The Best Ava Gardner Quotes

Ava: Get that crazy bitch away from me!

Howard: Does that look clean to you?
Ava: Nothing's clean, Howard. But we do our best, right?

Ava: You listened to my phone calls?
Howard: No! No! No! Honey I would never do that! I'd never do that! I... I just read the transcripts, that's all.

Ava: You don't own me, Howard. I'm not one of your teenage whores and I'm not some damn airplane!

Howard: No, wait! Honey, you can't move! You can't move, you're safe here! You're in the germ-free zone now, y'understand?
Ava: I'll take my chances.
Howard: No, no! Honey, wait... wait, uh...
[Ava removes the string barriers from the doorway and walks into the study. She turns on the light, revealing that entire room is covered with used tissues and string barriers everywhere. Silence for a moment]
Ava: Love what you've done with the place...

Ava: ...You can't buy me, Howard, so stop trying. Don't buy me any more diamonds or sapphires or any other damn thing. You can buy me dinner...

Howard: Will you marry me?
Ava: You're too crazy for me.