20 Best Austin O'Brien Quotes

Dekker: And you promised me you wouldn't tell!
Jack: I didn't.
Dekker: Well, then how did he know?
Danny: "Jack Slater I".
Dekker: What's winning got to do with this?
Danny: No. The very first "Jack Slater".
Dekker: [to Jack] You told your dad?
Jack: I didn't tell anybody! I don't even know this kid!
Dekker: Well, he sure seems to know a lot about us.

Death: [looking down at a wounded Jack Slater] I was only curious, he's not on any of my lists.
Death: [turns to Danny] but *you* are... Daniel.
Danny: Now?
Death: No, you die a grandfather...

Danny: Wait a second. Where you going?
Jack: I'll be back!
Jack: Ha! You didn't know I was gonna say that, did you?
Danny: That's what you always say?
Jack: I do?
Danny: Everyone keeps keeps waiting for you to work it in. It's kind of like your calling card.

Danny: I thought I was going to die.
Jack: Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but you're gonna live to enjoy all the glorious fruits life has got to offer - acne, shaving, premature ejaculation... and your first divorce.

Danny: Watch it, Jack. He killed Mozart.
Jack: In a movie?
Danny: Amadeus. It won eight Oscars.
Jack: I saved his life in 'Nam. I'll make sure to be on the lookout. Thanks. Now, no more movies!

[watching Jack wipe tar off his face with a paper towel]
Danny: You know, tar actually sticks to some people.

Jack: [listening to the radio] Can you turn this up, please? What's that?
Irene: Mozart.
Jack: [to Danny] The guy who Practice killed?
Danny: That's right, Jack.
Irene: You like classical music?
Jack: I don't know. I think I will.
Jack: Wow.

Jack: Kid! Who does the doctor treat?
Danny: Patients?
Jack: Look at the elbow of my jacket. What is it doing?
Danny: Wearing thin?
Jack: Bingo!

Danny: [Slater prepares to jump out a window in pursuit of Benedict] Jack, where are you going?
Jack: [referring to Benedict and his ever-changing glass eye] Got to catch the red-eye!

Jack: I'll be back! Ha! You didn't know I was gonna say that, did you?
Danny: That's what you always say!
Jack: I do?

[Dead assassin tumbles out of closet after Slater has fired into it without warning]
Danny: How'd you know there was a guy in there?
Jack: There's always a guy in there. It costs me a fortune in closet doors.

Danny: What if staying in the car is what gets me killed?
Jack: There's a gun in the glove compartment.

Danny: Where are the ordinary, everyday women? They don't exist because this is a movie!
Jack: No, this is California.

Danny: Benedict! If you harm a hair on her head...
Benedict: Stop!
[Pulls one strand of Whitney's hair, presents it to Danny, and snaps it in two]
Benedict: You were saying?
[Pulls up a chair]
Benedict: Now, I believe it was Sherlock Holmes who said, "If you eliminate all logical solutions to a problem - all illogical solutions, however unlikely, become inevitably true." See, I know that your name is Daniel Madigan. What I don't know is how you know mine?
Danny: Slater showed me some mugshots. We made your face easy.
Benedict: Daniel Madigan from New York. A long way from home, aren't you. When did you get here?
Danny: Just.
Benedict: And how do you know what I said on Vivaldi's terrace?
Danny: I heard it in a recording.
Benedict: Microphones in the statues, are there?
Danny: You wouldn't believe how many.
Benedict: And the eye I was wearing?
Danny: I saw it. I saw it in a movie. There were micro-cameras in the statues.
Benedict: I should tell you, that I have killed people smarter and younger than you.

[Playing "Chicken" riding a bike]
Danny: This is gonna work. It's a movie, I'm a good guy. This has got to work!
[Danny thinks again]
Danny: I'm a comedy sidekick. Oh, shit! I'm a comedy sidekick! IT'S NOT GONNA WORK!

Danny: The house looked European, like maybe if you get a postcard from Italy or something. Like that one. In fact, just like that one! The bad guys are in there!
Jack: You know something? I think you should be wearing this.
Danny: I don't think I've earned it yet.
Jack: You don't understand. You just solved the entire case. you just revolutionized the entire history of police training. I mean all these years at the academy, studying human character, psyche of the terrorists, fingerprint analysis, all the courses that I've taken in surveillance, hostage negotiation, and criminal psychology, when all I have to do is drive around the neighborhood, point my finger at a house, and say, "the bad guys are in there!"?
Danny: You think you're funny, don't you?
Jack: I know I am. I'm the famous comedian, Arnold Braunschweiger.
Jack: Schwarzenegger!
Jack: Gesundheit.

[after seeing a "Terminator 2" poster with Sylvester Stallone]
Danny: No. It's not possible!
Jack: What's not possible? The man is an artist. It's his best performance ever!
Danny: But... that was you! YOU were in that movie!
[a girl close-by hears them]
Video: [to Jack] You were in a movie?
Jack: Yes. It was called "The Girl of My Dreams". It starred you. As a matter of fact, there was this very romantic scene where we had dinner together.

Ripper: Hey, Jack. What kept you?
Jack: Are you alright, Danny?
Danny: Yes, sir.
Ripper: You know, I tried to change, Jack. I really tried to do what he told me to do. You know, but I kept hearing that old music. That's how I knew you'd come, Jack. Now lose the piece.
[throws gun off the roof]
Jack: There, it's now it's between you and me. Now let the boy go.
Ripper: Now we've played this number before haven't we, Jack? Let's see, what comes next. You t - you throw the gun away. Right... we did that part.
[mock laughter, puts down axe]
Ripper: Then, you tell me to let the kid go. Ah, I'm getting bored, why don't we just skip to the end?
[throws Danny over the ledge]

Jack: Let's say this is a movie. How many times have you heard someone say, "stay in the car," and the guy doesn't? What happens?
Danny: He saves the day.
Jack: Or, gets killed!

Danny: You think you are funny, don't you?
Jack: I know I am. I'm the famous comedian Arnold Braunschweiger.
Danny: Schwarzenegger!
Jack: Gesundheit.