The Best Jack Frye Quotes

Jack: You want me to bribe senators?
Howard: I don't want them bribed, Jack. I want this done legal. I want them *bought*.

Howard: [pensively weighing options] I could do that.
Jack: Do what?
Howard: Buy it.
Jack: You wanna *buy* the airline?
Howard: Well why not? We don't want a bunch of pencil-pushers gettin' in the way of us makin' our plane now do we?
Jack: No...
Howard: [walking away] You call Noel Dietrich. You tell him to start buying!
Jack: [yelling after him in shock] Hang on Howard! You sure you don't want to stop and think about this for a second?
Howard: Nope! I've got a tiger by the tail here and I'm not about to let go!