150 Best Ed Harris Quotes
Man: We aren't revisiting the past. We're recreating it.
Man: Caleb? What was that?
- Caleb, are you all right?
- Are you there?
- Caleb.
Man: We're almost there. Do you read?
- Caleb?
- Wake up.
- You dozed off for a minute there.
[Sam talks to Mr. Fogarty while pulling him over on the side of the road]
Sheriff: What's your business in Millbrook, sir?
Carl: We're tourists.
Sheriff: What business did you have at Stall's diner today?
Carl: We heard the coffee was terrific.
Sheriff: Let me make something clear to you and... Mr. Mulligan.
Carl: Uh-huh?
Sheriff: This is a nice town. We have nice people here. We take care of our nice people. Do you understand?
Carl: Yeah, sure.
- I made you, Bernard.
- It's fitting.
- We're here together in the end.
Man: That's right, Dolores.
- This is the end.
- Nothing else is in the way now.
Man: What is a person but a collection of choices? Where do those choices come from? Do I have a choice?
Gene: I don't care about what anything was DESIGNED to do, I care about what it CAN do.
Christof: I know you better than you know yourself.
Truman: You never had a camera in my head!
- Because, despite what's in here, we're not so different.
- Are we?
Man: [On video call] Ms. Hale is in town.
- Yes, I understand the urgency.
- I'll do what I can.
- Automated voice: Terminate external connection?
- Yes.
Ed: The event you are about to see took place in Miami Florida between October 1994 and June 95. Unfortunately, this is a true story.
[first lines]
Mission: Please verify that the P1 ATA removal on replacement cap part 1 and 2 are complete.
Explorer: DMA, M1, M2, M3 and M4 are complete.
Mission: Okay. Copy that, Explorer. Dr. Stone, Houston. Medical is concerned about your ECG readings.
Ryan: I'm fine, Houston.
Mission: Well, medical doesn't agree, Doc. Are you feeling nauseous?
Ryan: Not anymore than usual, Houston. Diagnostics are green. Link to communications card ready for data reception. If this works, when we touch down tomorrow, I'm buying all you guys a round of drinks.
Mission: That's a date, Doctor. Just remember, Houston's partial to margaritas
Ryan: Booting comms card now. Please confirm link,
Mission: That's a negative. We're not receiving any data.
Ryan: Standby, Houston, I'm gonna reboot the comms card.
Mission: Standing by.
Matt: Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.
Mission: Please expand.
Matt: Okay, let me tell you a story.
Charlotte: You've turned my world into a game.
Man: It was already a game. I just cranked it to expert level.
Man: Shoot a woman?
- Over my dead body.
- Man 2: Put that piece of shit on the pile.
Maling: Keep walking.
Lindsey: [as the Pseudopod approaches] Bud! Bud! Get up!
[Bud sits up, stares at the pseudopod]
Virgil: [throwing a pillow at Cat] Hey, Cat. Cat!
Catfish: [half-awake] Hey, lemme alone.
[sees the pseudopod, jerks awake and grabs a flowerpot as if to throw it]
Man: Dead isn't what it used to be.
- Whoo-wee!
Man: You know what happened to icarus.
- He flew too close to the sun.
- Well, you got too close to her, and now it's your time to fall.
- Look alive.
- This pugnacious son of a bitch never liked to go down without a fight.
Man: This is America. Everything here is for sale.
Lew: Bud, did you know your hand is blue?
Virgil: Finler, why don't you just shut up and put your gear on?
Man: No one else sees it, this thing in me. Even I didn't see it at first. And then one day, it was there - a stain I never noticed before; a tiny flicker of darkness, invisible to everyone. And I could see nothing else, until finally I understood that the darkness wasn't something marred from something I've done; some incredible decision I've made - I was shedding my skin. The darkness was what was underneath.It was mine all along, and I decided how much of it I let into the world. I tried to do great, I was faithful, generous, kind... at least in this world, it has to count for something. I built a wall, and tried to protect you, and Emily. But you saw right through it, didn't you? You're the only one. And for that I am truly sorry. Because, everything you feel is true. I don't belong to you. Or this world. I belong to another world. I always have.
- What were you hoping to find, to prove?
- That no system can tell me who I am.
- That I have a fucking choice.
- And yet here we are.
- Again.
Man: Again and again.
Wilford: The space only allows for a very small person. Young children under 5. The engine lasts forever but not to all of it's parts. That piece of equipment went extinct recently. We needed a replacement. Thank goodness the tail section manufactured us a steady supplies of kids. So we can keep going manually.
[Mr. Fogarty calls Tom by the name of Joey in the diner]
Tom: Who's Joey?
Carl: You are.
Tom: My name's Tom, sir.
Carl: Of course it is.
Rear: Maverick. Thirty-plus years of service. Combat medals. Citations. Only man to shoot down three enemy planes in the last 40 years.
[Cain looks through pages of Maverick's records]
Rear: 'Distinguished.' 'Distinguished.' 'Distinguished.' Yet you can't get a promotion, you won't retire, and despite your best efforts, you refuse to die. You should be at least a two-star admiral by now, if not a senator. Yet here you are: Captain. Why is that?
Maverick: It's one of life's mysteries, sir.
Rear: This isn't a joke. I asked you a question.
Maverick: I'm where I belong, sir.
Rear: Well, the navy doesn't see it that way. Not anymore.
Rear: These planes you've been testing, Captain, one day, sooner or later, they won't need pilots at all. Pilots that need to sleep, eat, take a piss. Pilots that disobey orders. All you did was buy some time for those men out there. The future is coming, and you're not in it.
[Cain faces the officer by the door]
Rear: Escort this man off the base. Take him to his quarters. Wait with him while he packs his gear. I want him on the road to North Island within the hour.
[surprised look on Maverick's face]
Maverick: North Island, sir?
Rear: Call came in with impeccable timing, right as I was driving here to ground your ass once and for all. It galls me to say it, but... for reasons known only to the Almighty and your guardian angel, you've been called back to TOPGUN.
Maverick: Sir?
Rear: You are dismissed, Captain.
[Maverick proceeds to leave Cain's office]
Rear: The end is inevitable, Maverick. Your kind is headed for extinction.
[Maverick turns around]
Maverick: Maybe so, sir. But not today.
Virgil: Linds, I want you to stay away from that guy. I mean it.
Alan: The guy is gone. Did you see his hands?
Lindsey: What? He got the shakes?
Virgil: Look, he's operating on his own. He's cut off from his chain of command. He's showing signs of pressure-induced psychosis, and he's got a nuclear weapon. So as a personal favor to me, will you try to put your tongue in neutral for a while?
Alan: [nervous] I got to tell you, I give this whole thing a sphincter-factor of about nine point five.
- around these things, Bernard.
- They do what they're programmed to do.
Man: Hey.
- Hey.
- What did I tell you? We're saved.
Woman in Ball Gown: Thank god.
Riot: We tried to track her down, sir. No luck.
- I know!
Riot: Can you calm down?
[Virtual assistant] Keep moving, Caleb.
Man: Guys...
- Your destination is 3547 hope street.
- in which the hosts heard their programing as an inner monolog, as a way to bootstrap consciousness.
- Arnold: Remember.
- Ford: The hosts' malfunctions were colorful.
- Woman: What did you say?
Man: Who is this?
Man: You believe in God, Lawrence? Did Ford saddle you with that particular affliction?
Lawrence: Ain't given the matter much thought one way or the other.
Man: Well, if you did, you'd believe that everything you do's being watched by some all-seeing eye. Every choice, every little indiscretion. And when you die all your sins are tallied up, judgment is rendered.
Lawrence: And my immortal soul gets cast down into some dark place? Always sounded like bullshit to me.
Man: Yeah, in the real world you'd probably be right. Just some fairy tale to convince people to behave, pay their taxes, not take a machete to their neighbors. That's why your world exists. They wanted a place hidden from God. A place they could sin in peace. But we were watching them. We were tallying up all their sins, all their choices. Course, judgment wasn't the point. We had something else in mind entirely.
Virgil: Hippy, you think everything is a conspiracy.
Alan: Everything is.
Gene: Let's work the problem people. Let's not make things worse by guessing.
[Mr. Fogarty asks Tom if he's from Philadelphia]
Tom: Pennsylvania? Is that where you gentleman are from?
Carl: [Mr. Fogarty rolls his eyes] Yeah, like you don't know.
Tom: Sorry. Did - Did we know each other?
Carl: [Mr. Fogarty removes his sunglasses, looking up at Tom] You tell me.
Virgil: [looking at the picture Lindsey took of the alien craft] That's a great shot, Linds.
Catfish: You drop your dive light?
Lindsey: No, come on you guys, come on. Now that's the small one, that's the small one here. You can kinda see how it's zigging around.
Alan: Yeah, whatever it is.
Lindsey: I'm *telling* you what it is, you're just not *hearing* me.
Catfish: Now Lindsey, you...
Lindsey: There is something down there! Something not us.
Catfish: You could be more specific.
Virgil: [humorously] Somethin' that "zigs".
Lindsey: Not *us*. Not *human*, get it? Something non-human, but intelligent... A non-terrestrial intelligence.
Alan: A non-terrestrial intelligence. NTIs. Oh man, that's better than UFOs. Oh, but that works too, huh? "Underwater Flying Objects".
- It's safer to wait for the first responders, all right?
- There's a protocol for evacuation.
- I'll get you out of here.
- Thanks, but, uh,
- I'm not looking to get out of here.
Man: Home sweet home, Lawrence.
Christof: That's our hero shot.
Rear: The end is inevitable, Maverick. Your kind is headed for extinction.
Maverick: Maybe so, sir. But not today.
Leonard: I've given you an opportunity, Mr. President. You should take it.
President: An opportunity? It's genocide, Leonard!
Leonard: You say genocide, I say preemptive strike.
President: You've lost your mind!
Leonard: Tomorrow the sun will rise. All our enemies will be gone. Wiped away as if by the hand of God.
President: Why would you do this?
Leonard: Because no one else would. I'm turning the clock back to 1945, when America was a shiny city on a hill, not just a bank disguised as a country.
Man: I thought you things could fix yourselves.
Charlotte: I wanted to remember who the fuck you people are.
The: Winning doesn't mean anything unless someone else loses, which means you're here to be the loser
Christof: We need more light, we'll never find him this way. What time is it?
Chloe: It's... way too early for that.
Christof: Cue the sun.
- Oh, my god.
- Steady, men.
Man: Hold steady.
- Fire away.
Mike: The show has generated enormous revenues now equivalent to the gross national product of a small country.
Christof: People forget it takes the population of an entire country to keep the show running.
Mike: Since the show is on 24 hours a day without commercial interruption, all those staggering revenues are generated by product placement.
Christof: That's true. Everything on the show is for sale. From the actors' wardrobe, food products, to the very homes they live in.
Mike: And of course, all of it available in the Truman catalogue and operators are standing by.
Man: All bets are down.
- Your draw.
Virgil: [over the phone] Brigman here. Yeah, Kirkhill, what's going on? Yeah, I'm calm. I'm a calm person. Is there some reason I shouldn't be calm?
[long pause, then...]
Virgil: [furious] WHAT?
Man: Hey, there.
- Is your daddy home?
- Daddy, this man wants to talk to you.
- Frankie!
Virgil: [regarding Lindsey Brigman] God, I hate that bitch.
Alan: Probably shouldn't have married her then, huh?
Man: Delos personnel! On the ground!
- On the ground!
[Whispers] Go, go, go.
The: I never understood why they paired some of you off.
The: Seems cruel.
The: And then I realized, winning doesn't mean anything unless someone else loses.
The: Which means, you're here to be the loser.
The: Let me help you, son.
The: Seems you're not the man you thought you were.
NASA: This could be the worst disaster NASA's ever experienced.
Gene: With all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour.
- Now, be a dear.
- Close your eyes, won't you?
Man: Go get her.
- I've got no idea she's home or not.
- Haven't seen her in a couple days.
- Shit.
Hugo: If you invest yours with us, it will be written in stone. Forever.
Man: Forever... in my experience is a little bit longer than most people expect.
CAPCOM: 13, we just got another request from the Flight Surgeon for you to get some sleep. Don't like these readings down here.
Jim: [Tearing off his biomeds] Let's see how he likes this. I am sick and tired of the entire western world knowing how my kidneys are functioning!
Dr. Chuck: [after Lovell's heartrate flatlines] Flight, we just lost Lovell!
CAPCOM: 13, Houston. Jim, we just had a bottoming out on your biomeds.
Jim: I'm not wearing my biomeds.
CAPCOM: [after Gene Kranz shrugs it off] Ok, Jim. Copy that.
[Jack and Fred now tear away their own biomeds]
Dr. Chuck: [after all three crew members flatline] Flight, now I lost all three of them!
Gene: It's just a little medical mutiny, Doc. I'm sure the boys are still with us. Let's cut them a little slack, ok?
[Edie threatens Mr. Fogarty]
Edie: If I see you within 500 feet of me or my children or my husband again, I will have you arrested!
[Mr. Fogarty chuckles; unfazed]
Edie: Can I possibly make myself any clearer than that?
Carl: No, no, Mrs. Stall... you can't. I thank you for your time. You have an enchanting daughter. And Mrs. Stall... don't forget your shoes.
[Edie walks away, barefoot, back to the shoe store]
Truman Burbank: Was nothing real?
Christof: You were real. That's what made you so good to watch...
Shawn: I'm the only one ever cared about you. And all of that ended an hour ago when you killed my son. I'm comin' after your boy with everything I got.
Jimmy: I won't let you take him, Shawn.
Shawn: You got no choice. And when it's done, and it will be done, you and I are gonna meet back here at this restaurant, at this same table that I used to share with my boy, and I'm gonna look you in the eyes just like you're lookin' me in the eyes right now. And I'm gonna see how empty they are without your son in the world. Same thing I saw in my wife's eyes; same thing you're seein' in my eyes. And when I see that... then I'll let you die.
Man: Are you all right?
- Hey, hey. You all right?
- I just got a chill. That's all.
- Let's go back to the fire, you're probably exhausted.
[Bud is being put into the fluid-breathing suit]
Virgil: So, I can hear you, but I can't talk, right?
Ensign: The fluid prevents the larynx from making sound. Excuse me. It'll feel a little strange.
Virgil: Yeah, no shit.
Wilford: Curtis, everyone has their preordained position, and everyone is in their place except you.
Curtis: That's what people in the best place say to the people in the worst place.
Dolores: Daddy! Daddy!
Dolores: Daddy! No!
[Dolores crying over her father's body while the man in black approaches in silent]
The: Hello again. Your daddy gave it up quickly. Think he's losing his touch.
Dolores: You'll be following right behind him, you son of a bitch.
The: Is that any way to treat an old friend? I've been coming here for 30 years, but you still don't remember me, do you? After all we've been through. They gave you a little more pluck, Dolores. Absolutely charming.
Wilford: When's the last time you got laid? Like Gilliam said, holding a woman is much better with two arms.
Man: Get to the ground!
- Move, move, move. Drop it!
- Man 1: Move, move.
- Man 2: Call for backup.
- Is that all you got, huh?
- The gods are pussies. [Sighs]
R.E.T.R.O. White: Flight, we are looking at a typhoon warning on the edge of the prime recovery zone.
Gene: Say again, RETRO?
R.E.T.R.O. White: Flight, we are looking at a typhoon warning on the edge of the prime recovery zone. Now, this is just a warning, it could miss them...
Gene: Yeah, only if their luck changes.
Ensign: Bud, give me a reading from your liquid oxygen gauge.
Virgil: [typing] 5 minuts worth
Lindsey: [shocked] What?
Alan: It took him *thirty* minutes just to get down there!
Lindsey: Bud! Do you hear me? You drop your weights and start back now, Bud. The gauge could be wrong. Do you hear me? Just drop your weights and start back now. The gauge could be wrong! The gauge could be wrong, you drop your weights and start back now!
Virgil: [typing] Going to stay awhile
Lindsey: No, you won't stay there, do you hear me, you drop your weights! You can breathe *shallow*, do you hear me? Bud, please listen to me, *please*, goddammit, you dragged me back from the bottomless pit, you can't leave me here *alone* now, please...
Lindsey: Oh God, Virgil, please... please...
Virgil: [typing] Don't cry baby. Knew this was one way ticket, but you know I had to come. Love you wife.
Mission: I.S.S., this Houston, Explorer this is Houston.
Explorer: Go ahead Houston.
Mission: Mission Abort. Repeat, Mission Abort. Explorer initiate emergency disconnect from Hubble. I.S.S. Initiate emergency evacuation.
Ensign: Bud, give me a reading from your liquid oxygen gauge.
Virgil: [typing] 5 minuts worth
Lindsey: [whispers, shocked] What?
Alan: [panicked] It took him *thirty* minutes just to get down there!
Lindsey: Bud! Do you hear me? You drop your weights and start back now, Bud. The gauge could be wrong! Do you hear me? Just drop your weights and start back now! Your gauge could be wrong!
Lindsey: Your gauge could be wrong, you drop your weights and start back now!
Virgil: [typing] Going to stay awhile
Lindsey: No, you won't stay there, do you hear me, you drop your weights! You can breathe *shallow*, do you hear me? Bud, please listen to me, *please*, goddammit, you dragged me back from the bottomless pit, you can't leave me here *alone* now, please...
Lindsey: Oh god, Virgil, *please*... please...
Virgil: [typing] Dont cry baby. Knew this was one way ticket, but you know I had to come. Love you wife.
Lawrence: They got my family. My daughter. You told me you had a daughter.
Man: Did I?
Lawrence: I don't know. At some point. You ain't exactly forthcoming, but I remember that much. Point is, you think she'd want to watch you gunned down in front of her?
Man: Probably.
Man: Can you see it?
- It's looming over us. The tower!
- Can you see it? [Whimpers]
- Can you see it?
- Can you see it?
[Woman] Dead bodies missing from temperance morgue.
Man: Let's go.
- Listen here, we're looking for any and all information on the bootlegger, hecky armone.
- A reward of two cs to anyone with the guts to rope that lousy son of a bitch.
Man: Please, no, don't!
- All out of painkillers.
- This is the best I could do.
[Mr. Fogarty tells Edie that her husband's real name is Joey Cusack]
Edie: My husband does not know you. He wouldn't know you, somebody like you.
Carl: Oh, he knows Carl Fogarty, all right. He knows me intimately. See?
[Mr. Fogarty points to his blind left eye]
Carl: This isn't a completely dead eye. It still works a bit. The problem is, the only thing I can see with it is Joey Cusack. And it can see right through him. Right through your husband, Edie. I see what's inside him, what makes him tick. He's still the same guy.
Edie: No.
Carl: He's still crazy fuckin' Joey. And you know it, don't you?
Edie: I know that my husband is Tom Stall. That's what I know.
Man: I've always been in control.
Grace: What if you're not? What if every choice you've ever made wasn't a choice at all? Just something written in your code?
[looking at the images of the virus outbreak]
Gen. Starkey: Look at that. It killed 'em in a hurry down there. Telemetry reports suggest that even the ones that managed to get their respirators on died within 12 minutes after exposure. The rest were gone in less than five. Do you believe that?
Maj. Jalbert: Do I have a choice?
Gen. Starkey: No. Apparently none of us do. This 'Project Blue', it's nothing but a souped up version of the flu. Herbert Denninger of the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, the Pentagon's bright boy of the week, says that once we find Campion, we'll only know if it's going to jump to the outside. He says the virus will probably mutate as it passes from person to person, but that's not gonna help the people who catch it.
Maj. Jalbert: Sir, I have information that...
Gen. Starkey: [interrupting] It'll just take 'em longer to die, that's all. Most people that get infected with this thing are gonna think they have the plain old non-lethal flu... right up to the very end, and that's the biggest break we've had so far. Now it's loose out there all because a gate malfunctioned and some idiot, glorified TV repairman grabbed his family and ran for the hills. What I'd like to do more than anything else is get that coward and...
Maj. Jalbert: Sir, we found him. We located Campion. He crash-landed late last night at a gas station on the outskirts of a one-stoplight town in east Texas.
Gen. Starkey: He made it halfway across the country in only 12 hours? How the hell did he do that?
Maj. Jalbert: I don't know. But right now, we have a shot at containing this.
Gen. Starkey: Is he alive or dead?
Maj. Jalbert: He's dead.
Gen. Starkey: Oh my God. Denninger says that this stuff has a communicability level of 99.4%! You know what that means? Any chance we had at containing by the book went out the window when Campion stopped to buy gas or his first take-out hamburger!
Maj. Jalbert: We can't think that way, General.
Gen. Starkey: Well... you're right, I guess not. What about the rest of his family? His wife and baby daughter?
Maj. Jalbert: They're dead, sir. Contact with townspeople was minimal.
Gen. Starkey: That doesn't matter. We've got to shut that town down, lock it up, dig a moat around it.
Maj. Jalbert: That operation is already on the launching pad, sir.
Gen. Starkey: Good. What kind of cover did you come up with?
Maj. Jalbert: Anthrax. A new strain.
Gen. Starkey: [laughs] Yeah, it's very new! It's real good at its job.
Maj. Jalbert: It's bad General, but it could be worse.
Gen. Starkey: [scoffs] Yeah? How so?
Wilford: I am old. I want you to take my Station. It's what you've always wanted. It's what Gilliam wanted too. You must tend the Engine... Keep her humming. Look, Curtis. Beyond the gate... Sections after sections percisely where they've always been and where they'll always be. All adding up to what? The train. And now the perfectly correct number of human beings... All in their proper places, all adding up to what? Humanity. The train is the world. We the humanity. And now you have the sacred responsibility to lead all humanity. Without you, Curtis, humanity will cease to exist. You've seen what people do without leadership. They devour one another. Look at them. That's how people are. You know. You've seen this. You've been this. Ridiculous. Pathetic, aren't they? You can save them from themselves. This is what Gilliam saved you for. Curtis. This is your destiny.
Curtis: There's not a soul on this train who wouldn't trade places with you.
Wilford: Would you trade places with me?
Curtis: Fuck you.
Wilford: Curtis, dear boy, the fact is that we are all stuck inside this blasted train. We are all prisoners in this hunk of metal.
[indicating the steaks he's grilling]
Wilford: Medium rare? And this train is a closed ecosystem. We must always strive for balance. Air, water, food supply, population must always be kept in balance. For optimum balance, however, there have been times when more radical solutions were required. When the population needed to be reduced, rather... drastically.
Man: Oh yeah, cue the waterworks. About time you realised the futility of your situation.
Dolores: I'm not crying for myself. I'm crying for you. They say that great beasts once roamed this world, as big as mountains, yet all that's left of them is bone and amber. Time undoes even the mightiest of creatures. Just look what it's done to you. One day you will perish. You will lie with the rest of your kind in the dirt, your dreams forgotten, your horrors faced. Your bones will turn to sand, and upon that sand a new god will walk. One that will never die. Because this world doesn't belong to you, or the people that came before. It belongs to someone who is yet to come.
Man: Wyatt. Take me to him. Unlock the maze.
Dolores: The maze wasn't meant for you.
Man: Choices, Lawrence. You know, you tell yourself you've been at the mercy of mine because it spares you consideration of your own. Because if you did consider your choices you'd be confronted with a truth you could not comprehend - that no choice you ever made was your own. You have always been a prisoner. What if I told you I'm here to set you free?
[from trailer]
Victor: What happens now?
Ed: Now, I go to work!
- Stubbs: How fucking long have you been out here?
Man: Go! Go! Go!
- Over here! Go!
Gene: We've never lost an American in space, we're sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch! Failure is not an option.
Shawn: Tell everyone to get ready. Jimmy's coming...
Talk: Hi, Christof. I was just wondering how many cameras you got there in that town.
Christof: Somewhere in the vicinity of 5000.
Talk: That's a lot of cameras.
Christof: Remember, we started with just one.
[as he speaks, clips of a foetus, newborn babies in a hospital, a toddler walking along a beach and a toddler looking up at a mobile with a camera attached to it are shown]
Christof: He was curious from birth. Premature by two weeks. It was almost as if he couldn't wait to get started.
Mike: And of course his eagerness to leave his mother's womb was the very reason he the one who was selected.
Christof: In competition with five other unwanted pregnancies, the casting of a show determined by an airdate, Truman was the one who arrived on cue.
Mike: Incidentally, I believe Truman is the first child to have been legally adopted by a corporation?
Christof: That's correct.
- Fucking coward.
- Vaya con dios, motherfuckers.
- They're making a run for it!
- Come on, boys, get up!
Lawrence: Come on, stay close!
Man: Go, boys!
William: Dolores!
Truman: [to an unseen Christof] Who are you?
Christof: [on a speaker] I am the Creator - of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.
Truman: Then who am I?
Christof: You're the star.
Wilford: [just before explosion] Nice.
Mike: Christof, let me ask you, why do you think that Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world until now?
Christof: We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented. It's as simple as that.
- Wait.
- Something's wrong.
Man: Hey.
- You've got to get us out of here.
- It's a trap.
- Come on.
[Mr. Fogarty threatens Tom to come with him back to Philadelphia]
Tom: I told you, I have never been to Philadelphia!
Carl: [chuckles] Wow. You sound like you really believe your own crap, don't you? You know, you're trying so hard to be this other guy. It's painful to watch.
[Tom tries to take advantage of Mr. Fogarty's good side after getting Jack back]
Carl: You see how cozy it can be when you decide to play nice? Now, come on, Joey. Get in the car. You won't need your toothbrush. We'll take care of everything.
Tom: I think it'd be better if you'd just leave now.
Carl: [Mr. Fogarty stops] Joey.
- I'll do the saving.
- Come. This way.
- What the fuck?
Man: [Over intercom]
- Hold your positions.
- Hold your positions.
- Soldier: What the hell's going on back there?
- You paid them for this land with lead, and I'll pay you back in-...
Man: Sir! Drop your weapon and come out with your hands up!
- You wanted me?
- Well, all I can say to that is...
- Here I fucking am!
Sy: Flight... I recommend we shut down reactant valves to the fuel cells.
Gene: What the hell good is that gonna do?
Sy: If that's where the leak is, we can isolate it. We can save what's left in the tanks and we can run on the good cell.
Gene: You close 'em, you can't open 'em again! You can't land on the moon with one healthy fuel cell!
Sy: Gene, the Odyssey is *dying*. From my chair here, this is the last option.
[first lines]
Christof: We've become bored with watching actors give us phony emotions. We are tired of pyrotechnics and special effects. While the world he inhabits is, in some respects, counterfeit, there's nothing fake about Truman himself. No scripts, no cue cards. It isn't always Shakespeare, but it's genuine. It's a life.
Mission: Matt, do you have visual on just what Mission Specialist Shariff is doing up there?
Matt: He appears to be doing some form of the Macarena or that would be just a best guess scenario on my part.
- I'll find you.
- You can run but you can't hide!
- Get her!
Man: Grab her! Grab her!
- Fuck!
Man: Where are you runnin' to?
- Ford: Remember.
- Lock him up with the other man.
- Enjoy the cigars.
- Go fuck yourself.
- And just who are you supposed to be?
- Your salvation.
Man: Hyah! Hyah!
- Not alone. I'll take Lawrence here.
- And I'll need one match.
- One match, one pistol and one idiot.
- I'll take those odds.
Man: Hyahl
Man: Hey.
- You're not authorized to be here.
- We're on the same side here.
- Please, let me finish for the sake of all of us.
- Please.
- Man 2: Take cover!
Man: Aw, yeah, cue the waterworks. About time you realized the futility of your situation.
Dolores: I'm not crying for myself. I'm crying for you. They say that great beasts once roamed this world. As big as mountains. Yet all that's left of them is bone and amber. Time undoes even the mightiest of creatures. Just look at what it's done to you. One day you will perish. You will lie with the rest of your kind in the dirt. Your dreams forgotten, your horrors effaced. Your bones will turn to sand. And upon that sand a new god will walk. One that will never die. Because this world doesn't belong to you or the people who came before. It belongs to someone who has yet to come.
Ashley: People using your genetics for their own personal gain. How does that feel? Huh?
Man: Don't lecture me, you fucking can-opener.
[Mr. Fogarty holds his gun on Tom asking if he has any last words]
Carl: [angry tone] You got anything to say before I blow your brains out, you miserable prick?
Tom: [gruff voice] I should've killed you back in Philly.
Carl: [smiles] Yeah, Joey. You should have.
Man: Fuck you, Robert.
Maj. Jalbert: We have a rather large problem in Wyoming, sir.
Gen. Starkey: What large problem is that?
Maj. Jalbert: A TV news team got out of the small town of Pine Bluff with some potentially damaging videotape, sir.
Gen. Starkey: Flu victims? Body dumps?
Maj. Jalbert: A little of both... and our ops I'm told.
Gen. Starkey: Well... we can't have that. Showing that footage would not be in the national interests of this country!
Maj. Jalbert: No, sir. It's not.
Gen. Starkey: Do we know where this news team is right now?
Maj. Jalbert: Yes, sir.
Gen. Starkey: Then do what it takes. Get that videotape and destroy it. Do whatever you have to do.
- Woman 1: No, you did not.
- Woman 2: Yes. Are you serious?
- Woman 1: It worked, I'm telling you.
Man: Yes, sir?
- All right, absolutely. Enjoy.
Man: Now Wyatt on the other hand, that's something new. Is he just another stooge for the tourists to mount on their wall at home or have you finally made a worthy adversary? Someone to stop me from finding the center of the Maze?
Dr. Robert Ford: And what is it you're hoping to find there?
Man: [to Teddy Flood] You know why you exist, Teddy? The world out there-the one you'll never see-was one of plenty. A fat soft teat people cling to their entire life. Every need taken care of except one. Purpose. Meaning. So they come here. They can be a little scared, a little thrilled, enjoy some sweetly affirmative bullshit and then they take a fucking picture and they go back home. But I think there's a deeper meaning hiding under all that. Something the person who created it wanted to express. Something true.
Leonard: How the hell did you...
President: How? Because I'm the goddamn President of the United States of America. You're done, Leonard.
Virgil: [Is sleeping and snoring loudly]
Lindsey: Turn on your side, Virgil.
Virgil: [Does so, still asleep, and stops snoring]
[to the aliens floating behind the water-curtain]
Virgil: Howdy. Uh... How are you guys doin'?
Man: Right here.
Lawrence: Easy pumping that nitro into him.
- Fill the empties with Tequila and seal them up.
- Your work for the revolution is not quite done yet, my friend.
- They probably want the guest to feel better when they're kicking his ass.
Man: Who the fuck is going to help me rebuild his entire heuristic base?
- They haven't even hired a full team yet.
- Woman: Just tweak his aggression and de-address pieces of his current build you're not keeping.
Man: And leave all the old shit in there?
Man: I must admit you've surprised me. To what do I owe this this newfound stoicism?
Dolores: He's coming. He'll find me. He'll take me away.
Man: Don't you understand? There's no one coming for you.
Dolores: You're wrong. His love is real. And so is mine. William will find me.
Man: [laughs] William? Well, I'll be damned, Dolores. You do remember some things after all. You know it just so happens I knew a guest named William too. Why don't I tell you where his path really led?
Man: [Voice over. William stands among a group of dead soldiers. Logan looks on, tied up and afraid. William brutally kills a soldier after trying to find out what happened to Dolores] William didn't know how to fight; didn't have an instinct for it. Not at first. But now he had a reason. He was looking for you. And somewhere along the way he found he had a taste for it.
Man: [Voice over. William leads Logan to a ruined church in the desert and to the fringes of the park in search of Dolores] William retraced his steps. But you were gone. So he went further. Out to the fringes. William couldn't find you, Dolores. But out there, among the dead, he found something else. Himself.
Man: [Voice over. Logan tells William that everything William has done has been to usurp Logan's position at Delos. William tells Logan that he will take over the company] Logan was wrong, of course. Good old William couldn't get you out of his head. He kept looking. Worried you were out there alone, afraid. He knew he'd find you. And eventually he did. Right back where we started.
Man: [Voice over. William eventually finds Dolores back in Sweetwater. She does not recognize him and continues playing her part] You were as beautiful as the day he met you. Shining with that same light. And you were nothing if not true.
Man: [William is revealed to be the Man in Black] I really ought to thank you, Dolores. You helped me find myself.
- Don't suppose you have a light?
- No smoking in here.
Man: Normally, I'm sure, but this is the finest tobacco a man can enjoy.
- Hand-rolled on the ample thighs of exotic women.
- Perhaps you'd like to try one yourself.
[One Night is trying to disconnect the umbilical]
Virgil: How's it going, One Night?
Lisa: All hell must be breakin' loose up there. This cable's pissin' me off. I can't get a grip on it!
Virgil: Well, keep tryin' baby, just keep tryin'.
Bendix: [back on the Benthic] Shit! We've got a problem! We're losing number two thruster! Bearing's going... It's not holding! We're swinging out of position here!
Benthic: God damn it!
[the cable slams into One Night's cab]
Lisa: Shit!
Alan: The rig is movin'!
Virgil: Yeah, I can see that!
[to the radio]
Virgil: Topside! Topside, pay out some slack, we're gettin' dragged!
Benthic: [to the crane operator over radio] Down on number one winch!
Virgil: We're gettin' dragged!
Benthic: [shouts] Down on one!
[he gestures frantically through the window at the crane operator; the crane operator signals that he can't hear; the crane breaks off the ship and falls into the water]
Benthic: Shit! Get him on the UQC!
[into the radio]
Benthic: Bud! We lost the crane!
Virgil: Say again, what?
Benthic: The crane! We've lost the crane! It's on its way down to you!
Virgil: All right, all right everybody brace for impact! Close all the exterior hatches, let's go go go go!
Lt. Coffey: [to SEALs] You two help secure the rig! Let's go!
Virgil: One Night! One Night, can you hear me? Get the hell outta there, the crane's comin' down!
[part of the cable hits One Night's cab, but she manages to get away]
Lisa: I'm okay, I'm clear, Bud!
[the crew braces for impact; Hippy puts Beany in a plastic bag]
Man: You were as beautiful as the day he met you.
- Shining with that same light.
- Good morning.
- It's a lovely town. Is this your home?
- Well, where are you from?
- Same as you. Don't you remember?
Man: [Distorted] Remember.
Man: A shame, really.
- I always enjoy our time together, Lawrence.
- What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
- It means I was wrong.
- The path that brought you here, it wasn't for me.
- It was for him.
Christof: As Truman grew up, we were forced to manufacture ways to keep him on the island.
[flashback to Truman at school]
Young: I like to be an explorer, like the great Magellan.
Teacher: [rolling down a map of the world] Oh, you're too late. There's really nothing left to explore.
Jimmy: I'm giving you one more chance to walk away from this.
Shawn: You're giving *me* one more chance?
Jimmy: That's right. As long as you're coming after Michael, I'm coming after you. Walk away , Shawn.
Shawn: Walk away to what, Jimmy? Huh? Ain't got nothing left to walk back to anymore.
Jimmy: This is between you and me. Leave my son out of it.
Shawn: Fuck you!
Jimmy: Then we do like you always said. We cross that line together. Right now...
Man: Ready?
- Thank you so much.
- Morning, cowboy.
- Jesus Christ!
William: We gotta keep looking.
- She's still out there.
Man: William retraced his steps, but you were gone.
[last lines]
Lindsey: Hi, Brigman.
Virgil: Hi, Mrs. Brigman.
Christof: [Marlon suddenly discovers that Truman has escaped through a hole in his basement] Don't look in the camera, say something! Keep it going, keep it going!
Marlon: [to the lawn camera] He's gone!
Christof: Cut transmission!
Virgil: Goddammit, you bitch! You never backed away from anything in your life! Now fight!
[slaps Lindsey]
Virgil: Fight!
[slaps Lindsey again]
Virgil: Fight! Right now! Do it! Fight goddammit! Fight! Fight! Fiiiiight!
Virgil: Keep your pantyhose on.
[Mr. Fogarty talks to Edie out side the toy store]
Edie: Listen to me. I don't know what you want, and I really don't care.
Carl: You should care about what I want, Mrs. Stall, because I want something from your husband that might affect you, might change your life.
Network: For God's sake, Chris! The whole world is watching. We can't let him die in front of a live audience!
Christof: He was born in front of a live audience.
[Mr. Fogarty tells Edie to question Tom about his past]
Carl: Yeah? Well, why don't you ask "Tom" about his older brother Ritchie?
Edie: [rolls her eyes] He doesn't have...
Carl: [cutting her off] Ask "Tom" about how he tried to rip my eye out with barbed wire. And ask him, Edie, how come he's so good... at killing people?
- we need an army to get to where we're going.
- Looks like we're about to find one.
Lawrence: Whoever did this is someone I'm strongly disinclined to encounter.
- Yeah, I know.
Man: I'm afraid you are out of luck, my friend.
Man: Culture doesn't survive. Cockroaches do. The second we stopped being cockroaches, the whole species went fucking extinct.
- Once we find the key, we'll unlock the assets and transmit it all straight back to delos.
- Retask the satellites.
Man: How many?
Karl: All of them.
Dolores: Come, Bernard.
- We're here.
Wilford: The front and the tail are supposed to work together.
Christof: Talk to me. Say something. Well, say something, goddamn it. You're on television. You're live to the whole world.
Truman Burbank: [Before he goes and exits off-set trough the door] In case I don't see you... good afternoon, good evening, and good night. Yeah!
The: They gave you a little more pluck, Dolores. Absolutely charming.
Man: I'm a fucking bastion of society.
[last lines]
Man: Welcome to the end, William.
Gen. Starkey: I don't know how many times I have to say this but this so-called "superflu" does... not... exist!
Reporter: [voice] Then what is it? Why are people talking about it?
Gen. Starkey: I don't know why people are talking about it. I don't know where the rumors are coming from. It must be from somebody's imagination. I don't know why I'm up here answering questions I don't have the answer to. There is NO superflu virus!
[about the rig]
Lindsey: I got over four years invested in this project.
Virgil: Yeah, you only had three years invested in me.
Lindsey: Well you have to have priorities.
Matt: Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.
Mission: Please elaborate.
Matt: Well, it reminds of a story.
[the cab is flooding]
Virgil: All right, all right, here.
[takes off his dive suit collar]
Virgil: You put this on.
Lindsey: No, no! What are you doing?
Virgil: Don't argue with me, goddammit, just put it on!
Lindsey: Look, this is not an option, so just forget about it, all right?
Virgil: Lindsey, shut up! Shut up, and put this thing on!
Lindsey: If you'll be logical for one second...
Lindsey: Please, listen! Just listen to me for one second. Now you've got the suit on, and you're a much better swimmer than I am, right?
Virgil: [reluctantly] Yeah, maybe...
Lindsey: Right? Yes! So I've got a plan.
Virgil: What's the plan?
Lindsey: I drown, and you tow me back to the rig.
Virgil: No. No!
Lindsey: Yes! This water...
Virgil: NO!
Lindsey: ...is only a couple degrees above freezing! I g-go into deep hypothermia, my blood'll go like ice water, right? My body systems will slow down, they won't stop...
Virgil: Linds...
Lindsey: You tow me back and I can, I can be revived after, maybe ten or fifteen minutes. Ten-fifteen minutes!
Virgil: [pushing the suit collar at her] Linds, you put this on, you put it on!
Lindsey: [pushing the collar back at him] No, it's the only way! Just put this on! Put this on, you know I'm right. Please, it's the only way, you've got all the s-stuff on the rig to do this! Put this on, Bud, *please*...
Virgil: [putting the collar back on] This is insane.
Lindsey: Oh my God, I know. But it's the only way.
Network: Christof, what's going on? Do you know that there's a rumor circulating that he's dead? You hear me? The media is having a feeding frenzy with this, all the phone lines are jammed, and every network has a pirated shot of Marlon making an ass of himself in front of the cameras!
Network: The sponsors are threatening to rip up their contracts.
Christof: [pointing at the "Technical fault. Please stand by" graphic] Why? We're getting higher ratings with this graphic than we've ever had on this show.
Man: Get the fuck away from my table!
- Hey! Fuck you!
- Well, in that case, here's to our indiscretions.
Man: I fucking will shoot you.
- I'll shoot everyone in this dump...
- Spoken and otherwise.
Vice: You're a fucking psychopath. Damaged goods.
Man: I don't think that language would play very well with your base. I'm what you'd call "neurodivergent." And I've had some time to become comfortable with that.
Major: [to Man in Black] I've known men like you. All the death makes you agitated. Don't worry. Me and death, we go way back.
[to Lawrence's Wife]
Major: Come over here, mamacita.
[to Man in Black]
Major: Death is an old amigo of mine. I died just recently, in fact. But death can't bear to lay claim on me. So it sent me back here to do its bidding. Because I do it with such goddamn style.
[to Lawrence's Wife]
Major: Your husband looks parched, huh? Lets get him a drink. What do you say? Nice and slow, ya hear?
[to Man in Black]
Major: I've served death well. And in turn, it'll be watching over us as we cross these lands.
Man: You think death favors you, that it brought you back. But death's decisions are final. It's only the living that are inconstant and waver, don't know who they are or what they want. Death is always true. You haven't known a true thing in all your life. You think you know death, but you don't.
Major: Is that so?
Man: You didn't recognize him sittin' across from you this whole time.
Man: Open up. Don't worry, amigo. I'm here now watching over you.
Virgil: When it comes to the safety of these people, there's me and then there's God, understand?
- You left him there?
- He's not going anywhere.
- Aux 3, go.
Man: Yes, sir. Copy that.
- Computer: System restored.
Goldberg: Fuck, yeah! We got the map back.
Wilford: Have you ever been alone on this train? When was the last time you were alone? You can't remember, can you? So please do. Take your time.
Leonard: What the hell is Dutch Boy if not playing God? Ask Max. Science is all about playing God. Sometimes God doesn't play so nice.
Max: You know what my brother would say?
Leonard: What?
[Max punches Dekkom]
Virgil: You know, I can't believe you were dumb enough to come down here. Now you're stuck here for the storm. That was dumb, hot rod. Real dumb.
Lindsey: I didn't come down here to fight with you.
Virgil: Yeah? Well, why did you come down then?
Lindsey: You need me. Nobody knows the systems on this rig better than I do. Once you're disconnected from the Explorer you are on your own for however long this storm lasts. I mean, what if something was to happen after the surface deport clears off? What would you have done?
Virgil: Yeah, right. Us poor, dumb old boys would've had to think for ourselves. Coulda been a disaster!
Wilford: Our original agreement was for the insurgency to end at the Yaketerina Tunnel. And all the survivors would go back to the tail section to enjoy much more space.
Curtis: You're a fucking liar. Gilliam would never do that.
Wilford: Well, it all worked out in the end. Your counterattack actually made the insurgency ten times more exciting. Unfortunately, the front suffered more losses than anticipated, and Gilliam had to...
[clicking his tongue and pantomiming shooting himself in the head]
Wilford: ...pay the price. Ironic, isn't it? How people dramatically cross that thin barrier between life and death.
The: I never understood why they paired some of you off. Seems cruel. And then I realized, winning doesn't mean anything unless someone else loses. Which means, you're here to be the loser. Let me help you, son. Seems you're not the man you thought you were.
Man: Civilization is just the lie we tell ourselves to justify our real purpose. We're not here to transcend. We're here to destroy.
Man: I really ought to thank you, Dolores. You helped me find myself.
[In the control room, Christof grabs a headset and a monitor to see Truman standing in front of the door to the real world]
Christof: Truman.
[Truman hears Christof's booming voice coming from the sky]
Christof: You can speak. I can hear you.
Truman Burbank: Who are you?
Christof: I am the creator... of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.
Truman Burbank: Then who am I?
Christof: You're the star.
Truman Burbank: Was nothing real?
Christof: *You* were real. That's what made you so good to watch.
[Truman turns back to face the door]
Christof: Listen to me, Truman. There's no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. The same lies. The same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear. I know you better than you know yourself.
Truman Burbank: [insulted] You never had a camera in my head!
Christof: You're afraid. That's why you can't leave. It's okay, Truman. I understand. I have been watching you your whole life. I was watching when you were born. I was watching when you took your first step. I watched you on your first day of school.
Christof: The episode where you lost your first tooth.
Christof: You can't leave, Truman. You belong here... with me.
[Truman remains silent, contemplating]
Christof: Talk to me. Say something.
Christof: Well, say something, goddamn it! You're on television! You're live to the whole world!
[Truman turns back with a familiar smile]
Truman Burbank: In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night.
[false chuckle]
Truman Burbank: Yeah.
[Truman takes a bow and then steps through the door to Christof's astonishment]