salamander. He's trying to destroy the world!
Dr. Who: Facts, Kent. I must have facts. That's what I hope Jamie's going to bring back.

The: [about the Dalek metal] A hundred years you say this has been buried?
Lesterson: Oh, at least. Now, there must be something in the inner compartment. We shall be able to find out where it came from originally.
The: It didn't come from this planet - Vulcan.
Lesterson: Oh no, no, no. The metal is quite alien.
The: Alien, yes. Very alien. Goodnight.
[the Doctor rapidly and abruptly leaves the lab]
Ben: What's he up to now?
Polly: Ben, we're not going to let him out of our sight.

Dr. Who: Well Jamie, the experiment's nearly over. I've had no sleep. I've been up all night, but it's been worth it.
Jamie: Ah, don't touch me!
Dr. Who: Now what's the matter?
Jamie: Anyone would think this was a little game.
Dr. Who: No. It is not a game.
Jamie: Of course it isn't Doctor. People have died. The Daleks are all over the place, fit to murder the lot of us, and all you can say is you've had a good night's work.
Dr. Who: Jamie.
Jamie: No, Doctor. Look, I'm telling you this. You and me -- we're finished. You're just too callous for me. Anything goes by the board, anything at all.
Dr. Who: That's just not true, Jamie. I've never held that the end justifies the means.
Jamie: Ach, words. What do I care about words? You don't give that much for a living soul except yourself.
Dr. Who: I care about life. I care about human beings. Do you think I let you go through that Dalek test lightly?
Jamie: I don't know. Did you? Look, Doctor, just whose side are you on?

Ben: [Ben picks up the Doctor's ring from the floor] Now look, the Doctor always wore this. So, if you're him it should fit, now shouldn't it?
[Ben grabs the Doctor's hand, and slips the ring on. However, the ring is far too big for the Doctor's finger]
Ben: There... That settles it!
The: I'd like to see a butterfly fit into a chrysalis case after it's spreads its wings.
Polly: Then you did change!
The: Life depends on change, and renewal.
Ben: [sarcastically] Oh, so that's it, you've been renewed, have ya?
The: [taking Ben's remark seriously] I've been renewed, have I? That's it, I've been renewed! It's part of the TARDIS. Without it I couldn't survive.

Dalek,49523: [to Jamie who threatens Maxtible] You will not harm this human being. Or you will be exterminated!
Dr. Who: Yes, yes. We quite understand.

The: Jamie, I hope you made those ropes secure.
Jamie: Oh, the King of the Beasties himself couldnae get out of that one.
[the Cyberman Controller bursts free]
The: Jamie, remind me to give you a lesson in tying knots sometime.
Cyberman Controller: You will remain still.

[to the time lords]
The: All these evils I have fought, while you have done nothing but observe! True, I am guilty of interference. Just as you are guilty of failing to use your great powers to help those in need!'

[first lines]
Varga: Who are you?
Dr. Who: I never answer questions until I'm properly introduced.
Varga: You will answer now.
[the Doctor has a defiant look on his face]
Varga: Very well. You are standing in the airlock to this spacecraft. Unless you answer my questions, within ten seconds, I will take the atmospheric pressure around you down to zero.
Dr. Who: But... But if you do that my body will explode!
Varga: One... two... three...
Dr. Who: Oh, alright! Alright! But I don't think much of your hospitality!

Jamie: Can you see anything?
Dr. Who: No, it's too dark, Jamie. Not a sign of Van Lutyens.
Jamie: Well, no point hanging about here.
Dr. Who: Wait a minute.
[foam and weed emerge further down the corridor]
Dr. Who: Come on Jamie. Let's get out of here. Push the lift button!
Jamie,49523: Get us out of here. Take the lift up!
Jamie: Victoria, why aren't you listening?
Dr. Who: Why doesn't this thing work? Jamie, look!

Dr. Who: Jamie, I hope you don't suffer from claustrophobia.

Jamie: Hey, what on Earth?
Professor: Behold, gentlemen, the Tombs of the Cybermen.
Jamie: Tombs? I don't see any tombs.
Dr. Who: [pointing] There, Jamie. Frozen forever. All their evil locked away with them. And so it must remain.
Eric: Like a gigantic honeycomb. Like bees waiting for the signal to arise from their winter sleep.
Dr. Who: A signal that they are never going to get.
John: We'd better get busy, Everything must be recorded. It's too cold to remain for long...
Eric: Unless we find some way to warm things up.

The: Now, I think Victoria might find that dress a little impracticable if she's going to join us in our adventures. Jamie, show her where she can find some new ones, will you?
Jamie: Right. This way, Victoria...
The: Mustn't stand about, Jamie.
Jamie: Try to give us a smooth take-off, Doctor. We don't want to frighten her.
The: A smooth take-off? A smooth take-off! What a nerve!

[last lines]
Jamie: Now, that really is the end of the Cybermen, isn't it?
The: Yes, Jamie. On the other hand... I never like to make predictions.

Dr. Who: Come on in, the water's lovely. Go on, Jamie.
[waves at his helicopter pilot]
Dr. Who: Goodbye. So far, so good, Jamie.
Jamie: But the driver, will he wait for us?
Dr. Who: Oh yes, he said he'd hang around.
Jamie: Where do we go from here?
Dr. Who: I think we'll go on down here.
Jamie: Like walking into the lion's den.
Dr. Who: Jamie, we're already in the lion's den. What we've got to concentrate on is keeping our heads out of his mouth.

Dr. Who: [the Doctor is thinking of an idea of getting inside the TARDIS] Yes.
Jamie: Have you thought up some clever plan, Doctor?
Dr. Who: Yes, Jamie, I believe I have.
Jamie: What are you going to do?
Dr. Who: Bung a rock at it.
Jamie: Oh be serious, Doctor!
Dr. Who: Jamie, I am.
Jamie: Hey no, Doctor!
Dr. Who: [the Doctor bungs a rock at it, however the Yeti does not react] There you are, you see? Just as I thought. It can't see and it can't feel. Come on.
Jamie: Don't be daft, Doctor.
Dr. Who: Well it's quite all right, Jamie. It's like those three back there, it's either switched off or not receiving. Come along.
Jamie: Are you sure it's quite safe?
Dr. Who: Well, quite frankly no, Jamie. But there's only one way of finding out.
[the Doctor starts to look inside the creature's centre for its flap]
Jamie: Don't, Doctor, you might switch it on.
Dr. Who: No I don't think so, Jamie. There, just as I thought. Now then.
[He gets the flap open]
Dr. Who: Now, Jamie, will you hold this flap open for me please? Thank you.
[He starts to take the control unit from its chest with a screwdriver]
Jamie: Hey you're taking an awful risk, Doctor.
Dr. Who: [removes the Yeti's sphere] Well I'm glad that's over. Catch!
[He throws it at Jamie who catches it]
Jamie: Hey I just thought of something, Doctor. The man that made these robots is very clever, right?
Dr. Who: Yes.
Jamie: And yet we were able to walk right up to it and put it out of action just like that!
Dr. Who: You mean why didn't they build in some sort of protective device?
Jamie: Aye.
Dr. Who: Well perhaps they didn't think it was necessary. I mean look at him. Would you walk up to a creature like that with just a screwdriver in your hand?
Jamie: No, I would not.
Dr. Who: No, there you are. I'm really rather pleased with myself.

[last lines]
Victoria: What about Klieg and Kaftan? They'll probably attack them as well.
Professor: The testing room.
The: Now, come on. Mind your feet.
Eric: Most ingenious, Doctor. Now, let's see what you can do against this.
[holds up a Cyberman X-ray gun]
Jamie: Watch out, Doctor!
[Klieg fires]

[first lines]
Dr. Who: It's a game, Jamie! They're playing a game!
Theodore: A rather amusing little game, don't you think so Jamie?

The: An unintelligent enemy is far less dangerous than an intelligent one, Jamie.
Jamie: Eh?
The: Just act stupid. Do you think you can manage that?
Jamie: Oh, aye, it's eas...

Dr. Who: I- I wouldn't leave you in the tender mercy of Salamander.
Jamie: Doctor?
Dr. Who: You don't believe me? Oh. Ha.
[the Doctor clears his throat, exaggeratedly reaches into his shirt and mimes taking out his recorder. He whistles 5 bars of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", the fifth repeating the first, all the while fingering the air as if he were playing it, then suddenly making a listening gesture at his right ear]
Jamie: [points and whistles "Shave and a Haircut"]
Dr. Who: [whistles and fingers "Two Bits"] Only *you* made me leave it in the TARDIS!
Jamie: It *is* him!
Victoria: Oh, Doctor!
Jamie: Doctor, why didn't you tell...
[Jaime and Victoria talk over each other, hugging the Doctor in joy, until interrupted by]
Donald: Tardis? Tardis, what's that?
Dr. Who: Uh, well, it's a little place that we three have in common. You must admit, they thought I was Salamander to begin with.
Donald: Yes, I concede that. But there's still no proof.
Dr. Who: No, but there's enough doubt in your mind to make you go on asking questions, isn't there? That's why we came here!

The: Sausages! Man will become like a string of sausages - all the same!

The: Come here!
The: Come here. The Doctor kept a diary, didn't he?
Polly: Yes.
The: I thought so. I wonder where. I wonder where.
Polly: He's a very different Doctor, Ben.
Ben: Yeah, maybe. Just where do we stand, though?
Polly: Doctor? Doctor, what's going to happen to us?
The: I think... I think we must have landed for sometime. I think it's time we went for a stroll.
Polly: But you don't know where we've landed!
Ben: No! You haven't checked the oxygen or the temperature or anything!
The: [not looking up from the 500 Year Old Diary] Oxygen density 172, radiation nil, temperature 86, strong suggestion of mercury deposits. Satisfied, Ben? Now, are you two coming or are you not?
Polly: He does know us! He said "Ben", didn't you hear him?
Ben: Yeah, I heard. But he might just have been copying you though, mightn't he?

[last lines]
[the Doctor's hands hover of the TARDIS controls uncertainly, then his right goes to his head again as his left gestures to Jaime to do it]
Jamie: Me, Doctor?
[Jaime places his hand on a dial to turn it, then hesitates]
Jamie: But you said we were never to touch the controls.
Dr. Who: Quite right, Jaime.
[the Doctor whips around to see the REAL Doctor at the doors]
Dr. Who: [dressed normally] Welcome to the TARDIS.
Salamander: Thank you. You were doing so well impersonating me I... I thought I might return the compliment.
Dr. Who: And Giles Kent?
Salamander: Unfortunately didn't survive the explosion.
Dr. Who: We're going to put you outside, Salamander. No friends, no safety, nothing. You'll run, but they'll catch up with you.
[Salamander grabs for the controls...]
Dr. Who: No!
[... whips back around to gut-punch the Doctor, then pins him against the console]
Salamander: [face to face with the Doctor] And now I'm going to kill you.
Jamie: No, you don't.
[Jaime grabs Salamander from behind. Salamander elbows Jaime, grabs at the control Jaime touched, and twists it hard, starting dematerialization without first closing the doors. The TARDIS tilts violently. The Doctor and Victoria are thrown toward the heavy chair]
Victoria: Doctor!
Dr. Who: [grabs at the chair and Victoria] Victoria!
Victoria: Doctor!
Dr. Who: Jaime! Hold on to something!
[Jaime grabs the base of a plinth. Salamander screams as he slides across the floor, through the doors...]
Dr. Who: Jaime! Oh!
[... and out of the TARDIS, tumbling unprotected into the time vortex]

Jamie: [softly] The Piper! The McCrimmon Piper! Don't let him get me!
The: Piper?
Polly: Some legend of his clan. As far, as I can make out - this piper appears to a McCrimmon just before he dies.
The: Has this phantom piper appeared to Jamie yet?
Polly: You don't believe it, do you?
The: No, but he does. It's important to him.
Polly: He keeps asking us to keep the piper away from him.
The: Good. We can see if we can do just that.
[walks away thinking]

The: [about the Daleks] I know the misery they cause, - the destruction. But there's something else more terrible - something I can only half remember.
Polly: Doctor, what was it?

Sergeant: Well, what are we gonna do now?
Dr. Who: Keep it confused. Feed it with useless information. I wonder if I have a television set handy?

Cyberman Controller: We must survive! We must survive!
Toberman: You are evil!
The: Toberman, come away!
Jamie: Careful, you'll get killed man!
Toberman: They shall never pass Toberman. The door is closed.

Jamie: [seeing a helicopter for the first time] But what is it, Doctor?
Victoria: Oh, I'm frightened!
Astrid: [waving at them from the helicopter] Over here! Run!
Victoria: I can't! I can't!
Dr. Who: You must, it's our only chance.
Astrid: Hurry!
Dr. Who: Come on!

Dr. Who: If only I could find my recorder, I could play you a little something to pass the time.
Brigadier: We must be thankful for small mercies.

Eric: That's it! I've got it! Finally, Boolean function of symbolic logic!
Dr. Who: Logic, yes, but...
Kaftan: Everything yields to logic. Our basic assumption, Doctor.
Dr. Who: Really?
Eric: Six, cap B four... If and only if... C is cap function of two A.
Dr. Who: I think perhaps your logic is wearing a little thin.
Eric: I must have made a mistake. I - I'll do it again more carefully. Six, cup B four... If and only if... C is cup function of... Ah!
Dr. Who: Ah!
Eric: That's it! Two F not two A!
[the Tomb of the Cybermen opens]
Eric: I've done it! I've done it!
Dr. Who: Congratulations!
Jamie: But, Doctor, you...

[last lines]
Dr. Who: [happy to see Polly] Commandant, this is the girl I was telling you about.
Polly: [Polly gives him a puzzled look] I beg your pardon?
Commandant: Do you know these gentlemen?
Polly: No. Why? Should I?
Commandant: According to them, they know you.
Dr. Who: Now where have you been, Polly?
Polly: Polly? My name isn't Polly. You must have made a mistake. I've never seen them before in my life!

[first lines]
Ben: Doctor, look!
[Polly screams. The Doctor and Ben stare transfixed at the pulsating claw. Ben slowly moves towards the claw, but the Doctor quickly drags him back. The movement appears to alarm the claw - it scuttles back into the shadows]
The: A light. A torch outside.
Ben: Did you see it?
The: Quickly Ben, quickly!

[last lines]
Ben: Hey, Doctor? Doctor?
The: Relax. Relax. More haste, more waste. Pleasure is beautiful.
Ben: Relax? You wait till you hear what they're going to do with you.
The: Oh, well. Ha, ha, ha.
Ben: Yeah, I just heard it on the grapevine. They're going to draft us as members of the Colony, and make you the next Pilot.
[the Doctor stops laughing]
The: They can't do that to me. Let's get out of here.
Ben: Yes, but how?
The: Take a leaf out of Jamie's book. Give them the old dance routine.
[the Doctor, Polly, and Ben enthusiastically join in with Jamie's dancing, slowly edging closer to the door]

[last lines]
The: Oh, Jamie don't touch that control!
Jamie: I already have. What's the matter, Doctor?
The: Which one was it?
Jamie: Which one what?
Victoria: Aagh!

The: [reassuring Victoria, who misses her father, with recollections of his own family] I have to really want to - to bring them back in front of my eyes. The rest of the time they... they sleep in my mind, and I forget.
[At her expression]
The: And so will you. Oh, yes, you will. You'll find there's so much else to think about, to remember. Our lives are different to anybody else's. That's the exciting thing! Because nobody in the universe can do what we're doing. You must get some sleep, and let this poor old man stay awake.

Dr. Who: Long, long ago, we learned the secret of time travel, but in order to make it a reality we had to have a colossal source of energy.
Dr. Who: Now, Omega provided that energy by a fantastic feat of solar engineering. Now, we thought he was destroyed, instead of which he finished up here.
Dr. Who: Yes, it seems that his imprisonment was the price of our freedom to travel in time.

The: Hello, Ben. Don't go. Come in. Don't be afraid.
Ben: I have nothing to be afraid of.
The: No, of course not. It wasn't your fault you betrayed your friends.
Ben: The voices tell me what to do.
The: The voices may not be right, Ben.
Ben: I do what I am told.
The: Yes, I know. That's why you're here, isn't it? To spy on me. What does Control want to know this time? Won't you answer me? You know, Ben, this is very unlike you.
Ben: I don't know what you mean. It is my duty.
The: It's hard for you to struggle against the voices, isn't it, Ben? But I warn you, if you spy on the others, watch out Jamie doesn't catch you. He's not so tolerant as I am.

Brigadier: Look, just tell me this: Are you or are you not the Doctor that I met during the Yeti business and then later when the Cybermen invaded?
Dr. Who: Of course I am. You can see that.
Brigadier: Right, but then you would subsequently appear on Earth during that trouble with the Autons, only then you'd changed into a tall, thin fellow.
Dr. Who: Had I really? How fascinating.
Brigadier: Doctor, I warn you...
Dr. Who: It's no use your asking me about all this, Brigadier. As far as I'm concerned, it hasn't happened yet. Don't you see? I'm just a temporal anomaly.

The: [to the guards who are tying up Medok] Ah, not too tight - bad for the blood pressure.

[last lines]
Jean: Negative report from Air Sea Rescue, Sir.
Commandant: But with two aircraft ditching there must be some signs of wreckage.
Dr. Who: [gently] Why do you think the Chameleon plane crashed into the sea?
Commandant: Because it disappeared off our radar screen!
Dr. Who: But it stood still first!
Commandant: Because it must have collided with the RAF plane and dropped like a stone.
Dr. Who: Why do you think that?
Commandant: [snatches a note pad from his desk and draws a big circle, bisected by a horizontal line] You see, when a plane on that radar appears to stand still, it is in point of fact dropping straight down.
Dr. Who: What about straight up?
Commandant: [wearily] Oh my dear Doctor! To get above our radar umbrella like that it'd have to climb vertically until it was a hundred miles high. The darned thing would be in outer space.
Dr. Who: Exactly!